The Post & Email

by Sharon Rondeau

Monroe County Courthouse in Madisonville, TN

(Jul. 7, 2010) — On March 17, 2009, Walter Fitzpatrick III filed a criminal complaint against Barack Hussein
Obama II  with the U.S. attorney’s office in the Eastern District of
Tennessee charging him with Treason. The complaint


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

To:  Mr. Barack Hussein Obama

Via:  U.S. Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern
District, Tennessee

From:  Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, United States Navy Retired

Distribution:  Wide


I have observed and extensively recorded treacherous attacks by military-political
aristocrats against the United States Constitution for twenty years.

Now, in yet another betrayal, you have broken in and entered the White House by force of
contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit.  Posing as
an imposter president and commander in chief you have stripped civilian
command and control over the military establishment.  Known military
criminal actors—command racketeers—are now free in the exercise of
military government intent upon destruction of America’s constitutional

Free from constitutional restraint, and following your criminal example, military
commanders deployed U.S. Army active duty combat troops into the small
civilian community of Samson, Alabama last week in a demonstration of
their newly received despotic, domestic police power.

We come now to this reckoning.  I accuse you and your military-political criminal assistants
of TREASON.  I name you and your military criminal associates as
traitors.  Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present
danger.  You fundamentally changed our form of government.  The
Constitution no longer works.

Confident holding your silent agreement and admission, I identify you as a foreign born
domestic enemy.

My sworn duty Mr. Obama is to stand against what you stand for.  You are not my
president.  You are not my commander in chief.

Obedient to the Constitution in submission of this criminal accusation I remain

Born fighting,

Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III
Class of 1975

Read the rest of this very important article here.

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  • I salute him, he has it right, now we need to flood the White House with summons to appear dealing on charges of Treason, dereliction of duty, coercion , criminal association, aiding and abetting criminals to evade persecution and deportation. These few would send the lackeys up a tree and if we make it 100% public by flooding the media with all the lawsuits pending against the Criminal In Charge. It would make any attempts to block appearances look like he is more guilty than charged.

    Now who on our list is a lawyer and can write up in legalese criminal charges to be files against Scumbama?
    • Robert,
      Call me 904-307-8609, Please.
  • After reading the entire article, it is unbelievable what this man is going through! The corruption in that one judge's court and in that county is second only to what we see in DC. People in that area are either extremely corrupt --- cowardly --- or very afraid ....Tennessee has some very bad apples who need to be expunged. A juror is appointed BY THE JUDGE to serve on his juries - and one juror has served on this judge's juries for 20 years??? All against Tennessee law, of course. Where are the people who will stand up for honor and justice? What is going on in Tennessee????

    We support you, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, and applaud your persistence in the face of so many who refuse to follow the laws of your state.
  • Congress is the only way to try a President. This Congress is complacent and in collusion with him. Nothing will be done of this. You see, despite his complete disregard for the Constitution, it is still used when it is convenient. The President must be Impeached (which means being charged of crimes, not convicted) by the Congress and presided by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. There is NO OTHER WAY to criminally indict a President until AFTER he is convicted of Impeachment. In other words, he must no longer be President to stand trial for treason or other high crimes.

    Do you understand this? As long as there is a Congress full of criminals in collusion, this is pointless. What can a judge do with it? Well, recommend to Congress that he be impeached, that's it. Regardless if you think he is President illegally, he must be removed from office Constitutionally before it can be proven he usurped the office.

    Even if a court of law could find (absolutely) that he did what he is being accused of here, only Congress can reverse it. Why? The Constitution. The Constitution says that before a President can be tried for ANY crime (including usurping the Presidency itself), he must be convicted of impeachment by Congress. The Constitution says EVERYONE is entitled to a trial, including the President. The President has a right to defend himself in front of any evidence. For Presidents, this is only able to be done in the Congressional Impeachment process.

    As long as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Barney Frank and Stark are there, this isn't going to happen.

    Best to concentrate on getting better people into Congress first.
  • Thank God someone with enough smarts has been able to do this! Walter Fitzpatrick III has become the person who has my greatest admiration, more so than ANY other person in the world.

