The Need For Speed Need For SpeedFebruary 7, 2009 · 20 CommentsThe Democrats favorite “Botox Bimbo” (No, not Cher..) Nancy Pelosi, has come out firing on behalf of all of the rest of the liberal Liliputs relative to the “economic stimulus package”, or “Pelosi’s Pork”, whichever you prefer..Those moon eyed moments of the “good feelings of bipartisanship” that the “Not so Dark Knight” brayed about during his $200,000,000.00 Communist conclave are apparently as few and far between as the Polyfibre plugs on Biden’s hollow melon these days. The Democratic equivalent of Joan Rivers, (in more ways than one.. not only because of the Botox but both broads are very funny.) “dismissed” calls for bipartisanship as “process arguments extraneous to passing a stimulus bill”.. As always, the left wants nothing more than to stimulate the government and if you question them relative to their redistributionist racket, you are greeted with the usual buckets of Bolshevik bile.These are the same sanctimonious Socialists who were all about “extraneous process arguments” just a short time ago.. Things like “exit strategies” and “time tables” were the “slogans du jour” when they were slavishly following the prevailing pacifist winds pertaining to the War when a Republican was in office. These are the kinds of weasels that get away with “voting for the war before they voted against it”..As a point of procedure, allow me to report that the Congressional Research Service in late 2008 placed the financial costs of both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts at “around $550,000,000.00″. That is for both fronts and from 2003 onward.Suddenly, the “Devils in the details” Democrats of the last five years who want to SPEND (not invest) nearly TWICE that amount in a vastly shorter amount of time consider logical debate over their whimsical wastefulness as “acrimonious” or “extraneous process arguments”..Pelosi spoke to reporters at her “House Democrats retreat” at a Williamburg Virginia golf resort and country club. She stressed the “need for speed” relative to this “spend-a-thon”. “We must have a bill.. Washington seems consumed in the process argument of bipartisanship, when the rest of the country says they need this bill”.. Allow me to read between the lies by rearranging and coloring the California communist’s remarks.. “We abhor the process arguments of bipartisanship, the rest of this country club and its special interests need this bill.” Pelosi also “warned” Senate Democrats who might cut the educational spending (remember: this is an “economic stimulus package”..) earmarked within this bill. The “need for speed”? This comes from the fact that as little as a cursory glance at this bill will cause one to ask for details, and lots of them.. The left won’t abide such attention to detail anymore, that is just being disputatious..Right on cue, one of the left’s “special interests” made its feelings known to the liberal caliphate. The NEA, the National Education Association (the Nationalist Euthanasia Abattoir..) sent a letter to Senate Democrats “threatening to lower their rating with the group”.. First of all, who else are the plebian public schools siphons going to vote for? Secondly, this is no idle threat, as the NEA understands full well the concept of lower ratings. These disgusting Democrats have lowered the rating of the American public schools with great success, so this something that they have first hand knowledge of and tangible experience in..“These cuts are very damaging- (the House bill) was put together very carefully”.. That is what is frightening, that it was “put together very carefully”. So the “care” that was taken by the House should be sufficient, no one else needs to “care” because the liberals “care” enough for everyone. Again, the liberals know what is best for you and this time they want to give it to you with both barrels. Just don’t ask any questions, don’t look too deeply and don’t you dare disagree..The Democrats have made some cuts within this bill that will effect the economy. At the request (demand) of the Democratic House dominatrix, the tax cuts within the package were slashed by $50,000,000.00. This will certainly have an effect on the economy, the effect that the liberals have been working towards since the Caligula/Gore years.Pelosi has apparently been “cautioning that the next 72 hours will be critical to turn the tide of public opinion for or against the package”.. “Public opinion” has been against this package from its inception, the left has just chosen to ignore the opinions of those who differ. Nancy “Let Them Eat Cake” Pelosi has been living in denial for so long, she has to carry a passport from Egypt.Obama himself chimed in again, “it would be inexcusable for Congress to get bogged down in distraction, delay or politics as usual..” This didn’t stop the liberals from following that exact plan of attack upon America while the last administration was at war and troops were in harms way.They “care for the troops” (in their own perverted way) and if you giggle at that statement you are “questioning their patriotism”. (Yes we are, actually..) We, who have the nerve to disagree with the bloated Bolshevik (no I am not talking about Al Gore.) Behemoth which has so very little to do with the economy, which has been forwarded by the collectivists, are “acrimonious” and we “argue extraneously”..Even an imbecile like Joe Biden can see that the liberals will “face political repercussions in 2010″ for encouraging this economical euthanasia. However, it is hard to consider the opinion of someone who a few moments later said, “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there is still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong”.. This laughable liberal logic chopper is the Vice President of the United States of America. Let’s try to think this one through, if you “get everything right”, isn’t the chance that you’re going to get it wrong at 0%? If “everything is right”, isn’t nothing wrong? Relative to his “repercussions” remark, I suppose that we have to take into consideration that a blind squirrel will find a nut every once and a while..Then again, a few moments later he said, “when it works, as I am absolutely convinced it will, I’m absolutely convinced..” Hold on, isn’t this the same Joe Biden who was just 70% convinced a little while back??Biden stumbled on, “the consequences are too great for the country to allow politics to prevent action”.. Politics could prevent catastrophe. The country and some responsible legislators are concerned about the consequences of this action.. It is always important to remember that “results” are insignificant to the left. It is always about “the movement, man..” “Action” is all that matters, the resultant carnage is never applicable to the leftists.Biden seemed almost upset, saying, “you’re going to be nailed in ads” (in 2010).. If Biden is so concerned about the Democrats who support this bill being “nailed in ads” in 2010, then why doesn’t he and the left engage in the dialogue that others in his party have termed “acrimonious” or “extraneous arguments”? If he knows that they are going to be “nailed”, isn’t he acknowledging that there is too much within this bill that needs some serious reconsideration?Biden, the first Vice President who having stuck his foot in his mouth with such frequency, suffers from “Athlete’s tongue” said, “the only thing we can get wrong (is) demonstrating to the American people that we’re thinking small and politically.. you (House Democrats) have not, you’ve thought big..” That is the problem that the left refuses to acknowledge, they are thinking too big and more importantly, too far away from the point of an “economic stimulus package”.Again, the liberals that accused the last administration of “rushing in” firmly insists that “rushing in” now is the thing to do. Biden as well, doesn’t pick up on the fact that it is the “thinking big” portions of this bill put in place by the Democrats, which has the nation cringing. Remember Joe, that whole 30% thing that you talked about a few moments ago? Enjoy your nut, you were right for once..

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