

Interview with Eric Hufschmid

Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works -- Little Movies
The Evil Lurking Within:  Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel's Wife, Talks Again, by Greg Szymanski

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Transcribed from the video by Tara Carreon, ABOL Librarian

Eric:  One reason that people dismiss the possibility that the September 11th attack was a government operation is that they cannot believe everybody in the U.S. Government would remain silent about such an incredible crime. A woman named Kay Griggs, the second wife of Marine Corp Colonel George Griggs, can help us understand why everybody is silent. Her information about the U.S. Government comes from her husband, her personal observations, her husband's diary, and people she met. Even if some of her information is incorrect, the top military and political leaders of America are routinely blackmailed, bribed, threatened, and manipulated. She mentions many government officials by name, so if her accusations are false, she is making a lot of slanderous remarks about a lot of people. For example:

Kay: I found my husband's diary, which I have here, which they have been not anxious to have get out.

Eric: Now, "they" meaning ...?


General John J. Sheehan, USMC (Retired)


General Charles C. Krulak, Commandant of the Marine Corps


General Al Gray (left), former Commandant U.S. Marine Corps


General Donald G. Cook (Retired Aug. 1, 2005)


Brigadier General James R. Joy (right), U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)


General Carl Steiner (Retired)

Kay: The -- uh -- well -- "they." General [John J.] Sheehan, General [Charles C.] Krulak, Generals Al Gray, [Donald G.] Cook, and especially General [James R.] Joy. General Jim Joy and General Carl Steiner are, they are evil men. And they are in this diary meeting with my husband almost every day in Beirut. They trained the Men in Black who killed those people in Waco.

Eric: Not only does she claim that Waco was a deliberate killing, but later in the interview, she says that the military knew that the Marine Corps barracks was going to be bombed in Beirut, Lebanon. That bombing occurred in 1983, and more than 200 marines died. The official story is that the bombing was a result of Arab terrorists. She doesn't explain why the military would allow hundreds of Marines to die, so we are left to wonder if the bombing was intended to give the Marines an excuse to get out of Lebanon, or if it was intended to create anger towards Arabs. As with the September 11th attack, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the killings at Waco, it is difficult to find a sensible motive. But perhaps Kay Griggs is correct that many top government officials are under the control of criminals and lunatics.  She explains that one of the methods to control government officials is to pressure them into doing unusual sexual activities, which can then be used to blackmail them. She believes that some universities have special fraternities for this purpose. For example, Princeton University has a fraternity called Cap and Gown, which her husband belonged to. Yale University has a fraternity called Skull & Bones. Supposedly, President Bush and John Kerry were members of that fraternity. To most people, and some of its members, these fraternities are meaningless organizations. But she believes that some of them are used as recruitment centers for government officials.

Kay: George got into Cap and Gown which is the same kind of fraternity.  I mean it's a eating club at Princeton for intelligence officers.

Eric: In Cap and Gown did they have anybody involved who wasn't intelligence oriented?

Kay: Football players, and so forth.  But I have a feeling that Cap and Gown has a lot of intelligence officers and boys who may have been raped. Of course, they'd never talk about it. But I know that in the initiation they get very drunk, even in the Marine Corp they do that, it's called "Dining in." They have the "shellback" ceremony.  They do a lot of homosexual enticement. The boys, when they come in, when they are new recruits, they strip them nude, they violate their personal parts, and a lot of that is going on even now.

Eric: What about "tailhook"? Is there a connection?

Kay: Yeah, sure! Because the "cream of the crop" is doing this. They are having group sex parties.

Eric: That was a Navy operation too, wasn't it?

Kay: Yeah.

Eric: She points out that "tailhook" has a double meaning.

Kay: You know what "tailhook" means, don't you?

Eric: No.  What is tailhook?

Kay: Laughter.

Eric: Uh oh. I got a feeling.  Is it a homosexual reference?

Kay: Yeah, sure.

Eric: Really?

Kay: Sure.

Eric: Did you know that, Steve? Isn't that something?

Kay: Yeah.

Eric: She accuses a Marine Corp General of being a "Cherry Marine."

Kay: What I want to tell you about General Al Gray, my husband was the chief of staff for General Al Gray who was the Commandant of the Marine Corp. And I probably shouldn't say this on the tape, and you all can get rid of it, but he's a homosexual. Gray is what they call a "Cherry Marine."

Eric: She then describes the initiation ceremonies in more detail, and notice that her husband is one of the sources of this information.

Eric: I mean, if this really got out that these guys are all inducted because they've got some kind of homosexual thing on them ...

Kay: Right, indoctrination or induction. They have to do that. They do that. In a coffin. And it's even now coming into the military totally. The chiefs do that.  They put them in the coffin.  They do the bowling ball trick.

Eric: Okay, you've got to explain this. What happens when you get in the coffin? Why do you get in a coffin?

Kay: Oh, when you get your eagles -- that's a German thing you know -- it's what the German high command did, and most of them had the boyfriends and stuff, the croups and all of that. It is a German thing that they say goes back to Greece.  And it's all the male Marine looking men that they do it with, you see. So now the chiefs have to do that. What they do is they get -- George said it's like a zoo -- they get everybody really drunk, and they sometimes call it "dining in." "Shellback" is another time that they do it. Not everybody does it, but the ones who do it, if they're young, they get right up to the top.

Eric: Okay, what actually do they do? They've got a coffin, they get inside ...

Kay: Anal sex. Oh, that! They put them in the coffin and they do things.

Eric: Okay, they perform things on each other?

Kay: Yeah, yeah, while they're all around there going drunk and ...

Eric: Okay, I see, so there's a guy in the coffin ...

Kay: Yeah, and he's the one who is the ...

Eric: ... recipient of all the acts?

Kay: Right, right.

Eric: We can probably say to conclude that these are oral sex acts on this guy, or something like that.

Kay: Yeah, yeah. Oral and anal.

Eric: But what's the significance of the coffin?

Kay: I don't know.

Eric: Although she never explained what the bowling ball trick is, you should ask yourself, "Would a top military official or any other man tell his wife that he was pressured into joining these bizarre ceremonies if they were not true? Not every man in the military is enthusiastic about homosexual sex, so there are also orgies with women.

