Penned by Allen West

A year ago there were those of us who warned the Obama Administration of a Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt. We were castigated as alarmists and loose cannons. Today our predictions have come to reality and the ominous specter reminding us of the Iranian revolution is evident. The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they would not run a presidential candidate. Clearly the Arab Spring is nothing more than a radical Islamic nightmare. Now we need to unequivocally reiterate our support to the Coptic Christians and Israel. What an incredible foreign policy faux pas by the second coming of President Jimmy Carter, the Obama Administration. I call upon President Barack Obama to cut off American foreign aid to Egypt, denounce the results of this election, repudiate the Muslim Brotherhood, and all radical Islamist political entities.


Then I watch this video with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President saying "Our Capital 'Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing'" and Telling them to be martyrs and march on Jerusalem.

Then I remembered this video that I posted on PFA back in 09. I even had a man on here tell me it was propaganda....however, since then that mans eyes have opened to what islam really is all about.

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  • WW111 is now just around the corner. And we can all say thanks to bho...

    • Pat, yes you can thank Obama and though you probably mean it in a bad way, he would think it a good endorsement for accomplishing his mission to allah. This is some scary stuff.

  • now that the m. brotherhood is in the white house obozo don't have to hide his real feeling in religion, and they said beck was nuts! our life is in gods hands, we have to get closer to his teachings and ask for forgiveness god is the light gene

  • The new black panthers is just another branch of brotherhood. Bho has been letting the Hamas an others come into the USA and willl be his US Martial force when he calls for Martial law before long, for that is his private army that they have let come in and go to their secret trainning camps, which the gov. has not let the people know about as they get ready to start a civil war just like they did in Egypt and are doing in Syria and putting the blame on the local govenment... Another thing is that in countrys that the brotherhood has taken over there are no infidels left alive unless they are still hiding. Thats looks like their plan here in the USA.and Israel...

    • Well I have news for them, those Patriots, Veterans and Christians left standing when civil action is declared will take out all those in this country that don't espouse to our views, God's Laws, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of  Happiness.

  • David:  It may be "Obama's full intention to throw the United States and the whole world beneath the feet of Islam regardless of the cost...", but he couldn't accomplish that agenda without a complicit House and Senate.  Where are our concerned Representatives and Senators?  It has to be a joint project.  Those folks in Congress know, as well as we do, that Obama is not a natural born Citizen as required under the Constitution, yet they are all complicit, in this vital particular, of allowing the Constitution to be ignored.  The sickness in this Country goes far further than the wretch in the Oval Office!

    • Congress and Senate think they are part of the ELITE. BUT When if you look at Egypt and Lybia you will not find a infidel alive for their heads have rolled and this is what the brotherhood has planned for all in the USA...

        Just look at Mexico and see how many heads have rolled since bho and holder have taken control. The cartel would just shoot you but the MB makes their heads roll for that is the Islamic terrorist way to treat infidels...

  • The time is now!!  BoyO has not been timid in his support of the Muslim Brotherhood.  We'll be lucky to see the Nov Election!!

  • we the people,ok we know the treasonous pile of camel dung in the wh,and his head racist a/g holdup,holdup for tne murder of border guard brian terry,and  his musmutt boss the communist trader in the wh,we the people can,t trust or count on any of these do nothing but steal from we the people politicians,to all freedom loving,god fearing americian citizens.time to talk/plan/refine peaceful plan/we the people who are the real government its time to peacefully gather,to the nra,you have 3 or million members,for which i am a life member,to aarp,amac,60 plus,john birch society,teabaggers,look how far these treasonous traders have let this once great country fall.we the people,a journey starts with a first step,just look whats going on in this so called government,treason,liars,do nothings thats our government today,we the people its time.god bless ron paul,sheriff joe and cold case posse,chuck norris,and all american veterans/ nation under god

    • And as follow our customs and the terrorist will fire the first shot and then we will all stand and take them out...

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