This is so very hard to watch! 
The enemy is so emboldened by this pandering and appeasing, poor excuse of a Commander -in-Chief, and so they murder more of our Sons!  As the coward in the White House provides himself as "eye candy" to the twits on the view (just imagine you are a Soldier on foot patrol in Afghanistan and you hear your dimwit leader in the White House say this??!!!!), parties with Jay-Z and his rapper loony friends, and struts around campaigning!     
Please pray for our Troops.  I truly believe Obama is hell bent on demoralizing our Sons and Daughters and General Allen and General Dempsey are fully on board! 
Patton would slap all 3 of these Stooges!
They are all a National Disgrace!  Never has the greatness of America been so at risk!
Tonight, as you lay your head down, Please say a prayer for our Troops!  They so need our prayers.
And Please help elect Romney/Ryan on November 6th!
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers

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  • The more we have America's Finest Trained Soldiers "back" at home.......the better for our Country.  I fear America has been sold out.  We will need our soldiers here....before too long!

    • Jerel, I know how you feel. I have been so concerned for OUR country and have voiced my opinion that we need our brave warriors here to defend us and OUR country. God help us if this SOB in the White House wins. We are in for it. God save America.

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