Kay: These orgies are going on all over the Mediterranean. The captains, the lieutenants, the men who rise to the top, are the ones who were picked to play the games, the pool parties, the nude pool parties.  And they have secretaries who come in. I've talked to three guys, and of course my husband, who went to these parties. But what they do is, and this is General Al Gray who was the main prime mover, they would go to a place like Eslay Rosey (sp?) where Charles Haddock, this teacher who inducted, got my husband into it, he retired in one of these all-male party houses on the Mediterranean. And my husband kept up with him all through the years.

Eric: And these sex parties and orgies, they're all homosexual in nature or is there some heterosexual ... ?

Kay: They start off with the wild secretaries. It's kind of, you know, my husband did those in Indonesia.  He did them in a place in Northern Virginia with his first wife ...

Eric: She was told by military leaders and their wives that this is normal.

Eric: What percentage do you think of these higher up people are bisexual?

Kay: Oh, all of them! If they're in Special Operations, if they're Marines, they're all bisexual. They've all had to do it. In order to get to be a bird colonel, the Seals, it's kind of like the fast road to the top.

Eric: So a guy could not be a Seal without having gone through this?

Kay: Oh, I don't believe so. I haven't met one that I don't believe would have done it. And judging from what a couple of colonels told me, that's just the norm. "It's just you women, you know.  You all are so sissy.  You don't understand how it is.  We're under so much pressure."  And when Valerie Wilhelm told me that about Charlie, I just could not believe what she was saying.

Eric: Charlie Wilhelm would be ...


General Charles E. Wilhelm, Former Commander, U.S. Southern Command

Kay: He's a general now down in Miami.  And she was just saying, "Oh, well, you know, he's running around -- he has to!," she said. "He's under so much pressure." And she was saying that -- of course I had met Charlie in Norway, and Charlie is someone my husband just sort of idolizes. And he and Michael Boyle is another one. Michael is my husband's "Special Friend."

Eric: After watching all eight hours of her interview, when I see a top government official, I find myself wondering, "Did this guy get his promotion because he joined in on the homosexual sex?


What about this guy?


Or him?


This one?



Do the Air Force generals do it also?


Kay Griggs implies that General Al Gray enjoys the homosexual sex. But I would expect some of the men to become fed up with it after a certain number of years. After all, how many times would you have to be pressured into homosexual acts before you refused to do it? Whoever has control of the U.S. Government has to deal with the men who become rebellious. Kay Griggs suspects that murder was used to keep her husband under control.

Kay: And you see, my husband is frightened to death. I believe that his brother was murdered to keep him in. Because he had gone through four years of this mind control. And the man who did it, and you can see it on the video, his name was Charles Haddock, and another man named Alexander Robinson.

Eric: She also suspects other men were murdered such as former CIA director William Colby. She also mentions the technique of condemning a person to a mental institutionm which almost happened to a person named Bob.

Kay: There were a couple of others: Paisley who was murdered almost like this other man. Paisley was murdered like William Colby. Paisley was also hanging around with other homosexuals. He went to the Rush River Lodge, and so did Bob Woodward, Bob Woodward the reporter. Henry Kissinger was a well-known, totally a homosexual.  Not even both ways.

Eric: And so his wife is a marriage of cover or convenience?

Kay: Oh, it's just a convenience, yeah. I mean, maybe he's discovered women in his late age.  I don't know.  But I heard through a very well grounded German that Henry's best friend's father told Henry to stay away from him.  And that's why Henry left. The family were embarrassed.  And Henry went to Britain where they did this, and then changed his name from Heinz to Henry.  And I interviewed a man named Bob, who's an army enlisted person, who told me about Henry in Cambodia. So up through Cambodia, he was actually raping young men.  And of course, that experience destroyed the lives of these five young men, according to the source. I mean, he said, he was crying -- and this man was a perfectly wonderful functioning young married man who worked for a newspaper on the Eastern shore, and had three young children -- he went to Vietnam as an enlisted man, was put into Cambodia, which he said it was a lie living there, and then ran into Henry Kissinger.  Or Henry Kissinger ran into him, and did certain things to him.  Invited him into his tent with some other men.  It was horrible.  But he said, "It's wartime," and so forth.  But he said, "You know, I could have taken it mentally if it had been a bunk-mate or something, but when it's someone like Henry Kissinger who does it to you, you're ruined." He said he came back home -- Oh! And this is interesting, and I really believe that Bob's right, he said Kissinger said to him, "If you ever tell anybody, if you ever mention to a soul, it's the end of you. Don't you ever tell anybody." Well, when Bob got back, he went to a special hospital, and they were going to keep him locked up forever. A lot of the other boys just ... my feeling is that he was flagged the way I was flagged when General Gray and Wilhelm had me flagged because I broke up the go-go dancing in the Officer's Club. I was labeled a troublemaker because I thought it was wrong for married men to be going out with topless go-go dancers in the Officer's Club Dining Room, and I took pictures of it.  And my husband got really mad, and so forth.

Eric: How could it be that all top government officials are willing to allow this corruption, rape and blackmail? Kay Griggs says that people in control of the government are grooming emotionally weak boys for top government positions. She explains that this recruitment process starts while the boys are teenagers or younger.

Kay: They have little boys that they pick out and they call them "special." They use the word "special," meaning elite, irregular, in order to entice these boys because they don't have much ego ...

Eric: They look for boys who suffer from low self-esteem, poverty, and mental disorders. People who are not happy with themselves are easy to manipulate with praise. And children from poor families are more susceptible to promises of top government positions. She explains that some of these boys are put into all boys schools, and exposed to homosexual activities. She accuses a man named Charles Haddock of being one of the men who manipulated the young boys.

Kay: Charles Haddock was the bodyguard, quote unquote "teacher" for these guys. So they would go out and play in the woods.  And they were doing homosexual things with them.

Eric: She investigated her husband's background and believes that these people were pushing him into homosexual activities.

Kay: I called all his roommates, at the Hun (sp?) School and at Princeton.  They told me things about George, you know, holding hands with Haddock and other people, about being a cheerleader, and going off, and so forth.

