Before it's News


Penned by Ann Barnhardt


Let’s quit the chickensh*t dancing around here.

The Obama regime has been running guns and BIGTIME armaments and munitions, including MANPADS, which are shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles designed to shoot down commercial jetliners, to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is just Fast-and-Furious except that the people being armed are musloids tasked with reforming the Islamic Caliphate instead of the drug cartels. But it is exactly the same thing. Ghadaffi was overthrown because the Obama regime wanted to use a chaotic, destabilized “wild west” Libya as the doorway to the Caliphate to get the arms in for distribution to Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt and eventually Saudi Arabia. Egypt would have been too risky.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and the CIA were somehow, some way running or heavily involved this armament pipeline.

The Obama regime wanted and “needed” Chris Stevens dead, probably to cover the gun and armament running, so they killed him. Word was sent to the Muslim Brotherhood to attack the Benghazi facility. The Obama regime promised that there would be no retaliation and that a cover story about “slandering the prophet” would be provided. The Muslim Brotherhood wins all around. They get to keep all of the arms and MANPADS supplied by Obama with no whistleblowers AND they get their bullshit sharia law agenda advanced and explicitly ratified by the government of the United States.

Get used to this business of the Oligarch class using the Muslim Brotherhood to do their dirty work for them. This has been the plan all along, and it will only escalate from here.

As I have been saying since 2008, Barack Obama is the explicit enemy of what used to be the First American Republic, and of Western Civilization in general. EXPLICIT ENEMY. As in traitor. As in treason. As in murderer. As in should be arrested as a non-state, non-uniformed enemy belligerent, tried in a military tribunal, and upon conviction be put against a wall and shot by a firing squad, and then have his dead body publicly displayed so that there will be no future doubt or bullshit conspiracy theory crap that the son of a bitch wasn’t executed. No shit.

And the same goes for dozens of people in his “administration” right along with him, except that the U.S. citizens, like Hillary Clinton, should be tried for treason. But like Obama, upon conviction (which should take all of five minutes to deliberate) these people should be executed by firing squad without delay. They are traitors and they are murderers.

After almost four years of this shit, you people are still trying to parse these events as if these people are just misguided or inept. These people are the declared enemy of what used to be the United States (they put the last nail in the coffin – the Republic is already dead) and of Western civilization. They are attempting to bring about a global tyrannical oligarchy and are in a close, explicit alliance with islam in order to consolidate control of the oil producing areas of the muslim world and eliminate Israel, and eventually to use the Caliphate as the army which will totally overrun and overthrow Europe.

Clinton, Obama, Panetta, Axelrod and THEIR HANDLERS, all of these people are coming straight out of Communism, which is really nothing more than a push for a global tyrannical oligarchy. It has little to do with any sort of economic theory per se, its only goal is to put a cadre of oligarchs in power, and to enrich them by any means necessary. We should probably stop calling it Communism and just call it neo-Stalinism.

Chris Stevens was tortured, gang ass raped, killed, and his dead body was gang ass raped again because the initial order came from Washington D.C. to kill him. The details really didn’t concern the murderers sitting in Washington watching it happen via drone-cam, nor did the collateral damage in the form of the other three men killed. Stevens thought he was “in the club”, but the poor fool was just another “stupid faggot” in the eyes of the Obama regime who was used and then killed because he was worth less than nothing to them. But then, all human life is worth less than nothing to these people.

One of the SEALs was on the roof of the building painting a target with a laser expecting a drone or a gunship to engage. What the SEAL failed to understand is that the drone he knew was flying above him was in fact the asset of the very people who ordered the strike, and that they were back in Washington watching via that drone-cam, cooly waiting for him, the ambassador and the other assets there present to die.

You people need to wake the hell up. Prepare for war. These people are killers and will stop at nothing until someone stops them.

Read the rest and watch another video here.


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  • I don't doubt one word of this, one bit.

  • I agree with you and I do not want them representing me nor my interests in Washington, D.C.

  • we the people,who are the real government,time to take back our government,from these lawless,useless,treasonous traitor in government.who continue to deceive,lie,and not answer any questions,of there treasonous agenda,we know longer have a governement,we have a bunch of inept,thiefs,who do nothing for we the people,but do everything to fill there own pockets,with money,they are stealing from we the people,its time to stop this insane treason from continuing.time to gather/prepare/focus/plan/refine plan,we have got to stop this tyranny from continuing against we the people,i call on the nra/aarp/amac/john birch society/all militias/all freedom loving,god fearing american veternas/citizens,this treason only continues as long as we the people,allow it to continue,time to gather at the un building,or the wh,no not a revolution,an evolution of our constitiuion,bill of rights,ask yourselfs,if this treasonous government,looks anything like what the constitiuion,and the bill of rights,is suppose to be,people its our government,we just allow these traitor to represent we the people,i say these lawless,useless,treasonous thiefs in government,do not represent we the people anymore.that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it,and to institiute new government,i would like you to think about that last paragraph.yea thats what i thought,we the people were and when,we can no longer trust or count on any of these lawless,useless,treasonous people in government anymore.god bless romney/ryan,sheriff joe and cold case posse,chuck norris,frank serpico,and all americian veternas/citizens,one nation under know who god is don,t you ovomit/satan,well don,t you.yea thou i walk in the valley of the shadoow of death,i will fear no evil/ovomit

  • Anne Barnhardt is one of the straightest shooting people I've ever seen. If she says this...I'd take it to the bank! Prepare...

    • The crack in the dam is becoming a hole.

  • Well Folks,

    Y'all might want to ponder these excerpts taken from the Republic of Texas Constitution, as well as the ORIGINAL, ORGANIC, PRE-1871 Constitution for the united states of America.  They may provide some guidance, and enlightenment as to a viable solution for all of this GLOBALIST BULLSH*T!!

    All political power is inherent in the people and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.

    Article 1, Section 2..Republic of Texas Constitution.



    "A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed."

    Second Amendment...Constitution for the united states of America. (Pre-1871)

    Any questions??!!

  • At 1:19 of this video: Fourteen hours after the attack, Obama sat down with Steve Croft of 60 minutes for a previously scheduled interview and said he did not believe it was due to mob violence. Obama said, "You're right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt, uh, and, um, my suspicion is that there are folks that are involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start."


    So, why, on the following day, did he promote the video as the reason at the Rose Garden, allowed his thugs to promote it up to and including his repeated claims that the video is at fault, six times in his speech at the U.N., and that was 14 days later?!


    This is a coverup and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. He and those down the chain that helped in this coverup are guilty of murder, treason, dereliction of duty and probably a whole slew of other charges that should give them plenty of time to think about it in prison or right before their execution, that they deserve, for these multiple murders.

  • Sen. Tom Coburn once said in a letter that he believed that the House hadn't filed a charge of treason against this president  because members didn't believe that what he had done thus far fell under 'high crimes and misdemeanors.'   Personally, he felt that some of what Obama had done was unconstitutional, but still not enough to have treason charges filed.  Wonder whether Obama's recent deeds measure up, and if so, whether the House will have an opportunity to file such charges after Nov. 6th... All they need to do is consider the number of acts he has performed without going through and by-passing Congress - making them all unconstitutional.  To me, that is a high crime.  So is gun-running south of the border and to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group to use in the Mideast.


  • Depending on what happens on Nov. 6th The American Patriots are prepared to take back our government, The Lord knows we dont want to use force but obumer is pushing us towards it. He is very likely to pull even more when he loses the Presidency but we can and will put a stop to what ever he tries. He is our number one enemy and is not an American!!!!!!!!

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