Terry Trussell in Dixie County, FL

American Patriot News

Late Bulletin on the Dixie County Whistleblower Case By APN Staff, December 14, 2015

The trial of Whistle-blower, Terry Trussell, is still set for February 1st, and things are beginning to heat up on the defense side. After Trussell’s first attorney fizzled, his new attorney, Inger Garcia, has picked up the ball and is gaining major yardage.

A huge change in plans on the prosecution side came when State Attorney Willie Meggs announced he was re-classifying eight ‘A’ class witnesses (deposable), to ‘C’ class witnesses (not deposable) because they were immaterial to the case. The reason this is important is that those same witnesses are also Mr. Meggs’ ‘victims’ of 10 charges in his 14-count Information against Trussell. And the reason that’s important is because, if they don’t know anything about the ‘crimes’ how can they be victims, and if they aren’t victims, how can there be a crime?

Another late development came during depositions conducted by Trussell’s attorney. During Ms. Garcia’s questioning of FDLE Special Investigator, Frank Linton, she forced him to admit his so-called ‘probable cause’ affidavit was completely void of facts, further, under intense questioning, he was unable to link any of his allegations against Trussell to anything Trussell did.

The next big revelation came when three more of the FDLE investigators were being questioned and they were forced to admit, not one of them had determined the True Bill Presentments by the People’s Grand Jury (PGJ) could possibly be taken for an ‘indictment’—and the key piece of evidence in Mr. Meggs’ case against Trussell—evaporates! It was also insisted that the whole case revolves around Trussell allegedly filing the PGJ presentments in the public record. But that was proven untrue because Dixie County Clerk of Court Dana Johnson, never filed the documents—in spite of charging Trussell for doing so, and submitting to him, a bogus receipt for her fraudulent filing! Trapped by her own duplicity!

No victims, no evidence—Mr. Meggs’ case is quickly unraveling. But it gets better. The depositions also revealed FDLE was put on the job by Governor Rick Scott, who was one of the officials named in the PGJ’s presentments—and who also assigned Willie Meggs and Judge James C. Hankinson to prosecute Trussell. Their orders were to find anything Trussell did that could possibly fit F.S. 843.0855—a law so overbroad and inclusive it can be tied to virtually any innocent act—as long as you’ve got a prosecutor so lacking of ethics he will misrepresent evidence and lie about witnesses.

So that’s what our ‘justice’ system has come down to: choose a political target, and find, or mold, a statute to make anyone appear guilty.

But it gets even better: During the depositions, it became necessary to reveal the defense had key exculpatory evidence which not only completely exonerates Trussell, it uncovers all the real crimes and true perpetrators involved in this case!  The evidence hinted at, came from two unexpected sources: the Dixie County Sheriff’s Department and State Attorney Willie Meggs’ office. Unnamed sources inside these two offices, independently leaked substantive information (in the form of an audio recording and content of several internal memos) to Trussell’s defense team which prove conclusively, he did no wrong. Further, that he is the victim of numerous state and county officials working in concert to cover-up their own corruption. To find out who and how, we’ll just have to wait for the trial.

Finally, to wrap it all up, FDLE Investigators revealed there had not been a single one of the so-called ‘victims’ to Trussell’s ‘crimes’ interviewed. Other than a phone call and an interview with Trussell, their total investigation of driving to Dixie County to retrieve ‘documents’.

Which begs the question: Is there any amount of dollars Meggs won’t spend in his attempt to curry favor with Boss Scott? But then, what does it matter, it’s not HIS money! While we don’t know how this will all turn out, it is well established: when dirty politics demand action, Meggs is your man! -

See more at: http://libertynjustice4all.com/?page_id=1094#sthash.qV0p8xu7.dpuf

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  • Well THANK YOU for posting this one John. Finally a little bit of good news for a change.

    We all know of Terry Trussells innocence and we hoped sooner or later that would be proven. It seems that the whole country is awash with these crooked politicians, lawyers, and judges.

    It's no wonder the American people are so angry.

    That's good news, and right now we all needed some.

    • Yes, Terry Trussell is, without doubt, absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing. It is, in this case (and very likely in the vast majority of cases throughout the several states of the united States), our government employees (the judge, the prosecutor & the sheriff of Dixie County) who are at fault of wrongdoing; criminal, despicable and destructive acts in opposition to morality, our Constitutions and the will of the People, all of which demand prosecution of the criminals (our government employees) to the fullest extent possible. 

      That may, in fact, come to pass, even as its likelihood seems to be more in the ether right now rather than in reality. The Patriots who are working toward the rightful, lawful and justifiable restoration of the Common Law Grand Jury may be credited with at least some of the positive impetus which has lead to Mr. Trussell now all but boarding that flight to full and plenary freedom. This is a case which illustrates the immeasurable value of:

      1)  We, the People, standing together for a just cause and tenaciously adhering to our rights as freepersons.

      2) Patiently yet persistently pursuing the rightful and lawful course to reinstate the Common Law Grand Jury.

      3) Demanding of our government employees (our public servants) submission to, and acknowledgement of, our US and Florida Republic Constitutions as well as the primacy of the People who created government.

      It is only with a lawful and peaceful, yet persistent and tenacious, approach will we succeed in restoring our Common Law Grand Jury and only with that in place can we hope to reverse these many decades of decline in our so-called justice system. Terry will probably become a poster child/spokesperson for the adherence to lawful and constitutional principles leading to vindication from the specious claims of an out-of-control government. Thanks for your support and your own work toward the restoration of true Liberty.

  • John Saunders~

    A great big 'THANKS' for posting this update.  So glad to get some good news for a change, especially for Terry Trussell.  I guess getting a new attorney is what finally turned the tides in his behalf.  Praise the Lord! 

    There are so very much of these types of judicial and political shenanigan cases occurring across our country - I was beginning to lose all hope and most certainly any 'confidence' in the Court Systems. 

    We have to somehow restore our Constitution to keep the courts and the governments in check if we ever hope to be a free people.

    Thanks again.   

    • There will likely be more good news from the cause to restore true Liberty in the Florida Republic. As a member of the tireless minority of Liberty-seekers in this land, I am privileged and honored to be well established in the on-going effort to return government to its rightful position of subservience to its superior, the People. We are making progress, albeit ploddingly, (to my dismay). It is what it is, however, and one might be ill advised to expect too much progress too soon in righting such a long-established egregious and unsoundly corrupt system. It is a system that must, of necessity, topple, however, under the weight of truth and the light of exposure and We, the People, WILL regain our rightful place of primacy over our government employees one day. Thank you for supporting Mr. Trussell and the cause of true Liberty.

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