Committee of Judiciary


Hearing Information

Subject: The Obama Administration's Abuse of Power

Wednesday 9/12/2012 - 10:00 a.m.

2141 Rayburn House Office Building

Full Committee

By Direction of the Chairman

Hearing Documentation

Watch Webcast

Related News

Statement of Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith Full Committee Hearing on The Obama Administration's Abuse of Power


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  • Seems to me all they are doing there is finding excuses for what the Usurper in Chief does regardless of whether it is unconstitutional or not.  Which amounts to...they know he is doing

    it and they will allow him to go on doing it and just waste money on useless hearings that accomplish nothing.

  • I want BH Obama buttocks kicked hard and far away from American soil forever.

    • Debbie,

      How about under the soil?

      Make the hole big and deep, lets give these people a group rate!

  • This hearing is all fine and dandy. Where will it lead? Perhaps more talk and more delayed inaction?

    When I hear the cell doors close and the gallow doors swing with these criminals, then I will join the celebration.

    Until then it is all smoke and mirrors.

    If I sound a little jaded it is the past presidence of our government I remember, I have good reason to be concerned.

    The same politician's that SEEM to be doing something today are the same ones that have done nothing for our cause for four years, keep that in mind.

    Federal politicians are preaching to this choir, you sheep can eat it up if you so desire, I'm not.

    It is election time, what did you expect them to do or say?


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