Eric: "Cheerleader."  This is kind of a trade name, right?

Kay: He was a cheerleader at Princeton. And he traveled with the football team. And here is a guy like that, they put him in the Marine Corp? I don't think that was very nice. Do you know what I'm saying? It was hard for him.

Eric: She believes that President Bill Clinton was also selected for this program of abuse and blackmail.

Eric: You know, as you describe this, I can't help but think of Bill Clinton.

Kay: Well, of course he was one of those profile boys. But the difference between Bill Clinton, and I'm not saying Bill Clinton's better, but Bill Clinton didn't know anything about the assassinations.

Eric: How would you feel if you had been put into an all boys school when you were a teenager, subjected to homosexual sex, and offered high level government jobs, and when you rebelled, your brother was murdered? Kay described her husband as drinking every day. He would often pass out on the floor, and even in the yard. Sometimes he would sit naked in his room. His attitude was often unpleasant, and he was sometimes very violent. You might think that a government official could hold a press conference and complain about the corruption, but unless he is given support by other government officials, and the American people, he will meet the same fate as the other people who resisted.

On page 149 of my book, "Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack," I have a section: "There is nobody to protect us." I wrote, "More amazing to me, we cannot even get support from the American citizens. Rather, most of them will insult us as being 'conspiracy nuts.' This situation reminds me of the child who ran away from Jeff Dahmer, went to the police for help, and the police handed him back to Dahmer. How is America going to improve when the majority of American citizens, including the police, FBI and military, have no desire to know what is going on in their nation, and have no desire to make the nation better?"

Kay: I think they're trying to destroy America.

Eric: Let's listen to more accusations before trying to understand who "they" are.

Kay: And keep in mind, my husband is infamous: Princeton graduate, Chief of Staff for Al Gray, who runs all the dirty tricks for the army. You know, Linda Tripp worked for Carl Steiner who was a partner of, you know, Jim Joy, Carl Steiner and my husband were the triumvirate in Beirut, and Linda Tripp worked for Carl Steiner down there.

Eric: Okay, this would be approximately ...?

Kay: I think in the 80's. See, she and her husband were both Delta Force duos. They send them, and then they divorced, so that broke up that. But she's a dirty tricks person, Linda.

Eric: She believes that Linda Tripp was helping to set President Clinton up for blackmail. She also claims that the U.S. military was manipulated during the 1991 Iraqi war for purposes of selling weapons, smuggling drugs, and laundering money.

Kay: It's kind of like Monica and Bill. I think they put Monica in there to have something on Bill. That's my own feeling. Sarah McClendon feels the same way.

Eric: And Linda Tripp was there to guide the situation?

Kay: Absolutely. Of course. Linda Tripp was Delta Force. Linda Tripp was trained by Carl Steiner, who's in the diary with my husband. Carl Steiner is called a "Snake." And he tried to trip up Schwarzkopf. I mean, he was trying to take the whole Iraqi thing over because they had been baiting, you know, using the Israeli rogues in Turkey.  They were having little zig-zag wars.  It's all to sell weapons. It's all about weapon sales.  It's all about drugs.  It's all about funny money.

Eric: Most people assume that the U.S. military wanted the Vietnam war. But she claims that the military was pushed into Vietnam by the same people who were behind the bombing of Dresden during World War II. She supports the accusation that the American military was fooled into bombing Dresden simply to slaughter the German civilians. She also supports the accusation in Michael Piper's book, "Final Judgment," that some Israelis were the masterminds of the President Kennedy assassination.


Walt Whitman Rostow



President Johnson with Walt Whitman Rostow

Kay: You didn't used to kill women and children in war, you know, when the British army were pure, kind of.  You know, you didn't go out and kill.  I think at Dresden they did do some of that, but that was Walt Whitman Rostow and his crowd. And he's a very dangerous man. Because Walt Whitman Rostow is a Communist.

Eric: Okay, in what capacity is he?


July 29, 1989:  Ronald Reagan with traveling companion retired U.S. Marine Lt. General Victor Krulak (in the yellow shirt)

Kay: Oh, he was one of the wise men in Kennedy's administration. I think he was probably responsible for the movement that got Kennedy murdered. I believe it was an Israeli group which did it, with some of these rogues. Walt Whitman Rostow was the one who got us into the Vietnam war because he wanted to sell the weapons and stuff. He and Victor Krulak who is the present Commandant's father, Krulak was his lackey. Walt Whitman Rostow went with General Taylor and wrote the report that got us into the Vietnam war.  And all the time that the Pentagon was saying, "No, no, no, no," he was a cheerleader for the weapon sales.  He and Henry Kissinger. He and Henry. Walt Whitman Rostow, [1] Eugene Debs Rostow, [2] these were Communists, names for Communists. Eugene Debs Rostow, and, it's either his son or his other brother, runs the big Boston mob, the Port there.  His name is Nicholas Rostow.

Eric: She claims that the war in Bosnia was also manipulated by these people, and that the CIA is not as important as we assume it is. She believes that most of the secret operations are coming from a group of criminals working within our military and NATO. Sometimes she refers to them as "The Joint."

Kay: The war in Bosnia is simply a stage to train assassins, to be a market for brand new weapons, and to be a marketplace so the drug money can be used.  And the Army runs the whole show. It's totally run by the Army. The CIA is a bogus thing, you know. It's training in doctrine command, it's NATO, it's SHAPE: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, started by Eisenhower. It's a totally independent corporation. It's main function is to sell weapons and launder money.


Eric: You're talking about the CIA?

Kay: No, I'm talking about SHAPE. The CIA is kind of bogus. It's just there. [3]

Eric: That's just a trade name for the media to use.

Kay: It's just to confuse us, to get us off the track. It's all being done by Army people who are now Joint.

Eric: She describes "The Joint" as being in New York, and that it acts as a funding organization for their criminal activities.

Kay: The funding organization, one of the funding organizations, was out of New York, and it was called "The Joint." And Meyer Lansky -- see, our Mob, the organized crime, the Jewish Kabbalhist group ...

