The Patriots News
Stand Up America


The “Battle for Our America” is a new series of articles that Stand Up America will publish to provide our readers and the citizens of the United States a pointed analysis of the status and condition of our Republic. It will examine, in depth, the issues that face the nation and what “We the People” can do to change the Progressive Socialist agenda and restore the values and traditions of our forefathers to make America strong again.


The American people are angry with its national leadership (or lack thereof) because of the many negatives that include an unemployment rate that is hovering around 9 percent, rising prices and the specter of inflation, over-reaching mandates, the national debt exceeding $14 trillion, and worst of all, Americans feel betrayed, lied to, manipulated, and by a large majority, demand a tidal change, NOW. The people demand change that actually means something positive; change that returns America to her foundations and core values.


The people seek a return to American Exceptionalism, not “progressive fundamental” change for change’s sake. Change the tide now!


Great warriors and leaders, during the storm of battle and chaos, turn the tide of battle into Victory and Liberty. That is what we must do now. Our country is drowning, losing its identity and is suffocating in a tide of out-of-control federal and state bureaucracies.


This series of articles are a no-holds-barred examination of the branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial) that affect the American people and business. Battle for Our America is more than an indictment against the elitist governing class. Our country is at a crossroads. The beauty of our Republic is that we do not need politicians in government other than to represent us, the People, and abide by and protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


The Declaration of Independence states:

“To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

We must not permit the leaders in the White House, on the bench, and in the Halls of Congress to lead us down this road to ruin; the road to Progressive Socialism and the destruction of our Republic. The Patriotic Revolution that I forecasted well over a year ago is happening now. We Constitutionalists face a battle that was unknown to previous generations so we must now be aggressive in our collective efforts to turn back this nefarious tide.


The Fate of the country is now in our hands and the plea from the majority of our citizens is to enforce the Constitution, severely limit the Federal Government and it’s out of control spending. There is a growing list of documented violations of the Constitution and breeches of the sacred honor of upholding their Oaths of Office by current elected and appointed government officials.


The National Call to Action of the people has begun now. And we call to action all branches and levels of government to do their constitutional duties and no more, nothing! The year 2011 is shaping up to be a year of apocalyptic events, and as we see, events are happening now. One only has to look at the turmoil in the Middle East and rebellion in our States.


Unionized government workers protest the voice of the people who were elected last November in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and other places to limit their power. This has actually done us all a favor by bringing to light their leadership’s socialist agenda. Our great nation today is sick and badly in need of therapy, and they are using insidious methods to keep us ill, and fading fast. The screams and protests of these government union workers should help all Americans identify these public sector employee unions are a major symptom of the socialist cancer that is dragging us down. Union members for the most part have been caught up in this twisted union push for socialism by calling it justice and creating class war-fare. These unions force the worker to join, and then use them like pawns, all without the consent of the individual.


America is about liberty - political freedom and economic freedom. Our nation, a civilization laboratory that has shown, for the entire world to see, that the moral truths that underlie our liberty produce success and prosperity for all, not just a select special interest group.


The blueprint for Liberty is laid out so clearly in our Declaration of Independence - that our Creator endowed us with certain rights and that men form government to secure and protect those rights. I fear that Americans must endure more pain until all of us can change the tide of the battle that we are enduring each day. Many of Americans are still subject to the “snooze” button and still seem unfazed as to what is happening. Am I wrong? We have allowed a culture of force to take hold, limiting our freedom, liberty and the natural bounty it produces. Two of these fronts in the battle are:

1.    the growth and cost of government at all levels, where the institutions and organizations who are supposed to be there to protect us, are now telling us what to do across all fronts;

2.    union power corrupted and supported by a Progressive Socialist White House that knows no bounds in power over the people.

Freedom works so well because it automatically connects individuals with the common good. The way individuals improve their own life is through self-improvement and thus, better serving others. The result is multiplicative; one plus one equals three. The premise of the culture of force is that individuals improve their lot not through personal responsibility, self-improvement and service but by taking what others have through political threats, force, and violence. One minus one equals zero.


At the peak of World War II, President Roosevelt asked old labor leader John L. Lewis to call off a coal miners’ strike that posed a serious threat to our war effort. Lewis’ reply was: “The President of the United States is paid to look after the interest of the nation; I am paid to look after the interests of the coal miners.” The perverse idea that we can survive as a nation with a culture of force in which what is good for one and what is good for all are at odds with each other has taken its toll on union reality. It is a perversion and manipulation to applause the need for them today in the public sector based upon earlier needs for unionizing in public firms. The corrective reasons for the creation of unions were codified into law long ago. American workers in the public sector do not experience any and never did experience the woes that brought on the creation of private sector unions. The codification and legal cures for the old problems is one reason that the percent of the private sector workforce that is unionized is less than a third of what it was fifty years ago.


But the natural alliance of government monopoly power and union power has grown through government workers’ unions. This perversity too is now tottering as government unions use the force model to enrich themselves at the direct expense of taxpayers to the point of bankrupting us all. We had elections, the outcome of which was not to their liking, so they use force, manipulation, mis-leading words and phrases, and the use of scare tactics and war-mongering.


Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, argues the opposite in a Wall Street Journal opinion column. He extols the culture of force and claims that it is “un-American” to limit the ability of unionized government workers to collectively bargain. But where does he turn to as his source for the “right” to collectively bargain? Certainly not the American Declaration of Independence. He cites the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yes, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which makes no reference to God, and ignores the fact that American Exceptionalism is the reason the UN was able to be created in the first place. It is sad to see that some people just do not understand how far civilization has progressed, because of us, not in spite of us!


The vision of freedom - power, force, and materialism - that inspires today’s union movement is the disease that pretends to be the cure. Fortunately, its days are numbered.


Paul E. Vallely

Paul E. Vallely, MG US Army (Ret) is Chairman of Stand Up America

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  • BINGO, Stingray!
  • Falsification of numbers for socialist agenda is the pill for the day for all those who refuse to see or hear the truth.

    Soon stand we must or fall we will.



  • We have to change the way things are done in Washington DC.
  • Well Said my dear.
  • Then don't vote for the same school board over and over! I taught 8th grade for 38 years and never made more than 49,900. I didn't go into teaching for money, I went into it because I LOVE TO TEACH!
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