The People Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence

Fundamental Christians is the description of the people who wrote the Declaration of Independence. Their beliefs included:

- A fundamental Christian is a person who believed the best form of government is created by people who believed that the base law of the nation is founded on the Ten Commandments and the precepts of charity as found in the bible. The law is determined, expanded, improves, and evolves by jury actions in a common law jurisdiction. These people are not “Biblical Christians”.

- These people did not believe that you had to be a Christian to be a fundamental Christian. You only had to agree to live or accept those principals based on the fact if everyone in the nation lived by the same belief system you would have the best possible form of governance and a very civilized society.

-The nation created by the declaration is called the “United States of America”. The common law jurisdictions were called the several states. You will find the United States of America in the copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution. The term “several states” is also found in the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

-The nation created by the declaration was formed for the purpose of separating the fundamental Christians from their form of government. There government was called the “United States”. The concept was to separate fundamental Christians from all people who did not have the same belief system. Mixing fundamental Christians with other people with a different concept of right and wrong created a lot of problems between the two groups. The fundamental Christians believed that anyone with a different belief system should create their own state or nation and live my their own laws. Fundamental Christians do not believe that they had a right to apply there jury or laws to other people. The common law applied to the United States of America and its nationals. United States law applied to United States nationals. Other people had a right to live under another set of laws. This is called the choice of law doctrine. (See title 8 united states code section 1481(a) for the codification of this belief system). The best description would be to called this belief “separatism”. These people created taxes to hire police of enforce this separation. Today you see people who want to do the same thing....and others who do not want to do this.

The current name for these people (as found in the United States Code) is “American National” as stated by section 1502 of title 8. When the term “American” is used in this document it is interchangeable with the term “Fundamental Christians”. Their system of government includes these beliefs;

1. The basic knowledge of right and wrong is taught to children of Americans with bible stories (before they become teenagers and should be taught in a church.
2. Most taxation is property taxes. (Not income taxes).
3. To vote on taxes you have to be a property owner.
4. For government (the government of the several states) to work properly the government workers must have the same belief system (they must also be Americans).
5. Schools (school boards) are run and managed by Americans with children in the school. They also were big believers in church run schools.
6. There is no criminal jurisdictions - common law judgements are money judgments.
7. A jury of your peers is a jury of Americans that probably know you.
8. Every adult male is an armed member of an organized militia. (2nd Amendment)
9. The militia is well trained body of soldiers created for defense - no wars overseas.
10. Women have the right to choose a jury of women.
11. A common law marriage is a marriage by contract - and should be written to stop endless legal and personal arguments.
12. A person can lose his nationality (but not his freedom) for not living by the laws of the nation.
13. The first written law of the nation is the Declaration of Independence.
14. The second written law of the United States of America is the “Constitution” (not the Constitution of the United States).
15. These two documents are the laws of the United States of America (see section 1746 of title 28)
15. The “One nation under God” is the United States of America and not the United States.
16. When you petition your government to redress a grievance it is a “legal action” called a petition at common law and not hollering in the streets.
17. When you kill an unborn baby you are violating a commandment of God.
18. The Christian education also creates a “work ethic”.
19. These people do not believe that government is a good solution...mostly government is the problem when it extends it’s power to real human beings.
20. The system of government is extremely friendly to and coexist with a capitalist economic system.

What happened?
Slavery became a bigger issue before the civil war. The only way to resolve the issue without a war was to buy the slaves and set them free. This solution created political problems that were unacceptable and probably financially impossible. War started. Lincoln could not fight the war as long as the several states had the power to prosecute the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. He suspended the writ. This has the effect of making everyone a United States national subject to the courts of the United States. Everyone became part of one nation under the civil law. There were no American Nationals. Congress amended the Constitution so that salves did not have to be paid for. States of the United States were created within the areas of the several states. The common law jurisdictions were not reformed by the war weary Americans.

The Americans must restart their former form of government. That process is ongoing. A court has been formed and litigation is ongoing.

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  • Richard, Someplace on this network there are several pages and articles posted concerning US Common Law.
    At the top right of each page there is a search bar. It's that white bar with a looking-glass symbol on it.
    If you search these pages you might find a ton of stuff here since this is not a new subject to this PFA forum.
    Also search for the name Terry Trussell.
    Terry Trussell was a very close and personal friend to several of the members here, and especially to Col. Harry Riley.
    Terry Trussell was imprisoned and died in a Florida prison because he attempted to reinstate the Common law practice in Florida.
    His story is a very painful story around here because he was such a close friend.
    But please take some time and look these up. You will find many people here who agree that America must return to our Constitution and to the laws under the Common law type of system.