Eric: Unlike the gangsters of Al Capone's era, Meyer Lansky and his friends can manipulate entire nations rather than just a few cities. In this next segment, she mentions that one of the operations that "The Joint" was funding, was the illegal immigration of Nazis into America. Since she describes "The Joint" as being Jewish, your first thought might be to assume they were helping Jews escape Nazi Germany. However, what she describes may be what other people refer to as Operation Paperclip, although she does not use that expression. She is going to mention that many of these Nazis had "The German Disease." And she refers to them as "The Pink Triangle Boys." She is referring to homosexuality and sex with children. The Nazi party had the same problem that the Republican party suffers from. Specifically, there are a lot of accusations that many top Nazi and Republican leaders are homosexual, that some are raping children on a regular basis, and that some are covering up the slave trade. In Nazi Germany, some of the rapists and homosexuals were arrested and put into prison camps, and pink triangles were put on their uniforms to identify them from the other prisoners. She believes that thousands of these Pink Triangle Boys were brought to America at the end of World War II. She also claims that the Nazi Government was brought down by the German people when reports about the raping of children started spreading through the population. This seems to be happening right now with the Bush Administration. The Jeff Gannon incident seems to be forcing a lot of people to face the possibility that many top government officials are not what they claim to be.


The Pink Triangle Boys


Kay: This funding group in New York, they would pay for passports which were illegal. In fact, my grandfather was involved with that. That's how I know so much about it, because my grandfather was told to keep silent and not tell anybody.  And of course he told my grandmother, and my grandmother told me, and I've told my children.  Everybody knows they brought in probably more than 200,000 Nazi soldiers, and SS, and you know, whacko scientists and psychologists.  And all of them, most of them, had "The German Disease." You know, because it was their culture.

Eric: The German Disease?

Kay: Yeah, "The German Disease" is what the Pink Triangle Boys were. Colonel Ron Ray writes about this. He's a Marine Colonel who's a Christian who's writing about the "Cherry Marines," about homosexuality, and the group sex orgies, and so forth, which brought down the German government.  Because Naples, which is where all of the Navy is doing their playing, I mean today, in Naples, these orgies are going on. It was where Krupp, [4] the weapons manufacturer, used to take the German High Command, and they would go onto the Isle of Capri into the Blue Grotto. And they would have big orchestras, and they'd bring in little boys, little Italian boys, who would be raped. They'd give them trinkets. And of course the mothers gradually found out, and just like me, it was one thing when there was just one of me, now there a lot more of us wives who are talking and telling truth.  And those Italian women went to newspapers in Italy.  They wouldn't listen. But when they went to the wives of these guys in Germany, it brought it all out.  It brought the German government down, because they were duplicitous in it. But what they were doing was pedophilia.  They were raping, bringing in little boys. They involve the Catholic Priests, you know, who were bringing in ... Anyway, but what happened was this whole group came over to the United States. And it's an old culture.  But it's the reason there are a lot of things going on with children these days.  And it explains why it's all being covered up.  Because if you've got police officers who are playing these games, and they're going into the woods, like what is that place where, I mean, even Eisenhower played these games, even Mike Kemp out at it's called "The Hermitage" in California, where they all get drunk and they run around nude in the woods and stuff.

Eric: The Hermitage? Bohemian Grove?

Kay: That's it! Bohemian Grove.

Eric: Rather than Hermitage?

Kay: Bohemian Grove.  That's the name of it. My brain's tired. And there was a big one in Washington called Rush River Lodge where they used to all go. And there are lots of places now, but the problem, as I see it, is that I think they are trying to destroy America.

Eric: She also accuses Caspar Weinberger of being part of this group of criminals.

Kay: They are selling weapons! I mean, that is what the military is doing. It's totally controlled by the Mob. Look at this. Weinberger was General Douglas MacArthur's -- he spied on MacArthur in Korea. Who was MacArthur's nemesis, albatross? It was none other than little old intelligence "I'm-going-to-tell-every-move-you-make" Weinberger. Young. But he did it. He brought down MacArthur. Every move MacArthur was going to make, he broadcast it through the Chaplain, his little intelligence network. And he got brownie points with the group because he brought down the big lion. When you bring down a big lion like that, you get a big job. You've done good work. And they needed to get rid of MacArthur because he didn't want to keep the wars going. He wanted it over and, you know, it's like General Truffey (sp?) who took over after the Vietnam War was over.  And he was on C-Span in August 1996 with former Ambassador Whitehead, and a few of the other State Department Vietnam people, and General Truffey had been holding these things in for years. He was on C Span. This man let it all out. He said, "I took over at the end of the Vietnam War. I was in control, right? Big general in charge. So I say, 'Cut off the shipment of weapons.' So I tell the Pentagon, 'Cut off the shipment of weapons.' " He said, "I got a phone call from Henry Kissinger saying, 'The weapons are going to continue at the wartime rate.'

Eric: Just when you think you've heard the strangest accusation possible, she comes up with another one that's even more difficult to believe. For example, she claims that some Communist dictators were also put through the homosexual mind control procedure by these criminals.

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Kay: Because already the Communist agents, the New York, Brooklyn, New Jersey Mob, were already training Mao. Mao was trained in Paris. So was, you know, the one in Cambodia. What's his name?  I can't think of his name.  The one who was Pol Pot. They were homosexually -- bless their little hearts -- by priests. They were wonderful little boys, sent there, you know, "turned," which is the word when they believe their mothers, and then all of a sudden the world's horrible, and they have these wonderful friends who are going to make them leaders. They are turned, psychologically, and it's a pattern. And so this is why it's so important to know what they are doing to innocent little boys in the Army and the Marine Corps today.

Eric: In her eight hours of interview, she lets out a lot of accusations. And she accuses a lot of high ranking government officials of a lot of serious crimes. She does not show any signs of hesitation or fear except when asked one particular question. In this next segment, she is explaining that both her uncle and her husband were involved in secret weapons sales to a certain country for "The Joint." Which country? And who is "The Joint"? This is the only issue that she hesitates to talk about. However, after saying the "Z" word, she returns to normal and resumes her accusations of murder, corruption and sexual perversion.

Kay: You know, selling weapons to whatever country. I know the country, but in other words, they were doing work for "The Joint" under the table all these years.

Eric: Okay, and directly under whose instructions to sell these weapons? Do you know that?

