Illegal 8142491264?profile=originalaliens are leaving a trail of victims from coast to coast – a massive crime wave that most Americans don’t know about – because the media typically plays it down. And so frequently the victims are children or involve children – thanks to a perverse Mexican culture that virtually ensures the victimization of the young.

There was one such murder last night in Arizona. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriff’s detectives are  are investigating the murder that happened late Monday night in Aquila, AZ, 45 miles Northwest of Phoenix.

Authorities say the suspect, 25-year-old Jose Zarate, went to 31-year-old Maria Saucedo’s home around 9:30 p.m. Zarate reportedly wanted to take Saucedo’s 13-year old daughter to his home, presumably for sex. When she refused, an argument ensued and Zarate pulled out a rifle and shot her in the chest at close range — in the presence of the teen.

According to MCSO, “One of several witnesses to the crime apparently disarmed Zarate before he fled the area on foot.”  When they arrived at the scene, deputies administered CPR on Saucedo, but she was later pronounced dead.

“How awful this is that a mother loses her life in the process of defending her daughter’s honor,” said Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

On Wednesday, deputies arrested Zarate.  He was found at his home.

The Fox 10 Phoenix report of the crime showed the apparent effects of the Associated Press ban on the term “illegal immigrant” just 24 hours earlier. Fox 10 reported that: “Sheriff’s deputies say Zarate is a non-U.S. citizen who has been living in the country without proper authorization.”

In other words, an illegal alien invader. So why not just SAY that? We don’t want to “stigmatize” illegal alien pedophile murderers?

Zarate was booked into the 4th Avenue Jail on thefollowing charges: 2nd degree murder, two counts of aggravated assault and possession of a weapon by a prohibited person (an illegal).

This was just the latest crime involving underage children by an illegal alien. America has been savaged by illegal alien pedophile crimes. Why? Because the sick culture of Mexico, which disgustingly has a minimal age of consent for sex of TWELVE, and rarely prosecutes child rapes of even younger than that. Punishments for rape and sexual assaults are just minor slaps on the wrist. Many times the rapist just has to pay a small fine or sit in jail for  a day.  And if they marry the victim, they are completely let off the hook.

When we permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reflect this sick culture to invade America we shouldn’t be surprised when there is a trail of victims from coast to coast.

AboutJohn Hill

John Hill is the Executive Director of Stand With Arizona, one of the nation's largest organizations opposing illegal immigration and amnesty. SWA's members have been instrumental in passing legislation in states and counties around the U.S., and blocking the DREAM Act in 2010


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