Trump Impeachment;

Trump Impeachment;

In 2016 the American people elected Donald J. Trump to serve as the 45th President of the United States of America. Over sixty three million (63,000,000 Americans voted for Donald Trump. He was elected primarily because he was not part of the Washington Governing “Elite” (or so they think they are). He was NOT part of the establishment.
Trump was elected under the banners of “Make America Great Again” and “Drain The Swamp”.

We all knew that his opponent Hillary R. Clinton was not only considered one of those Government establishment “elitists”, but that she was as corrupt as any politician anyone has ever seen, (Barack H. Obama and her husband William Jefferson Clinton are the only two politicians in America that can even hold a candle to her level of corruption).
Rather than allowing the corruption to continue and the further destruction of our United States of America, our National sovereignty, and our Constitution, the American people elected Donald J. Trump with the mandate of cleaning up that corrupt swamp which we refer to as the “Deep-State” Washington political sewer and cesspool. We all knew that was not going to be easy.
We all knew that the “Deep-State” players would never relinquish their power, authority, positions, and their strangle hold on our American Federal Government willingly nor easily. The only way to get them out would be to physically rip them out in some cases. We knew they would resist, we knew they would fight back. We knew the resistance would be vicious and calculated.

None of this came as any surprise, neither to many of us nor to Donald Trump himself.
The attacks and assaults started before he even entered office.

The level and depth of corruption in the Washington “Deep-State” and political parties and from the Clinton political machine turned out to be even worse than anyone knew or could imagine.
Before Trump was even elected the accusations of some kind of “Russia Collusion” was used to obtain FISA warrants to enable the CIA and FBI to spy on Trump campaign members and supporters. Anyone who happened to make contact with either Donald Trump or any member of his campaign or his family were now subjected to Government scrutiny and surveillance. Government surveillance and Investigations into anyone who had contacts or either worked in his campaign, or knew someone who did continue to this day two years after Trump took office as the President.

We all know it was Barrack Hussein Obama who was caught on an open microphone broadcast telling the (then) president of Russia to “Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after my reelection”. And yet no one ever questioned that. There has never been any investigations into what was referred to in that conversation. (After all – THAT would be considered “a State secret” “White House privilege”, never to be investigated or questioned).
We all know it was Hillary Rodham Clinton who signed off and issued final US State Department approval and authority granting the sale and transfer of US Uranium assets to a Canadian mining conglomerate which was already known to be in the process of being taken over by Russia. This is the infamous Uranium-One that we all know about today. Hillary and Bill Clinton's “non-profit” foundation based in Canada for some strange reason received a reported $145 MILLION dollar “Donation” shortly after her signature as rendered onto those documents.
And yet with all of this already widely known after two full years of investigations and non-stop “Special-Counsel” surveillance into Trump associates and campaign workers not ONE word about any Russian Collusion has been investigated concerning Hillary R. Clinton or Bill Clinton or that “Clinton Foundation” in Canada. Instead we are now expected to believe it was Trump who colluded with the Russians, not Obama or Hillary.
Instead what we get is the constant cry from the Left, from the “Deep-State” players, and from the Washington political establishment elitists like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, – ““IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP, We MUST IMPEACH TRUMP, - He is Dangerous to our country.”” But not a word about Hillary or Obama Russia Collusion.

In the 2018 midterm elections the Democrats managed to take control of the House of representatives. No one is really sure if those state and regional elections were actually conducted on a fair and HONEST election basis, or how many (if any) illegal votes were actually cast and counted. (How many illegal votes were counted?) But none the less we are now faced with a Democrat held House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer and these Democrats are held bent on impeaching Donald Trump from the presidency of the United States of America. It does not matter to them that even after two years of FBI Special Counsel investigations there are still no signs of any “Russian Collusion” has ever been uncovered or detected. Senate and congressional Intelligence committee investigations also proved fruitless, unable to uncover any signs of any Russian Collusion from the Trump family or anyone in the Trump campaign. Instead now the investigations now turn to Trump's inauguration funding and expenses. FBI Special Counsel Mueller has resorted to coercion, threats against friends and family, and Gestapo style pressure tactics in order to achieve indictments of individuals associated with Trump or his campaign in any way. Even as far back as twenty years or more. Trump associates friends and employees Paul Manfort, Attorney Cohan, General Flynn, Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, have all been hauled into SC Robert Mueller's investigations and threatened with imprisonment if they don't “Rat” on Donald Trump.

The question is – Over 63 Million Americans elected Donald J. Trump to be our 45th President of the United States of America in 2016. We gave him a mandate of “Drain The Swamp”. We all knew this would not be easy. We knew the “Deep-State” swamp creatures would fight back, we knew they would not go easily. But are we the people who elected him now going to sit back quietly and passively as the Washington establishment proceeds to impeach him?
Are WE going to abandon him to fight this swamp and the Washington establishment on his own? Will SC Mueller and Comey win? And will Hillary and Obama, Stryok, Lisa Page, Brennan, and Clapper all get off Scott free?
Are YOU going to stand up and support this man? Or will YOU just simply throw him to the dogs.

If YOU do that then you can never cry about how corrupt or how evil Washington despotism and gestapo style tactics and oppressions have become. You will no longer be allowed to complain about Washington. YOU will have forfeited that right of self governance.
The time to decide who runs this country; We-The-People or the Deep-State criminals, is rapidly approaching. Your choice YOU decide.
America is waiting for your response.

Choose carefully America, remember;
“You have a Republic Madam – IF you can keep it”.


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