The rule of law

The rule of Law;
All laws whether declared or proclaimed are only as good as the will and resolve of the people to enforce them. It make no difference whether a law is perceived as just or unjust. It matters not whether a law was declared or proclaimed for the purpose of helping a child, or to take a mans ranch and his cattle. It does not matter whether the law was intended to limit the power of a tyrant or if the law declared the birth of a new nation.
The purpose or the intent of the law, any law, depends solely on the will and strength of the people to enforce it. If the will and the strength of the people to stand behind, uphold, and enforce any law is not prevalent and strong enough, then that law will fail.

Our founding fathers knew that in order to create a new nation they needed to create a new government.
But they also knew that governments had the potential and could eventually grow very powerful. So in order to contain, regulate, and restrain the power and authority of any potential leaders of such a powerful government, they first needed to establish a system of controls. They needed to craft a series of laws through which the people could regulate and control the government. This new series of laws, and the documents they produced, are known collectively today as The Constitution of The United States of America.

Yes, Barack Hussein Obama was correct when he said the Constitution was a document of negative powers, a document which limits the power of the Federal Government. That was the intention of the Constitution. It is not a document to define the rights of the people. It is a document to limit the powers of the Government.

But laws made by man are easily broken. Even if that law happens to be known as the Constitution of The United States of America.

The laws created by man depend only on the will, the resolve, and the strength of the people to uphold, defend, and enforce them. If that will and determination of the people to preserve and defend and enforce these laws is not prevalent or strong enough, then these laws, like any other, will fail.
As the Constitution goes, so goes the United States of America.

The laws of nature and those laws of the creator however are not so easily broken.
The Constitution may fail and the Nation will fall along with it. if the people do not stand to enforce and defend them. But the Laws of nature and the Creator will always prevail.

Ron McKinley for Operation American Spring.

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