The NEW America:
What has America become? Now after the 2020 Election where the news media is being allowed to decide who won the election, the Electoral College has not met at this point, and most of the States have still not announced their final vote certifications. But the whole world appears to have accepted that President Donald J. Trump has lost and that Joe Biden has won.
Forget about the massive amounts of voter fraud, the main-stream media claims it never happened.
We are expected to accept it and simply move on.
In fact the “news-media” and the Democrat party are demanding that Americans accept their reports of a Democrat Biden win – OR ELSE.
What does that mean? OR ELSE? What can we expect to see as America moves forward with a Democratic win and a new Democratic control of Washington?
We can expect to see more of what occurred in the Obama/Biden years from 2008/2016.
But this time around it will be much worse.
We can expect to see more of the corruption from Washington, but this time on a much larger scale.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sold America’s uranium to Russia. Then she had the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Land Management arrest and move the Hammond family ranchers off their land in Oregon so that they could confiscate the land. Senator Harry Reid tried to do the same thing in Nevada. They only failed when several hundred of fully armed citizens showed up to stop them. Harry Reid referred to them as “Domestic Terrorists”. The State of Oregon eventually shot and Killed Arizona rancher Lavoy Finnicum. Waco Texas – The Branch Davidians. - 85 men women and children were murdered by Democrat Attorney General Janet Reno and the National Guard. Why? Because they had a sock-pile of weapons.
Now the Biden administration is promising to destroy and eliminate the Second Amendment and to confiscate all our weapons and guns.
Under the Democrat’s “Green-New-Deal” ALL land in the US will be confiscated. There will not be any more privately owned ranches, farms, and land. Even your little city block patch of property and your house will belong to the Federal Government. And that includes all the minerals and resources under that land.
What can we expect out of the Justice department?
We all watched in anger as the Obama administration weaponized the FBI and CIA against Candidate and then President Donald Trump. The FBI spent three years trying to prosecute Donald Trump, and they spent $40 Million dollars in the process. But they refuse to investigate or prosecute certain people claiming they are “Untouchable”. At the same time they also spent four years prosecuting and persecuting US Army General Michael Flynn simply because Trump wanted him to take over as the head of the National Security Administration.
But they’re still not finished yet.
New York State and New York City prosecutors are promising to prosecute Trump for as yet unknown crimes. They are using the Internal Revenue Service to seize Trump’s tax returns for the past 20 years. New York city Democrat Representative Jerry Nadler and California reps, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters are demanding that Trump be prosecuted for his crimes. They can’t name or specify what those crimes are but that doesn’t matter. They will do the same thing they did in the Enron company prosecutions, they combined two innocuous non-criminal offenses in order to manufacture a crime. Enron executives were prosecuted and the company was put out of business. 85 thousand people lost their jobs.
They intend to do the same thing with Donald Trump as soon as he leaves office on January 20th. 2021.
They accuse Donald Trump of “destroying their Democracy”. Well hopefully they are right on that one. Trump’s only real crime was that he managed to get elected in 2016 when he beat Hillary Clinton, he wasn’t supposed to win that election.
They thought they had it all rigged for Hillary, they never counted on Trump winning.
So in the 2020 elections they made damn sure Trump was never going to win reelection.
Rather than risk another loss to Trump they doubled and trippled-down on their plans to rig the election. They used the cover of the Corona Virus COVID-19 pandemic and the ban on people’s large gatherings as an excuse to use mail-in ballots rather than allowing people to vote in person.
Once again they used the electronic vote counting and reporting machines that were used to guarantee Hugo Chavez's election in Valenzuela. This time they used employees of the Dominion and Smartmatics company to insert software “Upgrades” at the last minutes. Those voting machine “Upgrades” were designed to flip votes from Trump to Joe Biden. But when Trump began winning anyway, the flipping of votes from Trump to Biden just couldn’t keep up with the pace. The voting and counting of ballots had to be stopped in order to allow the machine operators to insert ballots to make it appear that Joe Biden and not Donald Trump was ahead in the Electoral College counts.
They actually had to insert an estimated 635 Thousand to 2.5 Million “Votes” into several key cities and States to make the count show Biden ahead.
That’s when they made their mistakes. They got too many people involved in the fraud process.
People began coming forward with reports of election center misbehavior and fraud. Voting monitors were being banned from observing the ballot counting and verification process. Even after a State and regional judge ordered them to allow the monitors to observe the counting. The judge’s orders were ignored and election monitors were not allowed within 50 feet of the volunteers who were processing the ballots.
During the course of less than one hour, between 3:30 to 4:30 am on Wednesday morning more than 10 Million votes were either entered or transferred from Donald J. Trump to Joe Biden.
This time the “Fix” was in, it was guaranteed that Joe Biden would be the winner of the 2020 election. It is being reported that those voting machines illegally transferred the data first to Barcelona Spain, then to Germany, and then finally back to the United States where the voting numbers were reported.
And the “News-Media” was quick to announce the results, President Donald J. Trump had been defeated and Joe Biden was the new President elect. It didn’t matter that no States had certified their results yet, or that the Electoral College electors had not been selected yet and have not had a chance to make their decisions. Joe Biden is being announced as the New President Elect and that he will be sworn in and inaugurated as the 46th president on January 20th, 2021. One of the promises of the Biden administration is to eliminate that Electoral College, irregardless of the fact that it is part of the Constitution.
And the Government has decided that they will prosecute Donald Trump. Even though they still don’t have any crimes with which to prosecute him other than that he won the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton.
Charges of “Trump has destroyed our Democracy” is their rally cry.
Well if THIS is their idea of Democracy and their concept of what America should be, then I hope and pray that he has. Because America is and never has been a Democracy. America is a Constitutional free Republic.
America is a free and sovereign Nation unto itself. Set apart from the controls and dictatorships of any other nation, and that includes the United Nations and Russia or China.
But that Constitution is only as good as the people’s resolve and determination to protect, defend, and preserve it.
If this is the kind of nation we want and will allow then GOD help us all. And may GOD help America for we will all suffer the consequences of our weakness. Over the past 234 years over three Million men and women who have given their lives to defend and preserve that Constitution will have all dies in vein.
New Video;
Many people are wondering what that word means.
Here are two explanations of what KRAKEN is.
It is in fact a Department of Defense hacking and surveillance program.
Sidney Powell's exposure of this KRAKEN program.
Once you read these two items , Consider this:
1) We now know why they did not want General Michael Flynn to run the Intelligence Agency.
2) Hillary Clinton has sent a message to Joe Biden that she wants to be the next Secretary of Defense, the head of the DOD.