Terrifying documentary on Islam in Europe




The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent was sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several ‘no go zones’ in Sweden and France, and to get an inside look at the Islamic mindset within the greater European community.


This is part I of IV. Very special thanks to Gates of Viennafor all the editing and especially DarLink, the translator who must have worked very hard to so accurately translate an hour of Hebrew to English.


If all are willing, we shall do the other 3 parts when possible.


After seeing this there is really very little excuse for our politicians world wide to continue to pretend that Islam is just another immigrant group.


Watch documentary here.












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  • This is frightening.

  • What makes anyone think it's any different in Europe then it is here. Just go to Dearborn Michigan and the White House on Ramadan. Muslims are just waiting for an excuse to riot here!!!

  • Wrong, it is not  a Religion, it is a political ideology bent on the overthrow of all countries that is considered as the, "The infidels:.  Their aganda is to utilize the control in the democracies of the world and to reduce America to that level.

    Once we arrive at the level, we become subjests of islam and are on are way to extinction.. All of you that don't believe it have your heads in the sand.  You have seen their actions which is categorically animal.  No religion requires its members to act as animals.


  • This is nothing new.  Europe needed cheap labor and welcomed all the muslims - now it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle.  No different than the US that did the same thing with the mexicans - supposedly for jobs that americas will not accept.  Sorry but if you are hungry enough, you will do whatever it takes to feed yourself and your family.  Once the handouts started, whether here or in Europe, the muslims and mexicans will not leave - where else can they live the way they want to, terrorize their neighbors and get government goodies. All because of political correctness came into being and the truth no longer matters.

  • Coming soon to a town near you...

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