Kay: Yeah.

Eric: Okay, who would that be?

Kay: Well, it's an Israeli Zionist group in New York.

Eric: Mossad?

Kay: Well, yeah, but everybody thinks Mossad like they think CIA. CIA is just sort of a bogus kind of thing. It's really Army Intelligence that does just about everything. They run a lot of the psychological profiling which is done at Quantico with the FBI. It's all a very small group. Harvard professors connected with Tavistock, Darisalom (sp?), and there's a sexual perversion group in Vienna, and one in Colorado.  I think that little girl was part of that experiment, you know who ...

Eric: Jon Benet?

Kay: Yeah.

Eric: Well, that raises an interesting point because here is a high profile murder that goes nowhere. No investigation. Nobody's pinned. It just goes on and on and on.

Kay: The parents are involved in that program.

Eric: But someone higher up is protecting them.

Kay: Absolutely.

Eric: And it's the same thing that you're describing about the military.

Kay: Sure.

Eric: If you're in the clique, you can get away with murder.

Kay: Yeah, absolutely. Murder.  Literally murder.


Eric: As many women do, she would introduce people to one another to help them find friends. She helped both her husband and one of her friends from school meet a man named T. Parker Host. She later decided that Parker Host was connected with organized crime. However, her friend from school married him anyway.


Kay: This is his wife Ann.  And I introduced him to her.

Eric: Good work.

Kay: She's my school friend, you know.

Eric: Is she still married to him?

Kay: Yeah.  I mean he's loaded. She wants a lot of money. Her uncle is one of the guys who went to the moon. Collins.

Eric: She mentions that her friend is related to Michael Collins, who went to the moon on Apollo 11. If you believe that NASA sent people to the moon, take a look at my Science Challenge at my website. Six groups of astronauts were sent to the moon, but not one of them saw stars. NASA claims that stars cannot be seen on the moon because the sun is too bright. A video called "A Funny thing happened on the way to the moon," shows the portion of the press conference where the astronauts were asked about the stars. Neal Armstrong answers, and afterwards Michael Collins makes a remark that he does not remember seeing any stars. Michael Collins was in the command module circling the moon, while the other two astronauts were on the surface of the moon.

Q. When you looked up at the sky, could you actually see the stars and the solar corona in spite of the glare?

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Neal Armstrong: We were never able to see stars from the lunar surface or on the daylight side of the moon by eye without looking through the optics. I don't recall during the period of time that we were photographing the solar corona what stars we could see.

Michael Collins: I don't remember seeing any.

Eric: Collins wants us to believe that during his entire trip to and from the moon, he never bothered to look out the window. These three astronauts just accomplished the most incredible achievement the human race has ever made. But notice how sad, nervous and worried they look?

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Why would NASA fake a moon landing? Perhaps, as Kay Griggs says, "I think they're trying to destroy America." A fake moon landing can destroy morale among scientists, and make America look like a nation of idiots. The news reporters also seem to be controlled by these criminals and their Pink Triangle boyfriends. News reports about child sex and homosexuality among government officials are quickly suppressed. For example, do you remember when Colin Powell discussed the issue of sex slaves? "We're talking about women and girls as young as 6 years old trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation." Not many people know about this issue because the television news reporters prefer to talk about Michael Jackson and Terry Schiavo. A hundred years ago, Al Capone and other gangsters were manipulating city governments. Today, the criminals are manipulating entire nations. Most people's reaction is to complain about the criminals. However, the criminals are not the problem. As I wrote on page 150 of my book, "A nation that has an incompetent government is vulnerable to abuse from both its own citizens and from foreign nations." Complaining about corruption will not make the world better. Instead, we should be discussing the issue of how to provide ourselves with better governments.


Librarian's Comments:

[1]  See 
Walt Whitman Rostow, by

Walt Whitman Rostow (also known as Walt Rostow or W.W. Rostow) (1916-2003) was an American economist and political thinker prominent for his staunch opposition to Communism and belief in the efficacy of capitalism and free enterprise. Rostow served as an adviser on national security affairs under John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson administrations. He supported American military involvement in the Vietnam war, believing it possible and desirable to halt the advance of Communism by force if needed. In his later years he taught at Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in Austin. He wrote extensively in defense of free enterprise economics, particularly in developing nations.

Walt Rostow was born in City of New York in a Russian immigrant family. His name is a reference to Walt Whitman, an American poet. Rostow attended Yale University, graduating at age 19 and completing Ph.D. dissertation in 1940. He also won the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study at University of Oxford. After completing his education he started teaching economics at Columbia University.

During World War II he served in the OSS under William Donovan. Rostow became Assistant Chief of the German-Austrian Economic Division in the United States State Department in Washington D.C. immediately after the war. From 1946 to 1947, he returned to Oxford to teach as the Harmsworth Professor of American History. Rostow became the Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, in 1947 and was involved in the development of the Marshall Plan. He spent a year in 1949 at Cambridge University as the Pitt Professor of American History. Rostow was Professor of Economic History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1950 to 1961 and a staff member of the Center for International Studies, MIT from 1951 to 1961. In 1958, he became a speech writer for President Dwight Eisenhower.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy appointed Rostow Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs reporting to McGeorge Bundy. Late in 1961, he was then appointed as counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State. Rostow wrote President Johnson's first state of the union speech and was appointed by Johnson in May 1964 United States Member of the Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress (CIAP).

In early 1966, he was named special Assistant for National Security Affairs (the post now known as National Security Advisor) where he was a main figure in developing the government's policy in the Vietnam War, and where he remained until February 1969. His pro-war and pro-free-enterprise views made him highly unpopular in the social sciences sector of the American academia that was staunchly left wing at the time. However, he was able to get an academic position at Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in Austin the Rex G. Baker, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Political Economy. He continued to teach history and economics until his death in 2003 at the age of 86.

Rostow developed the Rostovian take-off model of economic growth, one of the major historical models of economic growth. The model argues that economic modernization occurs in five basic stages of varying length - traditional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, and high mass consumption. He received the Order of the British Empire (1945), the Legion of Merit (1945), and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1969).


Walt Whitman and homosexuality, by Wikipedia:


Walt Whitman, 1884.