    • I am searching for someone who is currently trying to do this or thinking about it.    Any help locating someone would be appreciated.  I have been searching post for current information.  There is a lot of people who say they want it...but not many willing to do it.   Thanks.

  • US Common Law;

    US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that US Common Law was still a viable system of law within America, and in fact should be considered the Forth branch of Government.
    US Common Law belongs to the people of America.

    However in 1949 the US Department of Justice changed all that. They removed US Common Law as our system of justice and replaced it with the current Maritime, or what-ever else it’s called today, system of Government controlled laws. This removed all US Citizens from control of the court rooms.
    The US system of Government controlled law enforcement and the Government controlled Department of Justice is a prize too big for them to relinquish.
    I believe this is why Supreme Court Justice Scalia was murdered. He revealed too much. He exposed the weak under-belly of our Government controlled Department of justice.

    By removing the availability and use of US Common law all access and control over our judicial system was taken away from the people. The people no longer have the right to form grand juries or the rights to indict federal or local government employees and/or politicians.
    We-The-People lost control of our system of justice in America in 1949. And with that We-The-People also lost control over our own Government.
    This is a prize far too big for them to ever relinquish.



    • There is no US Common Law.   The common law was reserved to the people of the United States of America by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  (Amendment Eleven).  The United States has a civil, equity, admiralty, etc. jurisdiction.  At one point the civil law system quit using a type of common law based on the fact that the whole of the Constitutin was codified.   No need for court decisions....just use the code to argue law in a civil or criminal system.   The  government only has the power to suspend the Common Law by suspendeing the "Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus".  The government did this during the civil war.  The common law procedure act passed after the civil war reinstated the writ.   That is now codified in Title 8 U.S.C. Section 1481(a) and (b).   The US Citizens or nationals are government entities.   American Nationals are common law entities (See  Title 8 U.S.C. Section 1502).  Where we are at is this:   We have done 1481.   We request certificate of loss of US Nationality.   We have not gotten this.   The complaint was filed in USDC in District of Columbia,  Appeal in the federal circuit.   Next action is in Supreme Court.  Title 28 U.S.C Section 1257.  We are looking for help in reviewing the common law and federal law recoupments.   Need at least one officer of the court.  We lost one (he assumed room temperature).   There is absolutely no statute, rule of Constitutional law, or anything that allows a common law trial in the United States or the States of the United States.    These trials are held in one of the several states of the United States of America.

      • When you say you are "We the People of the United States"   you are saying we the people of the federal government.   These are the people who wrote the Constituton for the United States of America.

        • The government cannot deny or give you a common law trial.   They don't have one.   Only the people have that power (See Amendment Nine and Ten).

  • This is something I learned here way back when - the Act of 1871 turned the United States of America into the United States of America Inc.  I will tell you now, Richard - do NOT get involved with this.  I was on the verge of signing up with NLA on exactly such a venture - come to find out, the leader was a fraud.  IIRC, it was that group that led Terry down this path and then completely abandoned him because they claimed he didn't so something "right."  I was furious and promptly gave them the heave-ho!  I had even gotten to the stage where I had my signature on the oath they required notarized.  DON'T DO IT!!!

    Here is a link from Jason Hoyt on Terry's horrible situation:

    Terry Trussell
    To explain how Terry Trussell was railroaded by the governor of Florida and his appointed judges.
    • Florida people violated the Constitution by not prosecuting a common law claim in Federal Court as a case in law and equity.   The state judges will tell you this if you ask them.   It is federal subject matter.   We have had some of our members do the same thing.   You have to be careful  about supporting people who refuse to follow basic principals of law.   People join you with an agenda and belief system that has "no basis in law".....then they attempt to apply this belief system in a court without following rules.   I was put in jail for publishing and teaching the common law tax claim. before I completed the citizenship claim.   The federal judge told me this in open court.  I eventually found the statute that told me the same thing.

  • IMO, this Fundamental Christian vs. Biblical Christian is a complete red herring!

    • I was once call this in Federal Court by a government lawyer.

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