This administration continues the dangerous and reckless policies of catch and release while our Sons continue to sit in Leavenworth! This is a lopsided battlefield our Sons are fighting on where appeasement and apologies tip to the enemy while our Sons are prosecuted, persecuted and locked up in Leavenworth!!
Please continue to advocate for the release of our Sons from Leavenworth!
Now the enemy wants the Mastermind of 9/11 released!!!
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers
Can there be any more grevious polticial behavior that will release captured, dangerous, Islamic killers while allowing our warriors to languish in Leavenworth prison accused of doing their job??
Political correctness is the scourge of American freedom and liberty......all political parties participate in the same vicious trading of the most obscene violators of human decency for political points. It's beyond despicable.............
God only knows what Obama is doing...given his appeasement to radical Islam.
Kill all enemy's on the battlefield. Problem solved.