
August 8, 2012, - 2:13 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Top NY Homeland Security Cop Sues Napolitano; Alleges Obama DHS Officials’ Anti-Straight Discrimination, Demands for Oral Sex – “J-No Appointed Lesbian Girlfriend, ICE Chief of Staff Harassed Male Agents”

By Debbie Schlussel


New York’s top Department of Homeland Security cop is suing Department of Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano in an explosive but heretofore unnoticed federal lawsuit alleging Homeland Security employment discrimination against straight male agents by Napolitano (READ the federal complaint) in favor of her lesbian girlfriend and sexual harassment of male agents by Napolitano’s handpicked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chief of Staff, Suzanne Barr. The lawsuit alleges that Barr demanded a male ICE Special Agent engage in oral sex with her and that she relocated three top male ICE agents’ offices to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters. All of the alleged misconduct was the behavior of Barack Obama’s hand-picked people running the Department of Homeland Security, who’ve created a hostile work environment for straight male agents, a story I recently broke on this site.

Many of the key allegations are stories I’ve broken on this site over the years, and the federal civil rights lawsuit gives more details. The 21-page federal federal complaint was filed in late May by New York Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) James T. Hayes, New York’s top Homeland Security official. He was previously the ICE Director of Detention and Removal Operations, in charge of the deportation of illegal aliens around the country. It’s not every day that a federal official at that level files a lawsuit against the head of his agency.

read the rest here.

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  • I think ICE is about ready to get hot!

  • Why am I not surprised in the least by the actions of Janet from another planet and her girlfriends, only that someone would actually be brave enough to file charges....I fear for their lives and the lives of their families.

  • HAHAHAHAHA!  Well this is Hussain's choice!  I guess he thinks that she has more _alls then the men.  Maybe he's right!   They cast their devotion with Hussain so now live with it!  To bad they weren't smart enough to come up with a plan to beat her but instead are using the courts to fight their battles.   I guess men are the weaker sex now.  Hint to men, women really don't want to see you cry! 

    • That's pretty good Christine but the ones filing the suit may have been working there prior to the appearance of the o and the other guy, napolitano.. I would say they are pretty brave for standing up to these murdering thugs, unless you are right and they are part of the crowd that was put in by the administration. If that be the case I agree, tell them to stop whining and take their medicine.

  • Apparently this report has been on the web for a couple days.........anyone seen any mention on any of the major networks?  I haven't........but if this happened to a conservative, it would be front page everywhere for weeks.......

    • Fox yesterday on several shows and this morning. At least they are reporting.  I read the whole complaint.... To have a all the experience and award he got...then to have this admin. come in and appoint the "she" dog and bring in all her sicko's just usurp positions with nowhere near the experience would have enraged me if i was in his place.  I'm very glad he stuck it out and fought it.  I'm sure they thought they would be successful in intimidating him and reducing him to a mound of mush....hope this gains ground in the news and in political ads.

  • This is a sickening expose of what's going on in the Department of Homeland Security under Napolitano.  I read the complaint and I'm wondering when and IF it will ever be answered?  I believe these sick individuals, starting with Obama and down through the likes of Napolitano, have so much insulation from the workings of the judicial system in our Country that they could just ignore a default judgement, if it were taken, and move on with their twisted agendas.  It really is time for serious action to be taken to correct the corruption in our government.  I must say, you don't know how much restraint it took for me to write the above in terms that didn't flame off the page!  This Obama regime is the absolute worst.

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