Obama is not stupid or ignorant about this muslim mess! He is setting it on fire on purpose! He and Hillary have worked hard to get it where it is today! They have enabled and placed the muslim brotherhood - al Qaeda's founding group in all these hell holes in the middle east. This is not a mistake and I really wish folks would quit pretending it is! All of these acts and consequences are/were intentional and preplanned! Notice HUMA is out of the conversation again!!!


Folks we have the muslim brotherhood in our whitehouse, state dept., DoD, etc. Our foreign enemy is inside!!! We are at war and our enemy has had the welcoming door opened to them with a steady flow of them flowing in. We still have more flooding in. 


We must be done with PC in every corner we find it! We must quit allowing folks to claim obama is ignorant of these things......he is not, these are his intended works he, his ilk and useful idiots are accomplishing.





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  • "Obama is in way over his head."   I think not.  I think he's accomplishing just what he and his miserable cohorts set out to do, bring America to its knees! 

  • Yes I agree with you.

  • The people in the White House and inside the government must all think we are really stupid.  I just read an article that clearly stated that there was an unmaded drone over the Embassy while the attack was going on.  Yet - they did nothing!  Personally I think everyone who knew this and saw the pictures from the drone should be charged with accessory to murder of our 4 Americans. 

    • Edie to me it is obvious that Obama wanted Chris dead. Why?

  • The words of Obama in his book, "Audacity of Hope", continue to haunt.  He said, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

    Lest we forget.

  • So what can we do about this?  Islam knew it couldn't defeat America fighting on other lands, so it used our own stupid:PC and even more stupid immigration laws and our porous borders to get INSIDE.  All these mosques are only Trojan Horses.

    The goal of Islam is world domination...one great big Caliphate!  They view the world in two parts:  Dar al Islam where they all ready rule and Dar al Harb (House of War) where they are not yet in power.  Guess which one America is in?

    All this talk about "radical Islam" is so much BS.  Any Muslim that truly obeys Islam is a threat.  Islam isn't just a religion.  It is an entire way of life that controls every aspect of a follower's life.  And Sharia is the "foot of ther camel" that they are trying to get into our tent!  Some liberal federal judges have even allowed Sharia to be used in some cases involving Muslims.

    And now IF we don't clear them out of the WH on 11-6, I truly fear for what will take place in America!

    And even IF Obama loses, there may well be riots from those "sheeple" that blindly follow and worship him.  He may use this to declare Martial Law and stay in power!

    It is difficult for law abiding, citizens to think like they do!  You have to think "deviously" and use your imagination.  Lies and deception are allowed in Islam via their practice of taqiyya. 

    When I watch all the foolish people cheering and following Obama, I see them as ignorant lambs about to be led to the slaughter.

    I can only pray that I'm wrong and that somehow America will have ONE more chance to return to our Constitution. 






  • Obama's actions and so-called 'leadership' show he not only wants our great nation down on its knees in submission to Islam, Shar'ia law and the MB, but he wants Israel there, too. If not in submission, then totally destroyed. Our European allies will be next on that list, if they are not already there with the infiltration going on in those regions.

  • Obama is evil. He comes off as stupid but he knows exactly what he's doing.

    Lord help us JESUS! We've got to be prepared for what is going to happen

    if Americans don't open their eyes and ears and see what is happening to

    our great nation.

    • AMEN ~~  Stand--up~~Fight  to  the  end..

    • Dianna I have come to the conclusion that Obama is nothing but a mouth piece who does what his masters tells him to do. Without his teleprompter he is nothing.

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