
  • I am offended by these 7th century neanderthals. They need to depart America ASAP. We The People do not tolerate this behavior.

    • I made calls to people in congress yesterday to tell them it is my deep

      feeling we must stop all immigration, now.  We need no more people

      from 3rd world countries coming into the US.  Our security is so bad it

      is my feeling we already have many militants in this country, who would do

      us harm.  We also should have put up that very thick, heavy duty, very high,

      cement border fence long ago, but we could still do it now.  Make calls on

      stopping all immigrants from coming into this country, so called legal or

      illegal.  Jo d.

      • That why the borders are left open so thousand of terrorist can come into our country and go to trainning camps and our government says it OK. Mexicans come into our country to better their lives while the muslims come in to get ready for what they have done in the middle east...

        • Rats and roaches come into our homes uninvited just so that they can better their lives, too.  Same with burglars.  Does that make you any more likely to accept them?

  • Muslims are just like Bee`s in a bee hive.. And they behave the same way. The workers kill to protect the queen and are them selfs killed and a Imon or mosque leader is just like a queen and the followers will bend over for him.... that sounds like BHO....

  • I get where you are going with this, but don't insult us with cheap photoshops.  There are enough real pictures.

  • This is what American Patriots look like...........

  • Not accusing you by any means.  The little boy's sign looks a little weird.   I admire your work and your commitment, totally!

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