The Smoking Gun in Plain Sight

Hatred for the Tea Party

His rhetoric heated up fast after the Tea Party movement gave the GOP enough oomph to win back the House of Representatives in 2010, and as the president geared up for the 2012 election.  He urged Latino voters to help him "punish our enemies and reward our friends."  He told his supporters at one rally to think of voting for him as "an act of revenge."  Did you see the president at that Georgetown University forum on the future of Medicare when he trashed Paul Ryan's own plan, then went out of his way to publicly insult Ryan, while the Congressman himself was sitting in the front row too stunned -- and too decent and respectful of the presidency -- to respond in kind?  Do you remember that television campaign ad describing Mitt Romney -- one of the most capable, financially astute, thoroughly decent men who ever graced public life -- as "not one of us"?

And while demonizing his political enemies, what sort of people did the president appoint to key jobs in his administration?  His attorney general is Eric Holder, a sleazy Democratic operative who not only called the American people "cowards" for their approach to racial issues -- this after the majority of us elected a black president -- but who played a crucial role as deputy attorney general in the scandalous and still-uninvestigated pardon of Marc Rich in the Clinton administration's dying hours.  The national security advisor is Thomas Donilon, another Democratic Party operative who got rich while serving as executive vice president for law and policy at Fannie Mae.  And who was our secretary of state when the consulate in Benghazi came under attack?  The same Hillary Clinton who, as the wife of Arkansas' up-and-coming governor, made an overnight $100,000 killing by trading cattle futures -- a feat no professional cattle-futures trader has ever been able to explain, or duplicate.

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