Another topic intertwined with Whitman's life and poetry is that of homosexuality and homoeroticism, ranging from his admiration for 19th-century ideals of male friendship to outright masturbatory descriptions of the male body ("Song of Myself"). This is in contradiction to the outrage Whitman displayed when confronted about these messages in public, praising chastity and denouncing onanism. He also long claimed to have a black female paramour in New Orleans, and six illegitimate children. Modern scholarly opinion believes these poems reflected Whitman's true feelings towards his sexuality, but he tried to cover up his feelings in a homophobic culture. In "Once I Pass'd Through A Populous City" he changed the sex of the beloved from male to female prior to publication.

During the American Civil War, the intense comradeship (which often turned sexual) at the front lines in Virginia, which were visited by Whitman in his capacity as a nurse, fueled his ideas about the convergence of homosexuality and democracy. In "Democratic Vistas", he begins to discriminate between amative (i.e., heterosexual) and adhesive (i.e., homosexual) love, and identifies the latter as the key to forming the community without which democracy is incomplete:

It is to the development, identification, and general prevalence of that fervid comradeship (the adhesive love, at least rivaling the amative love hitherto possessing imaginative literature, if not going beyond it), that I look for the counterbalance and offset of our materialistic and vulgar American democracy, and for the spiritualization thereof.

In the 1970s, the gay liberation movement made Whitman one of their poster children, citing the homosexual content and comparing him to Jean Genet for his love of young working-class men ("We Two Boys Together Clinging"). In particular the "Calamus" poems, written after a failed and very likely homosexual relationship, contain passages that were interpreted to represent the coming out of a gay man. The name of the poems alone would have sufficed to convey homosexual connotations to the ones in the know at the time, since the calamus plant is associated with Kalamos, a god in antique mythology who was transformed with grief by the death of his lover, the male youth Karpos. In addition, the calamus plant's central characteristic is a prominent central vein that is phallic in appearance.

Whitman's romantic and sexual attraction towards other men is not disputed. However, whether or not Whitman had sexual relationships with men has been the subject of some critical disagreement. The best evidence is a pair of third-hand accounts attributed to fellow poets George Sylvester Viereck and Edward Carpenter, neither of whom entrusted those accounts to print themselves. Though scholars in the field have increasingly supported the view of Whitman as actively homosexual, this aspect of his personality is still sometimes omitted when his works are presented in educational settings.

[2]  Eugene Victor Debs, by Wikipedia


Eugene Victor Debs from a pamphlet during his 1912 presidential candidacy
Born November 5, 1855 Terre Haute, Indiana
Died October 20, 1926 Elmhurst, Illinois

Eugene Victor Debs (November 5, 1855 – October 20, 1926) was an American labor and political leader and five-time Socialist Party of America candidate for President of the United States

Rise to prominence

Debs was born in Terre Haute, Indiana (where he lived most of his life), to middle-class immigrant parents, from Colmar, Alsace. At the age of fourteen, he left home to work on the railroads, becoming a fireman. He returned home in 1874 to work as a grocery clerk, and the next year was a founding member of a new lodge of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He rose quickly in the Brotherhood, becoming first an assistant editor for their magazine and then the editor and Grand Secretary (in 1880). At the same time, he became a prominent figure in the community and was elected to the Indiana state legislature (as a Democrat).

The railroad brotherhoods were comparatively conservative unions, more focused on providing fellowship and services than in collective bargaining. Debs gradually became convinced of the need for a more unified and confrontational approach. After stepping down as Grand Secretary, he organized, in 1893, the first industrial union in the United States, the American Railway Union (ARU). The Union successfully struck the Great Northern Railway in April 1894, with most of its demands met.

Pullman Strike


National Guard fires on Pullman strikers, from Harper's Weekly (1894)

He was jailed later that year for his part in the Pullman Strike, which grew out of a strike by the workers who made Pullman's cars and who appealed to the ARU at its convention in Chicago, Illinois for support. Debs tried to persuade the ARU members who worked on the railways that the boycott was too risky, given the hostility of both the railways and the federal government, the weakness of the ARU, and the possibility that other unions would break the strike. The membership ignored his warnings and refused to handle Pullman cars or any other railroad cars attached to them.

The federal government did, in fact, intervene, obtaining an injunction against the strike on the theory that the strikers had obstructed the railways by refusing to show up for work, then sending in the United States Army on the grounds that the strike was hindering the delivery of the mail. That provoked a violent reaction from strikers in what had otherwise been a relatively peaceful strike. The strike was broken and the ARU destroyed.

Socialist leader


Campaign poster from his 1912 Presidential campaign. Debs was a frequent Socialist candidate for President in the early 1900s

The experience radicalized Debs still further. He was a candidate for President of the United States in 1900 as a member of the Social Democratic Party. He was later the Socialist Party of America candidate for President in 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the final time from prison.

Debs was, however, largely dismissive of the electoral process: he distrusted the political bargains that Victor Berger and other "sewer socialists" had made in winning local offices and put much more value on the organization of workers, particularly on industrial lines. Yet Debs was equally uncomfortable with the apolitical syndicalism of some within the Industrial Workers of the World. While he was an early supporter of the IWW, he was later appalled by what he considered the IWW's irresponsible advocacy of direct action, especially sabotage.

Although Debs criticized the apolitical "pure and simple unionism" of the railroad brotherhoods and the craft unions within the American Federation of Labor, he practiced a form of pure and simple socialism that underestimated the lasting power of racism, which he viewed as an aspect of capitalist exploitation. As Debs wrote in 1903, the party had "nothing specific to offer the negro, and we cannot make special appeals to all the races. The Socialist party is the party of the working class, regardless of color—the whole working class of the whole world". Yet Debs was more advanced on this issue than many others in the Socialist Party: he denounced racism throughout his years as a socialist, refusing to address segregated audiences in the South and condemning D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation".

Debs was a charismatic speaker who called on the vocabulary of Christianity and much of the oratorical style of evangelism—even though he was generally disdainful of organized religion. As Heywood Broun noted in his eulogy for Debs, quoting a fellow Socialist: "That old man with the burning eyes actually believes that there can be such a thing as the brotherhood of man. And that's not the funniest part of it. As long as he's around I believe it myself."

