I attended a "prepper conference" today and said something about this article to another attendee. Her response was, "Our congress already voted it down!" Well, apparently bozo didn't get that memo as he forges ahead with the green initiative. He is acting unilaterally while increasing his actions at Mach 3. When will we stop him? When will, even the most educated, people understand what's happening? To almost everyone, it is unfathomable ... "we have a Constitution." Well guys, NOT ANYMORE! This IS CAP N TRADE, CRAP n TAX ... whatever you want to call it. We are getting sucked into the quicksand with no damn way of getting out. We are in such deep doo doo. I'm feeling helpless ... again.

By George Russell, Published April 20, 2012, FoxNews.com

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable  development will consider  a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers  of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending  programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the  effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement,  according to stunning U.N. documents examined  by Fox News.

The main goal of the much-touted, Rio + 20 United Nations  Conference on Sustainable Development, scheduled to be held in Brazil from June  20-23, and which Obama Administration officials have supported,  is to make  dramatic and enormously expensive changes  in the way that the world does  nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, "a fundamental shift in  the way we think and act."

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon: 

--More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to  poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ”  “climate  adaptation” and other “green economy” measures. 

--New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250  billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other  environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

--Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything  derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water  use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown'  technologies and newer, greener ones." 

-- Major global social spending programs, including a "social protection  floor" and "social safety nets" for the world's most vulnerable social groups   for reasons of “equity.”

--Even more social benefits for those displaced by the green economy  revolution—including those put out of work in undesirable fossil fuel  industries. The benefits, called “investments,”  would include “access to  nutritious food, health services, education, training and retraining, and  unemployment benefits."

--A guarantee that if those sweeping benefits weren’t enough, more would be  granted. As one of the U.N. documents puts it:  “Any adverse effects of  changes in prices of goods and services vital to the welfare of vulnerable  groups must be compensated for and new livelihood opportunities provided."

Click here for the Executive Summary Report.

That  huge catalogue of taxes and spending is described optimistically  as “targeted investments  in human and social capital on top of investments  in natural capital and green physical capital,” and is accompanied by the claim  that it will all, in the long run, more than pay for itself.

But the whopping green “investment” list  barely scratches the surface  of the mammoth exercise in global social engineering that is envisaged in the  U.N. documents, prepared by the Geneva-based United Nations Environmental Management Group (UNEMG), a  consortium of 36 U.N. agencies, development banks  and environmental  bureaucracies, in advance of the Rio session. 

An earlier version of the report was presented  at a closed door session  of the U.N.'s top bureaucrats during a Long Island retreat last October, where  Rio was discussed as a "unique opportunity" to drive an expanding U.N. agenda  for years ahead.

Click here for more on this story from Fox News.

Under the ungainly title of Working Towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green  Economy, A United Nations System-Wide Perspective,  the  final version  of the 204-page report is intended to “contribute” to preparations for the Rio +  20 summit, where one of the two themes is “the green economy in the context of  sustainable development and poverty eradication. ”  (The other theme is “the institutional framework for sustainable development” –sometimes known as  global environmental governance.)

But in fact, it also lays out new roles for private enterprise, national  governments, and a bevy of socialist-style worker, trade and citizens’ organizations in creating a sweeping international social reorganization, all  closely monitored by regulators and governments to maintain environmental “sustainability” and “human equity.”  

“Transforming the global economy will require action locally (e.g., through  land use planning), at the national level (e.g., through energy-use regulations)  and at the international level (e.g., through technology diffusion),” the  document says. It involves “profound changes in economic systems, in resource  efficiency, in the composition of global demand, in production and consumption  patterns and a major transformation in public policy-making.”  It will also  require “a serious rethinking of lifestyles in developed countries.”

As the report puts it, even though “the bulk of green investments will come  from the private sector," the "role of the public sector... is indispensable for  influencing the flow of private financing."  It adds that the green economy  model “recognizes the value of markets, but is not tied to markets as the sole  or best solution to all problems.”

Among other countries, the report particularly lauds China as “a good example  of combining investments and public policy incentives to encourage major  advances in the development of cleaner technologies.”

Along those lines, it says, national governments need to reorganize  themselves to " collectively design fiscal and tax policies as well as policies  on how to use the newly generated revenue"  from their levies. There,   "U.N. entities can help governments and others to find the most  appropriate ways of phasing out harmful subsidies while combining that with the  introduction of new incentive schemes to encourage positive steps forward."

U.N. organizations can also “encourage the ratification of relevant  international agreements, assist the Parties to implement and comply with  related obligations...and build capacity, including that of legislators at  national and sub-national levels to prepare and ensure compliance with  regulations and standards."

The report declares that “scaled-up and accelerated international  cooperation" is required, with new coordination at "the international,  sub-regional, and regional levels."  Stronger regulation is needed, and “to  avoid the proliferation of national regulations and standards, the use of  relevant international standards is essential” -- an area where the U.N. can be  very helpful, the report indicates.

The U.N. is also ready to supply new kinds of statistics to bolster and  measure the changes that the organization foresees—including indicators that do  away with old notions of economic growth and progress and replace them with new  statistics. One  example: “the U.N. System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), which  will become an internationally agreed statistical framework in 2012."  

These changes, the authors reassure readers, will  only be done in line  with the “domestic development agendas” of the countries involved.

“A green economy is not a one-size-fits-all path towards sustainable  development,” an executive summary of the report declares.   Instead  it is a “dynamic policy toolbox” for local decision-makers, who can decide to  use it optionally.

But even so, the  tools are intended for only one final aim. And they  have the full endorsement  of U.N. Secretary General Ban, who declares in a  forward to the document that “only such integrated approach will lay lasting  foundations for peace and sustainable development," and calls the upcoming Rio  conclave a "generational opportunity" to act.

Click here for the full report.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/04/20/tab-for-uns-rio-summit-trillions-per-year-in-taxes-transfers-and-price-hikes/#ixzz1sijvzwtB

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