Posted by bstein80 • August 11th, 2009We’ve received a lot of emails and phone calls from you about updates on the 9-12 March on Washington. Many of you are wondering where we stand, 30 days out from the historic event. I wanted to take a few minutes tonight to update you.Every day I talk to someone new who is chartering a bus or booking a flight to come to DC on 9-12. The energy is high, the momentum is growing and the day is getting closer. We are trying to keep track of registrations for the March, but we know that many more people will simply come without registering. That is fine, but we do need to get an estimate of the expected crowd for logistics purposes.As one wise conservative sage, Morton Blackwell, always says, “You should underpromise and overachieve.” That is what we are trying to accomplish by not giving the media any crowd estimates that they can use against us. We want to surprise them and shock the nation by the massive turnout that we expect on 9-12. I can only ask you to trust our judgment in this, and promise you that we will have a huge turnout.We are in meetings every couple of days, locking down more logistics for the three day event, booking speakers, managing our volunteer list, marketing the event, doing interviews and raising money. These things are taking up a lot of our time, and we know that if we all work hard, it will pay off big time on 9-12. What we really need from all of you is the following: help calling talk radio stations; posting comments on blogs; alerting the local media to cover the event; helping us raise money to pay for the expensive equipment and supplies; and recruiting as many people in your neighborhood to come with you to DC.If all the people reading this blog post help us by doing these things, we are guaranteed a successful event. The potential for this event is huge, and it is up to every one of us to commit to recruiting as many people as we can to come.Finally, be sure to check our agenda page for updates on training sessions, grassroots lobbying, press conferences and the March details. This will be the most up-to-date source for breaking news about the March. Other sites are helping spread the word, but they may have incomplete or incorrect information. Be sure to let them know if something changes on this site.We have a lot planned for the 3-day March on Washington, and we are excited to work with you for the next month to ensure its success. We have worked hard all year to take a stand for liberty, and we have made an impact in the debates in Congress. But now we must come together in the spirit of previous marches on Washington, and unite for one day, in one place, to display our power as a movement. We have the potential to be the kind of historic movement that makes a long-lasting impact on our country. Namely, we the people have the power to stop the movement toward socialism taking place in our country. We have the power to stand up and defend our Constitution from the politicians and their political hacks and machines. And we have the power to defeat big government and its enablers, and save our country from those that wish to fundamentally alter it.Ask yourself, what would Thomas Jefferson do in these times? What would Samuel Adams or Thomas Paine do? Please join us in working harder than ever the next month to focus on one event that will shock the nation, and make enough noise that our voices echo into the ages. Together, we can do this. See you in September.
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I am so sick of talking yet doing nothing........desperate times call for desperate measures.........LET"S DO THIS!!!!
26vu6l54c3sdr > 2mm89em9klxt1February 12, 2011 at 3:57am
"We The People" remeber that? Our gov't is deliberately keeping us from knowing the truth, they have planned so much in secret to dictate to us like we were cattle, we need to shake DC up, get those old, senile, half drunk all the time off the hill and gone. We need to do what egypt did, TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. Washington is a joke, they are inferior, as plato says, "if one does not get involved, they end up governed by the inferior. We have nothing but greedy, drunk, stupid people running our country and we need to march on DC, the Federal Reserve (take our money back) we really need to get the finacial crap straight because we are tired of lies, mismanagement of $, the individuals running the fed and the banks, now there is where we need to start slappin some people around. WE REALLY NEED TO GET IT BACK. Before thier plans can go into affect. Here's an idea, set up DUI checkpoints all around washington, I'm talking about where the senate and house members hang out, on a friday afternoon, lock these drunk reps up, run them thru the courts, and then FIRE THIER ASSES. We don't need anymore lawyers, we need to take this on and WIN.