Virtual "bomb factory" found at home, prosecutors say
Home's renter pleaded not guilty to 28 charges involving explosive devices
VISTA — A North County man who prosecutors allege turned his rental home into a virtual “bomb factory” by manufacturing a large amount of highly dangerous and volatile homemade explosives pleaded not guilty Monday to a host of charges and was ordered held on $5 million bail.
Authorities discovered inside George Djura Jakubec’s home near Interstate 15 in Escondido “the largest quantity of this type of homemade explosives found in one location in the history of the United States,” Deputy District Attorney Terri Perez said.
Thirteen homemade grenades wrapped with shrapnel and nine completed detonators also were found. The grenades were not active, but the ingredients needed to make them so were found nearby, Perez said.
She told Vista Superior Court Judge Marshall Hockett that the three types of explosives found in the house or in the backyard are the types used extensively by insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Outside of court, Perez said investigators have not determined what Jakubec, 54, was planning to do with the weapons and explosives.
The explosives found at Jakubec’s home on Via Scott were Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HTMD), Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), and Erythritol tetranitrate (ETN).
All have been used by terrorists and suicide-bombers around the world. PETN was part of several recent bombing cases, including the 2001 shoe bomber incident, the 2009 Christmas Day bomb plot and October’s cargo plane bomb plot. HTMD also may have been used in the 2005 London bombings.
Jakubec faces 28 counts, most having to do with the possession or manufacture of explosive devices. He also was charged Monday with two bank robberies committed on June 25 and July 17, though Perez declined to say what evidence at the house implicates Jakubec.
Surveillance photographs from the FBI of a suspect at a July 17 Bank of America robbery in Carmel Mountain Ranch show a man who looks like Jakubec wearing big sunglasses and a hat. In that case, the robber used a demand note and threatened to harm customers if the teller did not comply with his demands.
Hockett prohibited the news media from publishing photographs of Jakubec’s face from Monday’s arraignment, saying there are “identity issues” as part of the ongoing investigation.
If convicted of all charges, Jakubec faces 40 years in prison, Perez said.
In the courtroom Monday, Jakubec’s estranged wife, Marina Ivanova, 37, kept saying, “No. No,” as the details of what he is accused of were laid out.
Sunday night in a telephone interview, Ivanova said her husband of 10 years was laid off from his job as a computer-software consultant three years ago and has been unemployed since.
She said he has become increasingly obsessive and would buy chemicals and electronics with money she earned from her job.
“I am afraid for my husband’s mental state,” Ivanova said. “He’s not well.”
She said chemistry was his hobby. Although she knew he was making things with the chemicals, she said she had no idea what. The economic downturn and Jakubec’s job loss took a heavy toll on his psyche, Ivanova said, adding that she recently separated from him.
Outside of court on Monday, Ivanova briefly spoke to reporters and said her husband was a good man and that she loved him.
During the court hearing, Jakubec said only “yes” to one routine question and rarely diverted his eyes from the ground.
Court records show that Jakubec and Ivanova were arrested on Oct. 13, 2009, for shoplifting at an unspecified Fry’s Electronic store. Jakubec pleaded guilty to a charge of misdemeanor burglary a couple of weeks later and was sentenced to three years’ probation by the same judge who arraigned him Monday. It was unclear whether charges were pursued against Ivanova or what materials were taken from the store.
Judge Hockett raised Jakubec’s bail to $5 million from $200,000, saying “he is an extreme danger to the community.” Perez had told the judge that Jakubec often visits Mexico and is a flight risk.
The chemicals at Jakubec’s house were discovered Thursday after a gardener, Mario Garcia, working in the yard stepped on something that exploded, seriously injuring the man who has since been released from the hospital.
Authorities said the blast occurred after Garcia had merely scuffed his foot on the ground where a small amount of an explosive powder had fallen.
On Monday, residents in Jakubec’s neighborhood expressed surprise and concern about what had been found in the home on Via Scott, a small street west of Interstate 15 and north of El Norte Parkway.
Samuel Bautista, whose backyard is about 300 feet from the corner of Jakubec’s rental home, worried that his children could have been hurt by the explosives while playing in the yard, as they were doing Monday afternoon.
“Yeah, of course, it’s scary,” Bautista said. “I’m glad he didn’t make more damage.”
Jakubec’s house has been sealed off for the time being as officials try to decide the best and safest way to deal with what is inside. “We have suspended operations,” sheriff’s spokeswoman Jan Caldwell said. “We are assessing.” • (760) 752-6780 • Twitter @jharryjones • (619) 293-1391 • Twitter @kristinadavis
Staff writer Nathan Scharn contributed to this report.
Chemicals at house
HMTD (Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine): An explosive powder that is unstable and very dangerous to manufacture. It has been used ina large number of suicide bombings worldwide.
PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate): A powerful explosive used in the 2001 shoe bomber incident, the 2009 Christmas Day bomb plot andOctober’s cargo plane bomb plot. It can be manufactured commercially forlegitimate purposes or at home by amateurs.
ETN (Erythritol tetranitrate): Similar to PETN, but more rare. It’s precursor is a natural sweetener, which has recently become readilyavailable to amateur bomb makers. There is no commercial use for ETN.
Also of interest
* Powerful homemade explosives found at North County home - 11/20/2010
* Search for explosives ends at North County home - 11/21/2010
* UAE traces serial numbers on Dubai mail bomb parts - 11/1/2010
* Bomb plot just narrowly averted, officials say - 10/31/2010
* 9 lbs of homemade explosives found at SD-area home - 11/20/2010
* FBI giving cops critical info: How to spot an IED - 3/30/2010
* I-15 shutdown? Blame chemicals, not bombs - 11/19/2010
* Feds advise local law enforcement about mail bombs - 11/1/2010
* Terrorist bombers may have targeted aircraft - 11/1/2010
* AP source: NYC terror suspect plans plea deal - 2/22/2010
Keep up the good work, Debra - but watch your back side - you are making a lot of enemies in high places - but, fortunately, you are smart enough to know the One you are NOT making an enemy of is our Heavenly Father - who, when He knows the time is right - will straighten all things, people included, out to His intent - not their's.
May Goid continue to bless you, and bless us, through you! ! ! -
Bro. Hugh, Local Prayer Warriors, SDA Prayer Warriors, Word Wide Prayer Warriors, and Christian Cowboy Prayer Warriors.