Here we go again, Looks like the battle between Texas Ranchers and the BLM is heating up again. What the BLM doesn't understand is that Texas is not Nevada or Oregon. Texans will fight back. And the BLM might not like what they get.
The BLM land grab war with Texas finally made it to FOX News:
In 2010 there were 1.6 Billion Muslims in world of the 6.9 Billion prople in the world. One Muslim leader in the US has said that the majority of urban a areas will be Muslim by 2020. Even if he's wrong "That's their goal". The 6th offical practice of Islam concerns Jihad. When called on they are obligated to fight the holy war against the infidels. Their are moderate Muslims just as there are moderate Christians, but if only one percent were radical that is millions willing to wage war. The thought for any true Muslim to live under any other authority besides Sheria is unthinkable and they will only do so for the purposes of bringing Sheria to were they are living.the Ayatollah Khomeini has said: The purest joy in Islam is to kill or be killed for Allah.
Americans need to get educated and fast. Donot for example believe thst Islam is a religion of peace when the Tennant of Islam is to spread Islam by the edge of the sword. You can start by reading ; Radical Islams War against Israel, Christianity and the West by Dr. Richard Booker a Christian Theologian who is well versed on the subject he explains their invasion of the west, their beliefs Mohammed's life compares Islam to Christanity and Israel, explains the Myths about Islam, building up Zion and Arab-Israel's conflicts. They are on a mission for Allah and they will not stop until they have converted the world to Islam and killed all infidels. This could be the very religion that forces a one world religion on the world that ushers in the Antichrist. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Yeshua
Delta has left the PFA and now all her posts and threads are locked. That's why you can't see or post to any of them.
Surely it wasn't because of my conversation with her about there truly being some moderate muslims?
Just remember the Bureau of Land Management is NOT a US government agency.