Subject: The Administrations Benghazi Reaction Explained

     The news has been filled with the Congressional Benghazi investigation sideshow.  Because of the Sharia Law ban on criticizing Islam our congressmen are almost totally ignorant of true Islam.  They know only the Muslim edited version of Islam.  If you study the Islamic trilogy of the Sira (Mohammed's biography), the Hadith (traditions of Islam to guide the behavior of Muslims emulating Mohammed), and the Koran (the 14% of political Islam that deals with religion) in the 8-10 hour short course listed below you will find that every aspect of Benghazi is covered by Sharia Law.  It all makes perfect sense when you use the paradigm that this administration and our government is infiltrated by Muslims and submits to Sharia Law.  Because of Sharia law Muslims act as one unit.  Obama does not personally have to do every deed required to destroy this country from within.  Every Muslim in the DOD, CIA, DIA, WH, Congress, FBI, DEA, and anywhere else is ordered by Sharia Law to:
1.  Use deceit to freeze the Kafirs (non-believers are considered non-human) from action until you are in a position to conquer them.  Mohammed told his assassin it was acceptable to lie to his target until he could kill him.  He did.
2.  War is deceit (shortest hadith, tradition of Islam.)  This is also a tenant of warfare taught by Sun Tzu.  Gen Washington used it on the British when he had large ovens built outside of Long Island to infer to the British spies that his army was coming there to attack the British in New York.  Instead Gen Washington rapidly marched his troops to Yorktown and surrounded the British forces there while the reinforcements were frozen in New York awaiting attack.  By the time they figured it out it was too late. 
3.  The sacred lie.  Muslims are ordered to lie to Kafirs whenever it will advance Islam.
4.  Every Muslim is to participate in Jihad (holy war against all Kafir civilizations).  Any Muslim who does not fight is required to support those who do and their families.  All Sharia compliant businesses are required to donate to Muslim charities and all Muslim charities are required to support Jihad.  No matter what the title of the Muslim charity says it is required to partially support Jihad.  Remember the Dallas trial of Muslim charities charged with supporting terrorism?
5.  It is a capital offense in Sharia Law to harm another Muslim that is practicing Jihad.  BHO is forbidden to take any action against another Muslim to the maximum extent possible.  Obviously the immediate termination of the Iraq and Afghanistan actions would have exposed him and made him of no value in the future.  He must limit his actions and lie to maintain his mole value.  Example:  BHO comes on the news and claims credit for killing OBL.  Actually he was called in from the golf course after the operation was already started by Panetta despite Valorie Jarrett, BHO's handler, having postponed the operation three times previously.  This is taqiyya, sacred disinformation, to promote Islam's Jihad. 
6.  Criticism of Islam is absolutely forbidden.  Muslims will try to prevent any person or organization from any action that might criticize Islam...even explaining Sharia law truthfully, as I am doing, is forbidden.  CAIR, the Council for American Islamic Relations or similar organization of which there are many, invented the term Islamophobia to slander and silence anyone who criticizes Islam..  The UN is being asked by Saudi Arabia to introduce a world wide ban on criticizing Islam.  If you cannot identify and describe your enemy you are already largely defeated.  50 Muslim puppet organizations complained in unison against the FBI's training manual and classes that showed actual Muslim education of children and quoted Sharia law applicable to Jihad and 700 pages of text were removed.  Victory for Islam.  An Army Lt Col was reprimanded by DOD for teaching truthful facts about Islam once again after these organizations complained to the DOD.  His course was cancelled and his career ruined unless we force our congressional representatives to fight back.  Victory for Islam.
    Barry Sorreto changed his name to Barrack Hussein Obama when he converted to Islam in accordance with a hadith.  Remember Cassius Clay aka Mohammed Ali?.  As a Muslim BHO is under a death sentence if he criticizes Islam.  Therefore:
    1.  All references to Islamic terrorism, Jihad, have been removed from almost all government writing and speeches.  They are now manmade international disasters or some such lie.   
