MY Opinion; This is GOOD.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:18 PM PT – Friday, April 26, 2019

President Trump announced America’s withdrawal from a UN arms treaty, during his visit to the annual National Rifle Association (NRA) convention. While speaking in Indianapolis Friday, the president said he was proud to announce another step taken by his administration to protect the Second Amendment.

The United National Arms Trade Treaty was signed in 2013 by former President Obama, and aimed to regulate conventional arms trade.

President Trump noted the treaty still hadn’t been ratified, sending a message to the Senate to end the ratification process.

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  • It is OK, TIF, the rest of us with Arms understand this ATT just fine and the implications this BAD TREATY was and we KNOW who the signatories were, Barrack Obama and John Kerry.......both TRAITORS TO THIS COUNTRY FOR SIGNING.

  • Obviously countries like Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, and basically all the other countries on Earth that hate America couldn't care less about this ATT. They all ignored it anyway.
    So the only purpose that served was to block the US and our allies from selling and transferring weapons between us. The intention was to prevent the US from selling weapons to Israel, or to England, France and to other allies. It was also intended to stop the US from importing small arms from other countries, like all those WW-II and Korean war rifles that were left behind after those wars ended.
    Obama, Clinton, and Holder's gun-running scheme to Mexico was was intended to
    solidify public opinion into accepting this UN Arms Treaty. The entire thing was another attempt to circumvent and by-pass the US Second Amendment.
    President Trump was absolutely correct in ditching this piece of Anti-American garbage. Just as he said , - The US will NOT be ruled by other nations..............
    As far as I am concerned the United Nations should NEVER have been created and they should NEVER have ANYTHING to say about what WE do here in America.

  • The United Nations can kiss my ass. And since I am paying for this Ning network I'll say it if I want too.
    You spelled it out right in the first place Tif, the UN was created after WW-II from the league of nations.

    The original charter was to provide a place where most of the world leaders from all different countries could voice their opinions and complaints without getting into a war over it. The UN charter was intended to be a "Peace Keeping" organization. It was NEVER meant to be any kind of a Nation Control entity. The UN has NO business dictating ANYTHING to the USA. NOTHING, NOT ONE DAMNED THING.
    So I will repeat, (paraphrasing) what Donald Trump has said, The United States will NOT be ruled by any foreign nation or entity, we don't take orders from anyone.

    NOW with all that said, Barack Hussein Obama believes HE will be the next Secretary General of the United Nations. That piece of human excrement actually believes HE will be the new World Order RULER, The "Emperor" of the world.
     And what Donald Trump has really just said was "Obama - Kiss my ASS" You aint ruling ANYTHING..

    Especially the United States of America from a seat at the UN in New York City.

  • Tif, If you think Trump is NOT doing anything about the Federal Reserve then you're not watching and listening to the right news articles and channels.
    The same thing about the wall, you are not seeing the same things that the rest of us are.
    YES, Trump IS doing the same things that JFK tried to do. He's just trying to do it in a way that wont get him killed like JFK and Lincoln.
    And as far as the wall being built - so far they have built over 400 miles of new walls and renovated several more hundreds of miles. The wall IS being built but the MSM news media wont tell you about it.

  • The United Nations in America, Communists - Socialists - Marxists - and Ex-WW-II NAZI's like Soros in America;
    The fact that people like Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even Alexandria Occasio Cortez can get elected to our Government is truly a really sad commentary on how importantly we as American citizen's take the task and the duty of governing America.

    People look upon our political system as some kind of joke, a fools task, not worthy of any serious attention.

    It's time that we take a more aggressive stance in who and what we allow to be elected to our highest political offices.
    People like Al Sharptin, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, and three hundred others should all be dragged out of their offices, fitted with cement boots, and thrown into the Potomac River. Barack Hussein Obama, every single one that was part of his administration and George Soros and every single one of his criminal groups should be either hanged or publicly executed for their acts of high treason. That includes Joe Biden and Valarie Jarrett.
    The United Nations should be expelled from America.

    • Hear hear on all of what you wrote. And if we don't do something soon (ain't holding my breath) America is doomed to failure very, very soon, the Republic was destroyed by that first tyrant in our White House; Abraham Lincoln.

  • But Trump led the fight to ban the bump stock and he is leading the fight to ban suppressors. I don't believe DJT is as pro 2A as he has led us to believe he is. This was the main reason I opposed him in the Republican nomination 3 years ago.

  • And your evidence is? AOC is a socialist piece of shit that needs a bullet between her eyes and Cortez is an Hispanic surname with no links to Judaism or Islam that I am aware of.

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