The more me and others are looking at a lone shooter the more we smell a rat. 1st. Over 500 injured and over 50 killed. If every weapon he used was magazine fed (which they were not because the veteran who located his room before police got there said he heard him go from full auto to a long gun). If he hit with 100% accuracy that’s at least 27 magazines , minimum! An accountant with no knowledge or firearms experience (per his families statements) would not have the physical stamina to fire that many rounds consistently. 2. I have watched video taken by a cab driver that was taking video that is clearly mussel flashes coming rapidly from what the driver said was about the fourth floor.3. My son who’s friends parents are police officers say their looking for other shooters but don’t want to alarm the public. The police chief said in a news conference today almost nonchalantly that others might of been involved and not one reporter picked it up, and No body bothered to ask if there could of been multiple shooters!! Here’s one of my big problems... why would a lone shooter have 20 weapons.When you go to war you don’t take multiple weapons, you take mucho ammo. Never in the history of mass shootings has a long gunman had that many weapons, it makes more sense that they were for others use. There’s also speculation that he was killed by others to use his room and then killed him and used him as a patsy (Lee Harvey Oswald senecio).But from the film I saw from the cab driver I’m convinced that there were multiple shooters. Even without that video one inexperienced person could not of pulled it off. The comments coming over the net here are almost all the same.... things are not what they seem. I think there’s something much more sinister going on than one person with psychological problems doing this killing. I won’t tell you what I think but if you think about it I’ll bet you can guess.
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