IMPORTANT:  Read the attachment. It is 2025 Global Governance report by National Intelligence Council. 2025_Global_Governance.pdf This will scare the hell out of you as it should!
We have to know this information and goals of our enemies so we will know how to stop this total destruction of our country. Thank God we finally know their full plan. If we "know" we have a problem, that is good....We then can "fix it".

Then read this "What About Sovereignty, Security and Free-Will?" Be sure to follow the links and read that info.

We are having a meeting in PFA's chatroom tomorrow night at 9:00 pm CST. JB Williams and Tim Harrington will be at the meeting to answer any and all questions about The United States Patriots Union and how the above information affects each and everyone of us. Please make an effort to
come to this  chatroom meeting tomorrow night.

The chatroom meeting is here:

You can check out the Patriots Union website here, It will answer many questions you may have:

I really hope to see you tomorrow night in the meeting.

Twana Blevins

Two more important reads for the meeting tonight:

LTC Lakin Courts 3.pdf

Primary Patriots Union Initiatives 1.doc

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Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


  • Actually the Bilderbergers believed they'd have the one world order in place by the year 2000; they're running behind their schedule which is probably why the frantic push now; the ones who expected to be reaping the benefits are getting old and even dying off, and so growing desperate to get that status. Hence the frantic desperation of the efforts currently seen in the US and Europe to force socialism under Shariah law onto the Western civilizations who are resisting it; because we see the futility of such governance. ONLY by moving more toward a capitalistic system did China save itself from collapsing from within as the Soviet Union did! Cuba, DPNK are collapsing now, for all they are dragging their feet and not showing it so much, yet. Socialism/communism simply doesn't work as a governance! But the people pushing this think they're SO much smarter than everyone else who's ever lived; and they can make it work this time. The sad and sick truth is that it was a "determined minority" won the Revolution here in the early 1780s, and who gave us the Constitution of the united States for America, which is NOT the document we were all raised with, but that one is the adulterated form of it; for which we have the foreign banksters, all those "esquires" who've been filling our Congress and White House for over a century and a half; indeed, almost 2 centuries now illegally, and those charming but terribly deluded academics who fancy themselves so brilliant they can't even see the obvious elephant in the living room! There's a lot of American history that somehow didn't come up in ANY of my history classes, which I've been learning of late, as I've been seeking to understand this mess and how we managed to get here, I thought in only a few short decades; turns out it goes back to before our nation was even a nation at all! This one world governance notion has been in the works at least since the 1750s but the banksters were a bit more patient than the politicians!
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