And why is that we can't remove this SOB outta office? DISGUSTING
Debrajoe Beatty > brenda herbertSeptember 20, 2012 at 9:24am
brenda we cannot remove Obama from office because of the Congress. We need to impeach the whole damn lot of them.
Snowman8wa > Debrajoe BeattySeptember 20, 2012 at 1:11pm
Then get a Republican majority into the Senate........the House can do whatever they want, but you're going NOWHERE, unless you have the Senate.....AND IF you are going to impeach, then you had better IMPEACH and not do the lame impeachment (censure) that happened to Bill Clinton.....Impeachment should =REMOVAL FROM OFFICE! Period!
BO is a FRAUD, why is it that the Military can't go into his Office and put him into CHAINS? The American people will support the action and then maybe we get the point of "WE THE PEOPLE" WHO OWN THE GOVERNMENT. Into the minds of the Congress, who if they don't start behaving and do the job they are hired to do, we will have the Military go and arrest their asses and put them in the same jail cell, till WE THE PEOPLE decide their fates.....
Sure we can do it. BUT our wonderful elected officials in both parties do not have the B...s to do it.
How do you all feel? Are you as scared as I am? It seems we have only OUR military to defends US from THEM. We n eed to get these men and women home asap. Pray people like you have never prayed before. God save America.
12w7nr5roys2y > Chaplain Thomas Gilbert ColeSeptember 20, 2012 at 10:02am
Chaplain, you are so right. Who is going to do it?? The Congress? I have never prayed so hard in my life but I can't stop until he is gone. Evil begets evil and barak is evil, I truly believe this. You know when I heard he was elected
I had just finished the Left Behind Series and I looked at my friend and we both said, "Carpathia". God be with America.
And why is that we can't remove this SOB outta office? DISGUSTING
brenda we cannot remove Obama from office because of the Congress. We need to impeach the whole damn lot of them.
Then get a Republican majority into the Senate........the House can do whatever they want, but you're going NOWHERE, unless you have the Senate.....AND IF you are going to impeach, then you had better IMPEACH and not do the lame impeachment (censure) that happened to Bill Clinton.....Impeachment should =REMOVAL FROM OFFICE! Period!
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis
BO is a FRAUD, why is it that the Military can't go into his Office and put him into CHAINS? The American people will support the action and then maybe we get the point of "WE THE PEOPLE" WHO OWN THE GOVERNMENT. Into the minds of the Congress, who if they don't start behaving and do the job they are hired to do, we will have the Military go and arrest their asses and put them in the same jail cell, till WE THE PEOPLE decide their fates.....
You would think by now , after all that SOB obama has done aalready , that we could literaly drag him out of our WH in chains.
This behavior is mentally ill. If Obama or anyone else supports this brutal behavior they are in dire need of a Psychiatrist.
Sure we can do it. BUT our wonderful elected officials in both parties do not have the B...s to do it.
How do you all feel? Are you as scared as I am? It seems we have only OUR military to defends US from THEM. We n eed to get these men and women home asap. Pray people like you have never prayed before. God save America.
The Kenyan must be deported.
Chaplain, you are so right. Who is going to do it?? The Congress? I have never prayed so hard in my life but I can't stop until he is gone. Evil begets evil and barak is evil, I truly believe this. You know when I heard he was elected
I had just finished the Left Behind Series and I looked at my friend and we both said, "Carpathia". God be with America.