The Bottom Line

First off let me state emphatically that I absolutely hate politics.
I hate every aspect of politics and the lies and mis-truths that politicians spread.

The American people are constantly being lied to from one side or the other, it seems that everybody has an agenda. And they don’t care much about what they have to do or say to advance or enforce that agenda.
They also don’t appear to care very much about who gets hurt or killed because of those lies as long as their agenda is implemented and enforced.

The 2020 election year is no different in these terms. In fact if anything it’s much worse than it has ever been in the past. The only thing we can be sure of this year is that this election, in November 2020 is crucial to the survival of America as a Free Constitutional Republic.

If that sounds overly dramatic let me assure you it is NOT.
If you think I’m being a little hyper-paranoid then you haven’t been paying attention.

If the wrong people get into power in Washington next January then this could very easily mean the end of America, literally. It could spell the end of our Constitutional Republic and the end of all American sovereignty.

Communism and it’s current state of manifestations was created by Karl Marx in 1884. It was then adapted by the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917. Later it was adapted by China and Mao Ze Dong in the 1960’s. Prior to that in 1913 the Communists attempted to install a Communist regime in America through US President Woodrow Wilson. When that failed they quickly decided that Americans would never accept the transformation into Communism willingly. They would never accept a Communist dictatorship or Communist rule over their free Republic form of Government. So they changed the name of the Communist party to “Progressives”. But they never gave up on their attempts to change America into a full fledged Communist State. Run and controlled by some form of Ruling-party elites at the every top of the political food chain. The Communists are perfectly willing to play the long game, to take their time, as long as they can see that their goals are being achieved. Step by step they have continued in their quest to destroy our American form of Constitutional Free Republic.

In 2008 they thought they were finally on the verge of accomplishing their goals. Then Democrat candidate Barack Hussein Obama stated in October 2008 that “We are only five days away from Fundamentally Transforming America”. By the time the 2016 elections rolled around they though that all that was left to complete that transformation was to elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.

But a funny thing happened in that 2016 election; Hillary Clinton LOST. And Americans elected Donald John Trump. A complete political outsider. Trump was not part of their plan, he is not part of their group. And they have never gotten over that defeat. They are not about to accept another term of the Donald Trump administration.

As we move forward now to the 2020 elections the Communists have moved into full attack mode against Donald Trump and the American people’s continuous resistance to their Fundamental Transformation. They have now released the wolves of the Bolshevik revolution and those of the Mao Ze Dong Chinese Communist party.

With the main-stream media firmly on their side, and also with the aid and assistance of the United Nations high command, the Communists have unleashed a non-stop barrage of Hate-Trump, Hate America propaganda at levels never seen before in American politics.

Their latest plan and assaults against this free Republic is to destroy the American election system.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” has become their philosophy and mentality. They will use and do anything to destroy both Donald Trump and the American Free Republic.

Mail-in voting, voter fraud, ballot harvesting, ballots being cast into the ditch or into a dumpster. Nothing is beyond their level of treason and treachery.
The main-stream media has now resorted to polling data fraud.
The goal here is to first discourage Americans from voting for Donald Trump. The idea is to convince people that it is useless to vote, he’s so far behind that there is no way he can win.
But there is also another alternative motive behind these fake polling data reports.

The Democrats believe that if the elections in November do not show a complete over-whelming victory for Donald Trump then they can force the decision into Congress. This is an attempt to by-pass and over ride the Electoral College. In a Congressional decision for who will be the President, (it’s only happened once in our 244 years), Congress is supposed to make the decision based on the overall highest number of votes cast for each candidate. The candidate who received the highest number of votes will become the President. The candidate who received the next highest number of votes will become the Vice-President.

The method by-passes the Electoral College and instead relies on the popular votes being counted in each state. While some Americans think this should be the best way to elect a President, (by popular vote), it actually means that the President will be selected by only two or three States. And the rest of the country and voters doesn’t matter at all.

But the Democrats still have one more trick up their sleeves. Remember those false polling data reports? They will use those polling data reports as “Proof” that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election. A Democrat controlled Congress will select who will be the President of the United States of America based solely on the polling data reports. NOT by the Electoral College, and NOT by the American people.

And with that the “Fundamental Transformation of America” will be complete.

The Bottom Line is that if and when the Democrats win control of the Congress and the White House they will eliminate the Electoral College, They will eliminate the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Those are their words not mine. And then they will eventually eliminate the rest of the Constitution.
All future Presidents will be “Elected” by an “Election Committee”.

If you think I’m being overly dramatic and paranoid you’re not paying attention. This is NOT fantasy, this is reality. This is really happening, right now right here in America.

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  • I agree with everything written here, except, we haven't been a true "Free Constitutional Republic" for the last 160 years.

    • You are absolutely right about that Lee.

      The people in this country that hate America are actually all saying that they Hate the America that THEY built.
      Well we're not too happy with it either.
      The America that these Democrats and bureaucrats have built over the past 100 years is not worth fighting for.
      But the America that was originally founded and laid out under our Constitution IS worth fighting for and it IS worth trying to restore.
      These people hate America. But no one alive today has lived under our real Constitution.
      They say they want to tear it all down and build it back under a Communist oligarchy of some New-World-Order Bull shit. They have never lived under a Communist regime either. If they had they would never be pushing for that tyranny and control.
      Why would anyone want to tear this Nation apart so they can build it back worse than it is?

