Texas: House Passes Two NRA-Backed Bills This Week
This week, the Texas House passed two pro-Second Amendment measures to further protect your rights in the Lone Star State. Thank you to House Republican leaders for scheduling this key legislation for a vote and to those State Representatives who supported the bills!
House Bill 121, NRA-supported legislation by Rep. Valoree Swanson (R-Spring), provides a legal defense for License To Carry holders who unknowingly enter establishments with 30.06 or 30.07 signs, as long they promptly leave when verbally informed of the policy. HB 121 passed on third reading by a 119-25 vote. Click here to see how your State Representative voted on the bill.
House Bill 302, an NRA-backed measure by Rep. Dennis Paul (R-Houston), protects the rights of tenants to possess lawfully-owned firearms and ammunition in residential units, and to transport them directly en route between their personal vehicles and their apartments or condominiums. Provisions relating to commercial tenants and leases were removed from the bill, but protections for tenants on manufactured home lots were added, so that it now mirrors the Senate version. HB 302 passed on third reading by a 101-44 vote. Click here to see how your State Representative voted on the measure.
How did YOUR local rep vote?
Swanson; Talarico; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Toth;
Turner, C.; Turner, J.; VanDeaver; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Wray; Wu; Zedler;
Zerwas; Zwiener.
Nays — Biedermann; Cain.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).
Absent, Excused — Allison; Smithee.
Absent — Cole; Gervin-Hawkins.
When Record No. 261 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote
When Record No. 261 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote
(by Swanson, Hunter, Pacheco, Oliverson, Raymond, et al.)
HB 121
, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to a defense to prosecution for
the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
was passed by (Record 262): 119 Yeas, 25 Nays, 1 Present, not
Yeas — Allen; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Beckley; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal;
Biedermann; Bohac; Bonnen; Bowers; Buckley; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain;
Calanni; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Coleman; Collier; Cortez; Craddick;
Cyrier; Darby; Davis, S.; Dean; Deshotel; Farrar; Fierro; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;
Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; Gonza ́lez, M.; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez;
Harless; Harris; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Holland; Huberty; Hunter; Johnson,
E.; Johnson, J.E.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Krause; Kuempel;
Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Leach; Leman; Longoria; Lopez; Lozano;
Lucio; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Middleton; Miller; Minjarez;
Moody; Morrison; Mun ̃oz; Murphy; Murr; Noble; Oliverson; Pacheco; Paddie;
Parker; Patterson; Paul; Phelan; Price; Raymond; Rodriguez; Rose; Sanford;
Schaefer; Shaheen; Sheffield; Sherman; Shine; Smith; Springer; Stephenson;
Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Tinderholt; Toth; Turner,
C.; VanDeaver; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Wray; Zedler; Zerwas.
Nays — Anchia; Blanco; Bucy; Dominguez; Gonza
lez, J.; Goodwin;
Hinojosa; Howard; Israel; Johnson, J.D.; Meza; Morales; Neave; Neva
Ortega; Perez; Ramos; Reynolds; Romero; Rosenthal; Talarico; Thompson, S.;
Turner, J.; Wu; Zwiener.
Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).
Absent, Excused — Allison; Smithee.
Views: 1
This elected idiot who is a demorat, James Talarico of Williamson County voted "NAY" for both of these. Typical for a rat. Got a degree in teaching "WHAT"???? Teaching children that guns are to be destroyed by people like him. The time for a reckoning is coming to America, and very soon and it is not going to be pretty. The education will be very bad for those people who do not respect the Constitution and the Will of the People who put these idiot's asses into office to do our work, not what they want done. They work for all of the people of Texas and their counties, not for a party of Democratic Socialist!!!!