The House and Senate of Tennessee passed a joint resolution last week to sue Obama over his illegal refugee orders to place Syrian refugees in the State of Tennessee . Tennessee opted out of the refugee program in 2008 but that didn't stop the usurper Obama from sending refugees into Tennessee against the will of the citizens of the State of Tennessee. Our Attorney General will now file suit against Obama and his administration for unConstitutional executive orders that place Syrian refugees, 80%- 90% Muslim, in Tennessee. Obama has also announced the vetting process on the refugees will be shortened from.... 2 years 3 months ....virtually guaranteeing these people will not be sufficiently checked for any ties to Muslim fundamentalist terror organizations like ISIS. Hussein Obama is therefore endangering the lives of the citizens of Tennessee and any other State where he sends these refugees. This should be an easy case to win since Obama has violated his Oath of Office to faithfully execute the laws of The United States of which the main resposibility of the Federal government is to provide for the Common Defense. Will the Courts uphold the Constitution ? The Supreme Court right now seems to be split evenly on the State suits brought against Obama's executive orders on amnesty for illegal invaders. This makes Justice Scalia's untimely death ...all the more convenient for the Obama administration. We definitely live in a time of Constitutional emergency.
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