Published on 06/20/10

Barak Obama and Eric Holder

By JB Williams

Canada Free Press

No matter the political agenda of any American citizen, one reality should send shivers down every American’s spine. The Obama administration has made it known that according to their form of “justice,” NO soldier or citizen has “legal standing” to question anything about Obama, his many corrupt friends, his anti-American policies or his full court press to destroy all things American.

Barack Hussein Obama remains a complete mystery. His birth, college, travel, passport and entire personal history remains under lock and key unlike any president before him. His policies have proven destructive to the US economy, US sovereignty and security as well as both states and individual rights.

The Obama administration is operating like a pure dictatorship at odds with the vast majority of American citizens and no matter what peaceful course of redress the people attempt, they have repeatedly been informed that they have “NO STANDING” to ask any questions.

Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin

LTC Lakin is not a private fresh out of boot camp that lost his nerve for the field of battle and refused to comply with deployment orders. He is a senior officer who stands charged with upholding his oath.

“I – do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.”

As reported by Family Security Matters Lakin’s numerous awards and decorations include the Army Flight Surgeon Badge, Combat Medical Badge, the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, the Armed Forces Expedition Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon sixth award and the NATO service medal.He has served previously in Honduras, Bosnia, Korea, and Afghanistan.

Until very recently, his senior command described him as “an extremely talented, highly knowledgeable senior Army clinician with significant field and consultant experience…”

Like all military officers, Lakin is obligated under his oath to question his command when he suspects that the orders being given are in any way “unlawful.” Unlawful orders would most certainly include orders given by an “unlawful” command.

Yet LTC Lakin stands courts martial for attempting to uphold his officer’s oath, and he is indeed guilty of attempting to uphold his oath. He is prepared to present what he believes to be clear and convincing evidence that Barak Hussein Obama is NOT a “lawful” Commander-in-Chief. An increasing number of soldiers and citizens agree… but it is LTC Lakin who faces charges, not the illegal Command.

Some history on LTC Lakin's case since he has stood up for the truth for his troops and all our military.

LTC Lakin waives Article 32 Hearing, Proceed to General Courts Martial Article 32/Grand Jury hearing for LTC Lakin June 11 at Walter Reed.

Army Officer Seeks Truth About Obama’s Eligibility to Serve in Oval Office, Invites Own Court-Martial

“I am today compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial, in pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office”, said Colonel Lakin.

Letter from Lt Colonel Terry Lakin to POTUS

Lakin - Bring it On!

Officer Challenging Obama "reassigned"

More on the LTC Lakin challenge to Obama

April 19, 2010: Open Letter to Bill O’Reilly

Interested in a detailed, objective investigation on Obama's eligibility IAW with Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution? Click here

Alan Keyes response to Fox report on LTC Lakin's challenge to Obama

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    • Because then he won't be president. (Can you feel the sarcasm here?)
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