Truth and justice in America
There are two sets of laws and justice in America; One for the rich and famous, and one for the poor and weak; Those who are not well connected with the ruling “elites” class.
This is something the blacks and poor people have known for centuries. If you’re poor and not well connected in the political class then sooner or later you will probably end up in prison – for something, for something you said most likely rather than for actually committing a “real” crime such as armed robbery or murder.
Most people try to live their lives in peace. They try to obey the laws. But when things go wrong such as the November 2020 elections then people try to stand up and try to make things right. They want the truth and actual justice. But that rarely ever happens.
There are the ‘ruling class elites’. Those who can get away with just about anything, including murder and theft. Then there are people like those who attempted to breach the US Capital building on January 6th 2021. There was no planed intentions of murder and destruction, only the truth and justice in the elections and the certification of the false Electoral College votes that gave the US Presidency to the Democrats and Joe Biden.
Yet there are currently over 400 people in prison for the crime of being in Washington DC at the time. And Veteran Ashli Babbitt is dead at the hands of the Capital police.
In this twisted world of double standards we have truth and justice only for a few people. But most of us live in a world that is very different than truth and justice. We end up in prison because we made the mistake of seeking and expecting the truth and justice from a corrupt political class with too much power. This is where we end up with people like Jerry Delemus serving 8-1/2 years in prison for traveling from New Hampshire to Nevada to try to stand with the Bundy ranch against the corrupt Bureau of Land Management when they attempted to seize the Bundy ranch for Senator Harry Reed and his corrupt band of thieves in Washington. Delemus never committed any crime at all. But he made the mistake opposing the illegal land grab by people with power and Government authority. There is Uranium and other valuable minerals out there and Senator Harry Reed and Hillary Clinton want it. Jerry Delemus traveled to Nevada to try to join the opposition forces standing against the Bureau of Land Management and the FBI. Delemus never made to that opposition protest, he was too late, things were all done by the time he got out there. But that didn’t matter, Senator harry Reed and the political “rulers” needed an example to show the people “you must never oppose the ruling class”.
Mean while Senator Harry Reed, his son, and Hillary Rodham Clinton got away Scot-free. Hillary illegally sold ½ of all uranium holdings to the Russians but will never face even so much as a real investigation much less any real “Justice” for it. Jerry Delemus is still in prison today.
Then there are the cases of Terry Trussell and Lavoy Finicum. Both dead at the hands of the corrupt political “ruling class”. There are still men in prison for taking a stand against these illegal land grabs and the corruption in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho. The Oregon State police, and FBI agents, who shot and killed Lavoy Finicum in Oregon will never face trial or any actual “Justice”.
We have law enforcement cops like Derek Chauvin now serving 22-1/2 years in prison for killing a black criminal George Floyd. But the murder of Mr. Seth Rich will never be investigated.
Now instead of Hillary-Rotten- Clinton going to prison for her crimes we end up with X-President Donald Trump and his Lawyer Rudy Giuliani being investigated and persecuted and possibly facing prison for opposing Ms. Clinton and her “Deep-State” corruption.
There is no question there is a double standard of “justice” in America. There is no such thing as equal justice under the Law in America. The REAL Criminals never face justice and equal treatment under a system of in-justice and wielding of self-serving power. We try to say that Lady-Liberty and Justice is blind, that justice should be administered equally and fairly under the laws of the land. But instead we have a system of corruption and power administered by those who are untouchable within that system of corruption.
Where is that real true justice for men like Lavoy Finicum, Terry Trussell, Jerry Delemus, and countless thousands of others?
We are more likely to find extraterrestrials and UFO’s on Mars first.
Florida Judge Hankinson;
Lavoy Finicum, dead at the hands of Oregon State Police and Governor Kate Brown.
Janaury 6th 2021.
Democrat committe worker suspected of leaking DNC data to Wikileaks.
Who is next?
i was once called to jury duty, years ago. one of the lawyers asked my if i had any issues being seated as a jurist? I told him I would have no problem sitting on a jury, once we have ONE set of laws
He said , we only have ONE set of laws, to which i replied, no Sir you dont, you have 2, one set for the rich and one set for everyone else
he actually said, "prove it"
so I said, that little girl Jon Bonet Ramsey was murdered, it was 2 years before her parents were even allowed to be questioned, their lawyer were there before the police could get there
he said, you are excused
The story of Terry Trussell can be found here on this PFA network.
And also on several pages on FaceBook.
A short sumery of his story: Terry Trussell was called to jury duty, he was then named to be the foreman of that jury.
The case being heard was about the local school board taking bribes of over $3+million dollars.
The state prosecutor began by instructing the jury on what they could consider and also in what and how they were untimately going to ecide.
Trussell objected to the prosecutors actions and approach. Upon which Trussell was expelled from the jury.
Not willing to simply sit quietly by and say nothing Trussell began a common-law grand jury to indict the prosecutore for jury tamporing.
At that point the prosecutor filed charges against Terry Trussell for "Impersonating a Court official", and several other charges, (14) .
The local judge in the original school board case resigned and retired. At that point the State brought in Judge Hankinson from Tallahassee.
They ruled that Common-law in Florida was illegal and Terry Trussell was found guily of six charges.
Judge Hankinson sentenced Trussell to 8-3/4 years in a Florida State prison.
Once he had served 2/3rd of that sentence he was eligable for parole.
But just one week before a possible release Terry suffered a massive heart attack and died.
Terry Trussell was assentially killed by the Florida judicial system and Judge Hanksinson.
Trussell was 74 years old. A Vietnam war compat veteran, and a real true American Patriot.
Such a MISCARRIAGE of justice
Reading this sure makes me feel awful, and I suspect the same is waiting for me at the end of the line
The best I can offer you is that we need to start documenting patters. Like when Nancy Pelosi called the steal a "conspiracy theory".
A conspiracy theory is space aliens landed / crashed on Earth. Never been proven, never happened before, pretty unlikely it is ever going to happen.
A valid suspicion is a pattern recognition - it happened before, its likely happening in some case, and likely to keep happening in the future. If you think you can "fix" voter fraud you are mistaken. but you can document the pattern, so the fradusters cannot wiggle free from it. They also going to be forced to think up new, more and more suspicious schemes as all the easy ones are well documented.
We must publish this on a million web pages. If you are an official in any capacity (elected, appinted, self-appointed, trusted) it is going to cost your job, and maybe your freedom if you cannot separate valid suspicion and conspiracy theory.
I am not a lawyer so I have no idea if this could be used to help those who are in prision. It can vindicate the dead, maybe. But presenting a pattern recognition as argument is powerful. This is a very slow process, but its the best solution I have. I am thinking about this, designing this for months. One of the reasons I am here, Oldrooster wittnessed my process on the MMM forum and invited me here.
I stop here, or I am going to be ranting.