So, here is in nutshell...
"Sandor" is my first name, "Kunyik" is my last, I was born in Soviet-occupied Hungary in 1968. I left Hungary to Austria in December 1987, and I arrived to Chicago on August 1989 - after waiting for my immigration permit in Austria. Something a lot of US patriots wholeheartedly support, come here legally.
I am a railway engine technician by training (in Hungary), in the US I took all the college courses but I never graduated as I cannot pass college level mathematics.
Instead I self-trained myself, and today I work as a production process engineer - I am a GNU/Linux expert, an internet infrastructure expert, I design and build simple solutions such as rails and other mechanics combining 3D-printing and off-the-shelf products.
My main purpose in life is to create a local manufacturing supply chain where I happen to retire a decade from today.
I became a naturalized citizen in October 2019, for the sole reason to vote for Trump. I grew up in Soviet-style socialism, and I see that the Chinese-style socialism is more dangerous, less predictable. If you can still think straight I recommend you work on declaring Communism as a Crime Against Humanity. This is the second, third attack in the US by Communists? How many more are you willing to tolerate?
I do not care about politics, I do not discuss politics. I follow Jesus, everything new I start I am mindful to dedicate it to Him so it will not get corrupted. I believe the combination of my past and asking Jesus to save me from corruption helps.
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Here is something people probably never understand, or never considered.
Woke is stupid, and this is their ignorance which is the easiest to understand. Racism, unequality, prejudice, etc. is not like "drug addiction", "gambling", and the rest. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery - when you are an alcoholic or a gambler. Admitting that "there are people who are racist or prejudice" is not a solution to anything. This does not even makes sense, how are you going to fix fundametal human tendecies?
Socialism fails because of these fundamental human tendencies. The Communists know this, and they created the role of "political agitator" to take advantage of those who belives this can be "fixed". The political agitator works without a pay, and they work to advance someone else's best interest at the expense of their own. You see how smart the communits are? They know better than anyone else that nothing in this Galaxy is "cost-free". So they find the ignorant retards and they maniupulate them to give up their own resources for them. They get them march on the streets all day long over issues they have no hope to affect - such as "Save the Whales". Most of them never seen a whale, none of them are hunting, eating, buying and selling whales, do not use whale products, trade whale stocks. But the Communists are trained them to get involved in something none of heir business. In turn the Unions exploit the "outrage" and make a nice living from your work.
If you understand this, you understand Soviet-style Communism.
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The Soviets were still Western Civilization. They hated the "imperalist pigs" but they were OK if you were white, yellow, black, latino, german, slavic, christian, jewish, short or tall, whatever. As long as you hated Capitalism you were a good comrade.
The Chinese is different. They are not Western Civilization, they love Capitalism, and they hate everyone not Chinese. Period. Their civilization is based on traditions and sacrifices, and their structure of power cannot be penetrated by others outside their culture, their regional boundaries, their family ties. The closer you get to the center or power the more inpenetrable is the wall around it. Watch any Hong-Kong movie from the 70s, 80s, corruption is at the center stage in every story. The Soviets stumbled across Communism by accident..
China and Communism is a match made in Heaven or Hell, it depends on your perspective. As long as China exists Communism going to be part of their identity, they are never going to manage to get rid of it. China is going to struggle with Communism much the same way the Arabic countries are struggling with Islam, a 900-years old feudalistic remnant.
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Those who argue these issues are ignorant or corrupt. These are not something up to debate. Communism or any form of Socialism, Islam, Anarchy is by design - these are not institutions people install and keep by Free Will. These are forced on people once - then they are beaten into obidience. When you see the "Defund the Police" you know the reason. Once they get rid of the trained, qualified police force they are going to rebuild it with phycopaths and opportunists. What else did you expect the result would be? "Community Social Workers"? Are you really this dense?
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I could keep going here, but I am confident all I have to say is already written somewhere by someone else. I have nothing "new" to offer. I rather chat and try to move things forward.
Chances are some of the things I could write are still ahead of us, my time is better spent on trying to prevent that. One thing I am going to share though...
At age 18 fresh out of trade school in 1986, 30 years after the anti-Soviet revolution in 1956, I started working for the Hungarian Railway. I met people who were invited to this place:
Some were missing a fingernail, a fingertip, an ear, and they told a story how they lost it by a work accident. But the fact is they were told: if they tell what really happened they will be invited again. The fear was so strong in them, that decades later when the place was no more they decided to never change their story. But some did, told what happened, so I know.
Thanks Sandor, It's important for people to know what life was like in those Communist nations, and in China and North Korea.
Americans don't know about these things. We have all grown up and lived in a free country for so long that we now take that freedom for granted. But Freedom is not free. It never has been free and never will be.
If Americans want to keep and maintain their freedoms we have to work and fight for it.
Most of those people here in ths country who want to change America into a Marxist/Communist state have never lived under those systems. These people have no idea what they are advocating and pushing for.
They are too ignorant and foolish to understand that they are pushing for their own suicide and death as well as that of our Country and their very own families.
Here are my "operational principles", I am collecting these. I inspect everything I do or happens to me in the light of these:
- When you debate the obvious, you both lose.
- Only the Truth needs protection, the Facts take care of themselves.
- Islam is evidently an adversary of Western Civilization.
- Facts are non-polarized, do not attempt to charge them.
- Authenticity and Authority must be earned, they cannot be granted.
- The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to restrict the Government.
- The Facts are with those who learn to Read, not with those who Write.
To me life is good, no worries.