Wall Street JournalPublic school teachers are supposed to teach kids to read, so it would be nice if their unions could master the same skill. In a recent letter to Senators, the National Education Association claims Washington, D.C.'s Opportunity Scholarships aren't working, ignoring a recent evaluation showing the opposite."The DC voucher pilot program, which is set to expire this year, has been a failure," the NEA's letter fibs. "Over its five year span, the pilot program has yielded no evidence of positive impact on student achievement."That must be news to the voucher students who are reading almost a half-grade level ahead of their peers. Or to the study's earliest participants, who are 19 months ahead after three years. Parents were also more satisfied with their children's schools and more confident about their safety. Those were among the findings of the Department of Education's own Institute of Education Sciences, which used rigorous standards to measure statistically significant improvement.If you call that "failure," no wonder the program has been swimming in several times as many applications as it can accept. They come from parents desperate to give their kids a chance to get the kind of education D.C.'s notorious public schools do not provide. That's the same chance the Obamas have made by opting for private schools and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has taken by choosing to live in a Virginia suburb with better public schools.Contrary to the NEA's letter, the D.C. voucher program isn't magically expiring of its own accord. In March, Congress voted to eliminate the vouchers after the 2009-2010 school year unless it is re-approved by the D.C. City Council and . . . Congress. The program, which helps send 1,700 kids to school with $7,500 vouchers, was excised even as the stimulus is throwing billions to the nation's school districts.The NEA's letter was a pre-emptive strike against the possibility that 750,000 students in military families would benefit from vouchers. That idea was raised in a Senate hearing this month, when military families explained that frequent moves and inconsistent schooling was harmful to their children. "The creation of a school voucher program should be considered," Air Force wife Patricia Davis dared to say.emphasis minePresident Obama pledged to support whatever works in schools, ideology notwithstanding. But neither he nor Mr. Duncan have dared to speak truth to the power of the NEA. Military families can join urban parents on the list of those who matter less to the NEA than does maintaining the failed status quo.Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A14
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The NEA is and has been a total failure .. a 70% success rate for public school graduation should speak for itself.
Wonder why the DC vouchers were suspended.. anyone know where BO's kids are going to school? Well .. who could figure .. Biden's kids ... BO's kids ... Sidwell Friends ... a private school... Actions speak louder than words... I see how this promise of change really works ... in every category .. just another DC lie ... the unions need to be abolished for all public workers, including leaders and return to the original intent ... public service.... the benefits and wages should be the same or less than those working in the private sector. I am tired of supporting failure with tax dollars. And these folks have all forgotten who they work for.
As a retired teacher .... the NEA is the saddest thing that has occured in American education system. Their political agenda never allowed for the good of our children.
Of all of the children of America who should receive vouchers, support and America's Thanks, are the children of our Military who have fought so that all of us will have freedom.
If all of us who enjoy freedom, do not rise up and fight against the evil that is America, we will all lose our freedom and be under the rule of dictators!
I think the cuts that should be made before any others are should be to the Secret Service, if vouchers are not good enough for those protecting us, why should money go to those protecting those making the cuts..
Wonder why the DC vouchers were suspended.. anyone know where BO's kids are going to school? Well .. who could figure .. Biden's kids ... BO's kids ... Sidwell Friends ... a private school... Actions speak louder than words... I see how this promise of change really works ... in every category .. just another DC lie ... the unions need to be abolished for all public workers, including leaders and return to the original intent ... public service.... the benefits and wages should be the same or less than those working in the private sector. I am tired of supporting failure with tax dollars. And these folks have all forgotten who they work for.
If all of us who enjoy freedom, do not rise up and fight against the evil that is America, we will all lose our freedom and be under the rule of dictators!