The OPSEC Newsletter

Just a little over one month ago, OPSEC released it's revealing documentary Dishonorable Disclosures with unprecedented success. With over 3.7 million views on YouTube, Dishonorable Disclosures message has gone viral is drawing support from all across America and reaching the highest levels of government. Our criticisms have drawn direct responses from President Obama's campaign and prompted heated debated on news shows and in newspapers...

...and we're just getting started!

We know that OPSEC's success is a direct result of the support of our many donors, email subscribers, fans, and the millions of concerned citizens who have watched the Dishonorable Disclosures documentary. We are extremely grateful and couldn't have come this far without your efforts. We hope that you'll continue to strongly support OPSEC.

OPSEC In The News:

Dishonorable DisclosureDishonorable Disclosures Goes Viral
OPSEC's revealing documentary "Dishonorable Disclosures," has gone viral -- with 3.7 million views on YouTube, the video the Obama Administration doesn't want you to see has become the video everyone is talking about! Word is spreading about the unprecedented number of significant breaches national security that have occurred during the Obama Administration...and America is furious! If you have not yet seen Dishonorable Disclosures don't miss out! Click here to watch it right now.

Dishonorable DisclosureOPSEC Airs It's First TV Ad During The Democratic National Convention
OPSEC begin airing a sixty-second ad based on Dishonorable Disclosures, revealing the impact of the increasing number of leaks by the Obama Administration on Intelligence and Special Operations missions. The ad ran in Charlotte, NC, during the Democratic National Convention on network TV and cable news, including Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. Click here to see the ad

Dishonorable DisclosureMr. President -- Take Down This Ad!
Osama Bin Laden was killed as justice for 9/11 -- not to help Barack Obama. But the Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed credit and even released a highly partisan ad exploiting the work of thousands of Americans and one heroic SEAL team to promote the president's re-election and criticize his political opponent. It demeans those who serve our country and is unconscionable political grandstanding.

OPSEC has launched a campaign targeted at President Obama's shameless campaign ad, "One Chance," demanding he immediately it take down and apologize for using America's Special Operations for personal political gain. Sign the petition by clicking here.

Following National Security Leaks In The News:

Paul Ryan suggests White House leaked identity of Pakistani doctor
The Washington Post
GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan suggested at a town hall meeting Wednesday that the Obama administration leaked the name of Shakil Afridi, the Pakistani doctor who aided the Central Intelligence Agency in tracking down Osama bin Laden. Click to read more

Feds: Hide SEAL name given to Hollywood
Last July, a top Pentagon official gave two Hollywood filmmakers the name of a Navy SEAL involved in training the squad of commandos who carried out the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Now, the Obama administration is fighting to keep that same name from the public. Click to read more

Details of bin Laden raid leaked first by Obama aides
Washington Times
The Obama administration has gone to extraordinary lengths to publicize details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, even as it threatens to file criminal charges against a former Navy SEAL because he provided the same type of mission rundown in his recently published book. Click to read more

Cheney hits Obama on national security as campaigns pause for Sept. 11
Daily News
Dick Cheney went on the offensive against President Obama in a statement to a conservative news site as both political campaigns paused to remember the victims of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Click to read more

Watch the Video

Paid for by Paid for by Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc.

Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.
Contributions are not tax deductible.

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  • This Admin. total lack of understanding and incompetence in World Affairs is becoming as obvious as the recent attempt to sway the American public to think that the recent turmoil in the Middle East is a result of some "Video" ..... Are YOU KIDDING ME !!! This is as blatant as it gets when it comes to the "spin" that comes out of playing "POLITICS" but this is at the expense of NATIONAL SECURITY. I do not know how anyone with any historical perspective can come to the conclusions that this is not another attack on our HOMELAND .....this is how our security forces and law enforcement treat the Embassy's in this country as . As if it were their homeland !!!! I am confused why its just the FBI over there right now ..... unless this is being regarded as a "legal" enfringement and not an act of TERROR ...... IT BETTER BE BOTH and it might be a good idea to continue to pursue this cause I can't see any more diffirence than this example as a blatant attack on the TRUTH !!!! And trying to "COVER" it up. We just have had so many examples of spin coming out of this Admin. For example, Holder has now been given a pass with the recent resignations of high level Justice Dept. officials. A pass on another "Cover up". Its disgusting !!!!! And the loss of the "Best of the Best" in his Admin. is second to none !!!!!! Think about that .

  • Obama and company know exactly what they are doing, Obama is just a talking head the real brains are in a safe and concealed site. Israel is just a stepping stone to the real prize and that is the collapse of the United States free market system and embroiled in a socialist style government.

    This has been in the planning for the last 100+ years. Know the progressives think it is time to pick their fruit and cut down the tree.

    The mainstream media has an agenda as well. That is to protect Obama as best they can. The parent companies of many of the net works have been bought and told what their news will be.

    In the early 1960 when I was in grade school I remember having classes on the communist take over of not only the US but the world. Do you think this would even be considered in school today. The children are being brain washed and convinced of a Bunche of lies.

    The poor and under privileged think they are doing just fine, and are at this time. When the progressive dream comes to fruit trust me it will be spoiled.

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