Debs himself was not wholly comfortable with his prowess as a speaker. As he told an audience in Utah in 1910:

I am not a Labor Leader; I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I lead you in, some one else would lead you out. You must use your heads as well as your hands, and get yourself out of your present condition.

Return to prison


Debs giving his speech at Canton

On June 16, 1918 Debs made an anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, protesting World War I, and was arrested under the Sedition Act of 1918. He was convicted and sentenced to serve ten years in prison and disenfranchised for life, losing his citizenship.

Debs made his best-remembered statement at his sentencing hearing:

"Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."

Debs appealed his conviction all the way to the United States Supreme Court. In its ruling on Debs v. United States, the Court examined several statements Debs had made regarding WWI. While Debs had carefully guarded his speeches in an attempt to comply with the Espionage Act, the Court found he still had the intention and effect of obstructing the draft and recruitment for the war. Among other things, the Court cited Debs's praise for those imprisoned for obstructing the draft. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes stated in his opinion that little attention was needed since Debs' case was essentially the same as that of Schenck v. United States, where the Court upheld a similar conviction.


Debs in the Atlanta Penitentiary

He went to prison on April 13, 1919. While in prison in Atlanta, Georgia, he ran for president in the 1920 election. He received 913,664 votes (3.4%), the most ever for a Socialist Party presidential candidate in the U.S. and slightly more than he had won in 1912, when he obtained six percent of the vote. This stint in prison also inspired Debs to write a column deeply critical of the prison system, which appeared in sanitized form in the Bell Syndicate and was collected into his only book, Walls and Bars, with several added chapters (published posthumously).

On December 25, 1921, President Warren G. Harding released Debs from prison, commuting his sentence to time served. Debs, however, never recovered his health from that time in prison and died 5 years later at the age of 70 in Elmhurst, Illinois.

In 1976 Debs's citizenship was restored posthumously.

[3] See  "The Trail of the Octopus," by Donald Goddard with Lester Coleman:

"The octopus had had him in its sights for so long that the security vetting should have been a formality, but a month went by without a word. And that was the first thing Coleman learned about the Defense Intelligence Agency: it never knowingly took chances. It would sooner not employ him than take an unnecessary risk, said McCloskey. He had known them junk a whole operation that had taken hundreds of people months to put together just because there was an outside chance that if anything went wrong the DIA might break cover.

McCloskey was unperturbed by the delay. This wasn't the CIA, he said. The CIA was a showboat civilian agency. These were the professionals, the military, the combined intelligence arms of the United  States Army, the United States Navy and the United States Air Force. Together, they formed the largest and most discreet intelligence agency in the world; 57,000 people operating out of Arlington Hall, Virginia, and Bolling Airforce Base, Washington, D.C., on a budget five times bigger than the CIA's. No restrictions, no oversight -- and nobody even heard of it. Why? Because it didn't make mistakes. And because the director reported to the joint chiefs of staff, who didn't tell anybody anything they didn't have to know. And that included the Secretary of Defense.

But wasn't that dangerous? asked Coleman. To have a covert agency that big and powerful, and not directly accountable to anyone? Not even to the President of the United States? Their commander in chief?

The White House leaked like a colander, McCloskey said. It was full of politicians, and politicians came and went. Same thing with Congress. The military had never trusted politicians. It didn't trust civilians. Period. The military was America's backbone, its power and its honor. It didn't  take sides. It didn't have to make promises it couldn't keep or gamble with the national interest to get elected. You could count on the military to see things straight, to see things through and to do things right. The DIA was only dangerous to the nation's enemies.

But where did the CIA fit in? And the National Security Agency? Didn't the DIA have to share these responsibilities?

The National Security Agency took care of the electronic and satellite stuff, McCloskey replied. And all that was filtered through the DIA before it went to Langley. The NSA did an important, technical job. As for the CIA, its main use as far as the military was concerned was as cover, as a front operation. While Congress, the media and the whole world watched the CIA, America's real spy shop could get on with its work the way it was supposed to -- in secret. Everybody knew about the CIA. It was good for a scandal a year at least because it leaked from top to bottom. It was a public agency, pinned down by White House directives and Congressional committees. It's director was a public figure. Everybody knew about William Colby, Richard Helms, George Bush, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates -- but who even knew the name of the DIA director?

'Not me,' said Coleman.

'Damn right,' said McCloskey. 'Not that I guess you'll ever get to meet him anyhow. Or even see the inside of Arlington Hall, come to that. The only DIA personnel you're ever likely to meet will be your handler and maybe a couple of agents you'll work with. (And he was right. It was only after the DIA froze him out that Coleman finally learned that the name of his boss, the agency's director of operations, was Lt General James Kappler.)"

See also "America Betrayed," by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.


In 1974, there were only the grossest hints as to the CIA’s involvement in assassinations, torture, mind-control experiments, and the manipulation of the media. It was to be the job of Rockefeller, as well as Rumsfeld and Cheney, to cover all tracks and to stop any House or Senate investigation, or at least throw it off the track (15).

Despite the efforts of the Ford-Rockefeller White House, the Senate and House each established their own Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, chaired by Frank Church and Otis Pike (respectively). Rockefeller, with the assistance of Kissinger, Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney, began obstructing Senate and House inquiries, particularly those which in any way concerned the training and employment of CIA assassination teams (10,15,19) or terrorist attack squads, such as Operation Gladio.

The Pike Committee finally issued a contempt of Congress citation against Henry Kissinger for his refusal to provide documentation of covert operations. Kissinger, Rockefeller et al., thumbed their noses at Pike.

The coverup effort was a partial success. For example, there is only a brief mention of “Operation Stay Behind” within the Church reports (Pike’s report being suppressed). Operation Stay Behind was a CIA terrorist operation aimed at the citizens and politicians of European countries and their democratically elected leaders (20).

According to the 1976 Senate report on the CIA by the Church Committee, this program was first conceived by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was staffed and funded by the CIA, and put into operation in 1948 by the National Security Council.

