The best way to destroy a Nation.
What is the best way to destroy a nation? How can a free independent sovereign nation be destroyed without resorting to full scale nuclear war?
Radio talk show host Paul Harvey once said that the best way to destroy America would be to first attack our culture. Integrate as many adverse types of foreign cultures into America as possible. Attack American’s culture of freedom, liberty, independence, and self sufficiency in every possible way. Make the American people feel ashamed of being American.
Open the borders. Stop all our immigration policies that block immigration into the country from foreign nations that otherwise hate America.
Destroy our political systems, our methods of electing representatives, and our system of Government.
Integrate as many foreign languages and foreign cultures as possible into American society.
Tear down our system of independence.
Destroy America from within.
Over the past five years anti-American groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have sprung up with groups and branches all over the country. These groups are all dedicated and trained Marxist/Leninist Communist organizations.
Their goals are to attack American civilization all around the country.
While these Anti-American groups engage in chaos violent assaults against local government agencies such as police departments, local government city and town officials, those who have been placed in positions of power and authority within our Federal Government refuse to persecute or arrest any of these anarchists. Instead our federal agencies persecute and prosecute those who attempt to stand up against their tyranny.
Our DHS, FBI, CIA, and Washington DC police have over 700 individuals currently incarcerated and being held in various prisons, in solitary confinement, but many have still not been charged with any real crimes. These are the January 6th, 2021 protesters who were in Washington DC on that day. Some of them never actually did enter the Capital itself, they were simply outside.
Our justice department has been turned into a weapon. To be used against the American people.
Anyone who disagrees with the current status quo is subject to persecution and prosecution.
The act of dissension has now become an act of treason and sedition.
Anyone who disagrees with the destruction of America is considered a traitor.
Next on the list would be to destroy America’s independence on energy.
Easiest way to do that would be to destroy our energy infrastructure, stop all domestic exploration, stop all drilling. And shut off that Keystone Alaska pipeline.
American defense system, DOD. The American military.
How can you destroy the greatest, strongest military on Earth? Do it from within.
First by destroying American culture you weaken the will of Americans to join the US Military.
Fire all leading commanders who know how to train and organize a strong military.
You destroy the military’s ability and willingness to defend the nation against any foreign intervention or aggression. Turn the military into little more than a color guard. No stronger than a well organized group of Boy Scouts.
The Biden/Harris/Obama administration has done all of this and much more in less than two short years. The destruction of America actually started with the first Obama administration in 2009.
Remember Obama’s words in late October 2008, “We are only five days away from Fundamentally Transforming America”.
America has now become less than a 3rd world banana republic.
And they are not finished yet.
Notice that I haven't even mentioned the introduction of the Covid-19 pandemic and all the federal and state mandates and restrictions that have been placed.
I have not mentioned what has happened to our educational system and our schools.
I didn't even really mention how the Binden administration and the Democrats are attempting to change our system of elections, how they want to eliminate the system of the Electoral College and how the President and Vice President are elected and how that decission is made.
I've been on PFA for about 10 years now. 10 years ago I voiced what was needed to keep us from getting to this point. Many criticized me for saying it, some even wanted me out of PFA. It may be far too late now to do what was needed 10 years ago.
In closing I wish to quote Thomas Jefferson, "What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
Unfortunately Lee I believe you are right.
This should have been done 10 years ago.
Or at least in 2014 when we held the OAS mission to DC.
When ever a Government, (Any Government) turns against its own people then it is time for the people to make some changes.
Those changes must be made by any means necessary.
I am convinced 100% that it is too late now. Our last chance was 4 November 2020 but too many couldn't believe the obvious and nothing was done. I doubt we will have a mid term election in 2022.
This Biden/Harris/Obama administration is a complete world-wide disaster, and needs to go.
They have declared war against the American people, our energy policy, and now refuse to assist Ukraine.
They have declared 1/2 of the American people as being domestic terrorists.
This administration has to go.
We have to find a way to impeach them now.
I don't believe the US wil last until the end of their administration.
Or possibly even until the 2022 elections.
Linda Goudsmit
Russia/Ukraine and the Globalist Two Step
March 7, 2022
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from a friend
I just watched what people say is going on, and this is what Lars says is going on in Russia. The first vid is from 3/2 in rural Russia and the second is from 7 hours ago
Lars is originally from Denmark living in Russia #1 #2
They have deleted the second video.
Not available any more.
I am beginning to agree about Russia and Ukraine.
The Ukraine government IS corrupt and has been for several years.
But this Biden/Obama administraition wants to start a civil war here in America.
And they are determined to do that no matter what it takes.
These people need to go.
And NO - I am NOT calling for a destruction of our Constitutional Republic, I'm calling for people to stand up and protect it from these traitors and communists.
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