    We as defenders of the Constitution MUST support this action and his efforts!
    • I never thought I'd live to see the day that the United States of America would elect someone to the presidency whose life we know almost nothing about!! If he has nothing to hide, why not present his birth certificate, why not openly display his college data, why is there never any mention of his family outside of his wife, mother-in-law, daughters and brother-in-law? He grew up with his half sister. Has she ever been to the White House? His half brother in Kenya recently wrote a book. Is it available in our bookstores? Has the president even read it? What about his aunt who was about to be deported? Suddenly, she is allowed to stay in the US. Has he ever brought her to the White House for a visit? What did Barack do while in college? Where did he frequent?

      We know this information about all of the other presidents. How did he avoid serving in the military? I admire Mr. Fitzpatrick for trying to get answers. But, as we have seen, Obama's anti-American "czars" and confidants will keep any of this from ever seeing the light of day.

      What a sorry time this is for the "land of the free."
  • Unfortunately it is absolutely correct that the people of the United States will be unable to remove Obama from the presidency until AFTER this mainly Democratic Congress is voted out (which this November it almost certainly WILL be).

    The Constitution mandates a two-thirds majority of the Congress to vote for impeachment for the president to be removed. That as we all know is not going to happen with the bunch of Senators and Congressmen we now have in office. Not only do all of us know Obama is guilty of election fraud, all the Democrats know it too--they knew it at the time Obama committed his election fraud, they failed to take action as the law requires and subsequently made themselves guilty of the felony of "misprisionment" rendering virtually the entire Democratic Party criminal felons. Of course, if any of these people make one false move against Obama Obama can (and assuredly WILL) take them all down with him.

    After the November elections (which as mentioned the Demorats are certain to lose and of course for good reason) we can almost certainly prosecute many of the members of the Demorat party for their poart in this as well. We should--what happened in America in 2008 must NEVER happen again. We must make these traitors examples for the world to see and learn from.

    As for the electing of these people we must all note that the media failed to do its job and helped to bring this crisis about. In fact if anything the media drove Obama's getaway car. There is a hidden but very critical point in here: the media has been bought up by foreign interests including radical islamists from the middle east and elsewhere. Americans can NOT get their news from the media because it is no longer owned by people interested in keeping them informed. And because the voting constitutency of the United States was kept in the dark a Communist-Islamofascist coup d'etat was able to take place. America now has a very serious problem. It was this very same type of failure of the news media that enabled other totalitarian regimes to ascend to power in other parts of the world. We have to act on this. Our enemies are now using our news media to destroy our democracy through intentional failure to inform the voting masses and unless these enemies are stopped they could succeed in that endeavor.
  • A Bloodless coup may be in the works.Just because this isn't the 3rd world doesn't mean
    it can't happen.It would be the way to resolve this,rather than 1000's of Patriots going
    to DC with pack and rifle,and spilling MAJOR blood.
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  • "Retrain???" "Back into shape?????" I'm almost 61 years old. In good health. I don't need to retrain. I can still shoot. (And round is a shape.) Just don't ask me to run very far. Unless it's downhill. (My platoon Sgt. would be yelling at me: "You're killing me Swartz. How do you expect to win the War lying on your back?" "I expect them to trip over me.")
  • Most of the civilised people of the world know that Barack Hussein Obama. Jr., AKA Barry Soetoro, has usurped the Oval Office! The rest of the people (recognised as socialist progressives) do NOT care! The Senate, Congress, Supreme Court, DOJ, DOD, NSA, FBI, CIA, et cetara!

    My take is this…the regime has planned a confrontation pitted between races, factions, acronym groups, who simply disagree with the direction our country is rapidly headed!

    Here is a variety of videos and audio of BHO, Jr. speaking to audiences of different opinions about his birthplace, which is Mombassa, Kenya, South Africa! If this ain’t enough…then you are the problem!

    Semper Fi,

    OBAMA BIRD.jpg

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