Getting away with high treason;
Don't expect anything to happen out of this. The Biden/Harris/Obama administration will never indict or prosecute Hillary or anyone else involved in this mess.
It's high treason and they will get away with it.
America - Is THIS the kind of Government we want?
Is THIS the kind of people we want running our country?
I don't think so.
Trump reacted in a statement by implying that the Clinton operatives had committed treason:
Hillary and the DNC spied on Trump. I every way possible. All the way through the 2016 elections and all the way through Trump's term as president.
I guess now we know what the Democrats couldn't afford to let General Flynn into the head of the NSA.
They ruined this man and basically destroyed his life. But they had to do everything they could to stop him from taking over the head of the agency.
I would think General Flynn would have some pretty darn good grounds for a massive law suit against this bunch.
How stupid are we, - The American people, - if we allow this to go unpunished?
If we don't ever stand up and take this country back it's our own damn fault.
Durham has run out the clock on this, there appears there is a five year statute of limitations for these crimes.
That depends on what charges there are.
There is NO statute of limitations on high treason.
And I don't think these charges shouuld be anything less.
I agree but Durham's report mentions nothing concerning high treason.