      I say Restore the Constitution. Make America great again. Make America free again.

      • I agree but it's going to take drastic measures to do that, and I don't believe we have enough people willing to take those drastic measures; it ain't gonna be pretty.

  • Well Old Rooster, You and I and a few others (very damn few) seem to know the truth and what it's going to take to right this ship.  My question is always, How do we get others to wake up, and more over, how do we get rid of their yellow streak? That's why I started looking into the militias again, I was hoping to find any idea how to organize and wake up the blind to the truth of our situation. 

    I'm tired, been screaming about this for 30 years. There's not much left of our country or her people. The states are just as bad as the Fed. I live in rural Missouri, Trump signs abound, but the people are weak minded and/or blind. 

    My time is up soon. Here's the short of our personal problem. My son's wife ran off, disappeared for 7 months, found her homeless and jobless. Courts didn't care gave her partial custody. A few weeks in and my granddaughter was beat and molested by her mother and her boyfriends (yes plural).The so called courts demand the child go back to her mothers anyway. It's a shit show of corruption. No one cares, no one helps, evidence doesn't matter.  We won't comply, nor quit without a fight. I want law and order, but that's dead in the US now. No man lets a child be hurt, weather it's direct abuse or by letting our country fall. 

    Delete this if you want. I just wanted to say, it was a pleasure reading what you, and some others have written, but some of us are out of time, and options. God bless you all, keep fighting any way you can!

  • Well Old Rooster, You and I and a few others (very damn few) seem to know the truth and what it's going to take to right this ship.  My question is always, How do we get others to wake up, and more over, how do we get rid of their yellow streak? That's why I started looking into the militias again, I was hoping to find any idea how to organize and wake up the blind to the truth of our situation. 

    I'm tired, been screaming about this for 30 years. There's not much left of our country or her people. The states are just as bad as the Fed. I live in rural Missouri, Trump signs abound, but the people are weak minded and/or blind. 

    My time is up soon. Here's the short of our personal problem. My son's wife ran off, disappeared for 7 months, found her homeless and jobless. Courts didn't care gave her partial custody. A few weeks in and my granddaughter was beat and molested by her mother and her boyfriends (yes plural).The so called courts demand the child go back to her mothers anyway. It's a shit show of corruption. No one cares, no one helps, evidence doesn't matter.  We won't comply, nor quit without a fight. I want law and order, but that's dead in the US now. No man lets a child be hurt, weather it's direct abuse or by letting our country fall. 

    Delete this if you want. I just wanted to say, it was a pleasure reading what you, and some others have written, but some of us are out of time, and options. God bless you all, keep fighting any way you can!

  • Drake, Thanks for posting. It's really a sad state of affairs to hear about your grand daughter.
    This is a classic example of why we need court reforms. why it is so critical for us to appoint good judges and to restore our justice system. Trump administration has been trying to do just that. But until that happens we have total chaos and corruption.
    All we can do in the meantime is pray for your grand daughter. And maybe try to keep an eye on her, even if you have to risk taking her by force. But we all know the results of that.

    As to the questions of what to do about the political situation in America today, we are all trying to find an answer to that question.
    Like you, my time is growing short. And I'm afraid America's time is also growing short.

    • My granddaughter is safe with us, and won't be leaving until we are dead. It's the courts and sheriff threatening to come take her and us. Hard to keep an eye on her when the ex moved 6 hours away to another state, and no clue which guy she's shacked up with this week. Sheriff told us follow court orders while my grand daughter was telling him and child services what had happened to her. The wife and I moved onto our son's farm to help out. So 3 will stand against the many. Yes we know how this ends,,,, Waco, or Ruby Ridge to name a couple.

      America's time is indeed very short. People best be aware the cops, and current military will follow orders. Few of them will be on our side, but they all wear the same uniform, so we can't currently tell them apart. In my opinion it's time for choices to be made, by us and them. Voting won't fix anything. For decades we've been given a choice between bad or worse candidates. No one worth a salt can get a nomination. I quit voting long ago, I won't be forced to choose a slow death over a fast one.

      • Drake, Don't give up that easily. If it's time to do what ever is necessary to protect that girl then it must be done and done quickly.

        These kinds of things, all of this, is why the people elected Donald Trump. And we are going to need every vote we can get to reelect him next November.

        I am sending you a private message through this PFA message center, please contact me directly and we will try to get something done.

        • Oh I'm not giving up, but yes it's time to do what's necessary.

          Trump has my support, even though he has made some bone head decisions.  Unless he declares martial law and calls us up he won't get enough done.  He's only one man. 

          So why should I go vote for Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley? Why bother they are just a couple democrat liars running as Repubs. My local reps are just as bad. No new blood on any tickets, not even local. Our County judge has a rap sheet and is under investigation for cocaine, again, he's running unopposed, same with the current sheriff. So I get to vote for choice F or F, again why bother.

          I emailed you back for the personal matters

          • Reply sent to your email.

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