At stake and being tested, is whether or not we still have a separation of powers in DC. We know that Congress has been neutered, emasculated of any significance. Now we get to see if SCOTUS will do the bidding of the Executive Branch by ruling hellcare legal or conversely, interpreting the Constitution appropriately ... limiting the scope of government AND guaranteeing personal choice and individual freedom ... all granted in our Constitution.

The shift over the years has been slow, imperceptible, not noticable. If they choose to use precedents instead of interpreting the true meaning and intent of our Constitution, we are a just a hair away from losing it all. While they "deliberate" this issue with an opinion expected in June or July, prepare for the "what if." What if they decide that the government can intrude in our life, that government can control the economy, including energy, education, hellcare, auto, and financial, that a panel of individuals can determine who lives and who dies, that people are not safe from warrantless searches nor from due process. We are at the beginning of the end, or at the beginning ... starting it all over again. With the Kagans and Sotomayors on the bench, it is going to be way closer than any of us can imagine ... a 5-4 or 4-5. I can only hope that a improper decision will ignite an outrage by the American people unseen since the Boston Tea Party.

After watching days and days of the earlier 11th Circuit arguments, the judges seem to give some credence to the idea that everyone will need healthcare, unlike life insurance or auto insurance. It is clear if one believes in what our Founding Fathers intended, but it is unclear what this group of judges will decide. We have been granted our unalienable rights from God, not from a panel of mortals appointed for life. They are not infallible. Where are the consequences if they make the wrong decision?

In my opinion, if hellcare is ruled legal and within the scope of Congress, the rest of the fall will be short, quick, and very painful. BEWARE! There is much more at stake than a 2700-page bill.  They took over 1/7 of our economy and then, because it is 1/7 of the economy they think they can regulate it.

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