This is some of the reason we will gather, but I believe they won't listen and the 2nd Revolution or 2nd Civil War depending on how you look at it will start!I was not a fan of George Bush during his last few years. I am a democrat and do not have faith in our president now due his actions and not fixing one problem before creating another. Our problems with a failing economy, war in Afghanistan, bail out money taken from the future generation, indebted to Red China, disrupting our health care system, Medi-Care, illegal aliens, social security, etc, etc.If any president had connections to the KKK, Black Panthers, MS-13, ACORN, any radical groups or had an unknown past, the American people should be fearful of what the leaders believe in based on their friends in their past. Being vigilant of our leaders is very American and the patriotic thing to do. We are the government and they work for us. Some may have forgotten this. Please look at the reports below soon and ask for transparency with not only president Obama but any leaders. He must set the example so that faith in him can be restored. Danny "Greasy" Belcher, Executive DirectorTask Force Omega of KY Inc.Vietnam Infantry Sgt. 68-69"D" Troop 7th Sqdn. 1st Air Cav ----- Original Message -----From: Patty Hopper (Task Force Omega, Inc)To: Patty Hopper (Task Force Omega, Inc)Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 9:22 AMSubject: WHAT WAS ELIMINATED FROM HANNITY PROGRAM SUNDAY NIGHTWhether you like Obama or whether you don't, it is vital to know his background and understand what he is about. I received this from a friend and believe it is very important information about the past of our president.Faith, Patty Hi all: Here's what the real Sunday program on Hannity was supposed to have been. It, evidently, was censored by the government controlled media. It will be interesting to find out exactly what happened. This is America, not Russia. Please look at all 6 segments while you can. JOHN Subject: Fwd: WHAT WAS ELIMINATED FROM HANNITY PROGRAM SUNDAY NIGHT To everyone who thought the special about Obama was going to beon Hannity. It was taken off. Here are the segments. You betterwatch now before hey are removed too. Yes, the program was not aired Sunday so it was Googled andfound the segments had been taken off of the Internet aswell. Wonder ; who did this?Wonder who blocked this? Is this our NEW Government protecting us?Here are the 6 segments if they haven't been removed beforeyou get to them. Part 1 - 2 - 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -
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