Essentially, the CIA was using Nazis, Neo-Nazis, SS-officers, and CIA-trained terrorists to indiscriminately murder European men, women and children, and to assassinate or otherwise remove or eliminate communist, socialist, and left-wing politicians.

In Italy, this program was referred to as “Operation Gladio (which means “sword”). In Austria it was named “Schwert” (“sword”). In France it was called “Glaive” (“sword”). It was called “Operation Sheepskin” in Greece. “Sveaborg” in Sweden. In Belgium, Operation Stay Behind had the name: “SDR-8.” Likewise in Switzerland it was given an alpha-numerical name: “P26.” Regardless of country, Operation Stay Behind was run by the CIA and British Intelligence under the umbrella of NATO, and involved the use of snipers, police officers, and paramilitary units to kill people at random and to conduct brutal raids on supermarkets, theaters, and other public places (21-28). In one series of attacks, in Brussels in the mid 1980’s, 28 people were murdered while shopping at local supermarkets. Again, the purpose of these attacks was to strengthen the hand of right-wing governments and to prevent left-wing governments or politicians from coming to power.

It was the duty of Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, to try to cover up these crimes. Indeed Rumsfeld (the Secretary of Defense when the U.S. was attacked on 9/11) had served as U.S. Ambassador to NATO in Brussels, Belgium in 1973 and 1974—when some of the worst atrocities were taking place— and thus had a special personal interest in preventing any damaging disclosures.


“The Americans had gone beyond the infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of violence.” -- General Gianadelio Maletti, Director of Italian Counter-Intelligence 1971- 1975.

Operation Sword (“Gladio/Schwert/Glaive, etc.”) was an outgrowth of Dulles’ “Operation Stay Behind.” Initially, this program served to recruit high ranking Nazis and SS Gestapo agents into the OSS and the CIA after the close of WWII. By 1952, Dulles and his CIA had created a secret guerrilla terrorist army whose primary mission was terrorism and assassination—often of random targets who might be murdered by snipers, as they shopped or walked down the street. Dulles believed that through random acts of terror, left-wing governments could be overthrown, or prevented from ever coming to power if the blame for those terrorist acts could be placed on leftists (20). Right wing governments are always the beneficiaries of terrorism.

Operation Sword was first put into operation in Italy, in 1947. Italian citizens were gunned down by snipers, trains were derailed, and buildings and planes were blown up by CIA-Nazi agents, and then blamed on “communists.” The purpose of this terrorist campaign was to prevent a communist electoral victory in the 1947 Italian elections. This CIA orchestrated terrorist campaign was a success (21).

These and other acts of random terror (Operation Stay Behind), although directed by the CIA (in conjunction with British Intelligence) were administered under the protective umbrella of the Clandestine Coordinating Committee at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe “SHAPE” (22). SHAPE would later became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Although these CIA-terrorist cells were spread all over Europe, the training bases were located in Germany, Italy and France. Likewise, these terrorist operations were directed and funded by CIA agents working in the US Embassies in Rome, Paris, and Berlin. These same CIA agents not only controlled these terrorists cells, but had infiltrated and often directed the Intelligence services of these and other countries (23).


Hitler's Managers: Gustav and Alfried Krupp - The Weapons Builder

In July 1948, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach was adjudged by an U.S. Military Tribunal to 12 years imprisonment and confiscation of his whole estate. No other German industrialist was punished as hard as him after World War II. Originally, Krupp should be seated next to Göring in the main war criminal trial of Nuremberg where he presumably would have expected the death penalty. No other company was as hated by the allies as Krupp, the weapons builder of the Reich. Benjamin Ferencz, prosecutor at the Nuremberg trial, summarizes: "The name Krupp as the munitions king for the Führer already had a residence throughout the world. Everybody in the world was so outraged by the crimes of the Nazis that the whish was so enormous that the public throughout the world demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice."

As the greatest armament manufacturer of the German Reich the Krupp family forged over generations the weapons for the Prussian kings and the German emperor. The elitist family was very loyal to the emperor and later on they supported the conservative parties of the new democracy. Consequently, the steel barons from Essen declined the aimer Hitler during the Weimarer Republic. Alfried's parents, Gustav and his wife Bertha, saw the advancement of Hitler with a mixture of disdainfulness, scepticism and cautious submitting. Therefore the nomination of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of the Reich in January, the 30th 1933 released perplexity at the Krupp family. Anyhow, Gustav Krupp, the chairman of the company at that time, worked together with the new government. Hitler nominated him as "Wehrwirtschaftsführer" (economic leader of the Third Reich) and conferred him the golden party-emblem to use him and his company for the NS propaganda.

After his studies, Alfried joined the company and became the official follower of his father. In 1943 he became chairman of Krupp instead of Gustav who went deadly sick. At that time, although the war was already lost, the heir was driven to build even more weapons, getting support of an army of slave labours. Alfried accomplished his mission and that is why he was blamed one of the primarily responsible, who exploited the concentration camp prisoners and over 100.000 slave labours. But for all that the NS leaders were disappointed: Alfried had none of the characteristics the regime expected for a manager in his category: blind fanaticism and unscrupulous leadership.

When the American troops conquered Essen in April 1945, the young Krupp was immediately captured and brought to justice. Originally, his father Gustav should be accused, but his poor health impeded him to appear in court. He died in 1950. In 1951, the judgment amnestied Alfried Krupp and he got back his whole estate since America needed strong confederates in the Cold War against communism.

While many Germans tried to forget Hitler's Reich, Alfried recognized his duty: already in the fifties he arranged compensations for former Jewish slave labours. He also made the fundamental decision that Krupp wouldn't produce any weapons anymore. The film persecutes the way of life of Gustav and Alfried Krupp and tells how they became "Hitler's Managers" in spite of their opposition against him. In this context close family members, Alfried's advocate and a prosecutor from the Nuremberg trials were interviewed for the first time. Previously unreleased coloured film footage is shown in the documentary as well as sensational snapshots of Hitler visiting the Krupp family and showing him abased due to the disrespectful treatment by the Krupps.

"Gustav and Alfried Krupp - The Weapons Builder" was created by on behalf of the ZDF as part of the series "Hitler's Manager" and was first broadcast in November, the 30th 2004 on ZDF.

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