    2. BHO will not allow Major Nidal Hasan to be called a terrorist or his killing of 13 and wounding of 39 others while standing on a table yelling "Allahu Akbar" a terrorist act and an act of war (Jihad).  It was just "workplace violence."  Do you see how effective this editing of our vocabulary is?  Now the Major defies Army regulations to shave and has his trial on indefinite hold.
   3.  He would encourage any Muslim mole within the CIA or WH who had a chance to edit Susan Rice's talking points to remove any mention of planned Islamic Jihad (organized Islamic warfare against the Great Satan of the west), and change it to be our fault, by blaming our freedom of the press which allowed a man to produce a video of his personal choice.  Our congressmen are almost completely ignorant of Sharia law or they would know that their "investigation" is barking up the wrong tree.  However, Islamophobia has been so successful that they will not look for the obvious editors of the talking points. 
   4.  The Administration has allowed Islamophobia to paralyze the TSA.  Now their socialist union associates (Socialist and Muslims teamed up in WW II also when Turkey allied with the German National Socialist Party [Nazis]) are turning the TSA into a union dues cash cow for the Democrats which was the real purpose from the beginning.  Never was the TSA anything but eyewash, like the National Guard soldiers without ammunition placed in our airline terminals after 9/11. The TSA is not known to have prevented a single terrorist act; however, they use up 300 human lifetimes of passengers waiting in line every year.  All to make the public feel good while the terrorists in effect kill another planeload of 300 Americans a year with our help.
     Sharia Law demands every piece of a Kafir civilization be destroyed.   When Muslims conquer a civilization (country) they completely destroy all traces of its previous culture. All art, writings, and music are destroyed or suppressed (name a famous Muslim artist, vocalist, instrumentalist, or novelist). When the Taliban took over Afghanistan they used their artillery to blast the giant Buddhas from the mountain sides.  The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt are now demanding the destruction of the pyramids and the Sphinx statues.  Sharia Law demands every person submit or convert to Islam or be killed, preferably by beheading.  Our Sharia-compliant major media suppress news of almost all Muslim violence against Kafirs.  How much have you heard about the recent hanging of Coptic Christians from the trees in Cairo?)
     Critical thought is banned by Sharia Law because it might criticize Islam. An example: the British medical service is being attacked by British Imams for pointing out that 1400 years of marrying cousins (Mohammed did and all Muslims are directed 91 times in the Koran to emulate Mohammed) has resulted in a 300+ percent increase in mental retardation, extreme birth defects, and still births to Pakistani Muslims in England due to the inbreeding of recessive genes when compared to the general public. Before Mohammed, marrying cousins was forbidden in most of Arabia. 
     Our soldiers are dying needlessly because our DOD is allowing Sharia Law to dominate our will to win.  For example under our Rules of Engagement :
     1.  Our troops are not allowed to conduct offensive operations against the Taliban
     2.  Our troops are required to wear uniforms because of the Geneva Convention; however, the Taliban is not held accountable for wearing civilian clothing and hiding behind women and children and mosques.
    3.  Our troops are forbidden from returning fire until they can determine that there are no civilians in the area.
    4.  Our troops cannot have artillery or close air support during contact with the enemy unless the area is totally clear of all civilians.  Our soldiers can be overrun and killed without fire support.
    5.  Our snipers are forbidden from shooting people planting IEDs at night because it might wake up the locals.
    6.  Our troops cannot conduct night operations because it might conflict with Muslim traditions.
    You lose when you allow the enemy to set the rules of engagement.
    There are none so blind as those who will not see.  [1546 (John Heywood).  Also, there are similar Biblical sayings.]  Nothing has changed for 1400 years of constant Jihad since the death of Mohammed and if we do not open our eyes we will die or convert and every copy of the Constitution will be hunted down and destroyed.  Almost everything in Sharia Law is contrary to the Constitution from Freedom of Speech to the supremacy of our Constitution as the law of the land.
    If you would like to open your eyes I recommend this short course:
Rayford Brown
PS: I do not fear dying for my Constitution.  I owe NO loyalty to the Commander-In-Chief if he issues illegal orders that do not support and defend the Constitution.  I continue to honor the oath I took in 1968 to "support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC.(emphasis added)"

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