Judicial Watch
by Judicial Watch, Inc. on Monday, November 8, 2010

Nearly a decade after the nation's deadliest terrorist attack, “strict security controls” didn’t stop dozens of illegal immigrants from receiving government clearance to train as pilots in the U.S. just as the 9/11 hijackers had done.


The unbelievable story comes via a Massachusetts news station that exposes the government’s failure to adequately protect the nation since Middle Eastern terrorists, trained at American flight schools, crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. As a result of the 2001 massacre, the government supposedly implemented strict security measures to prevent undocumented foreigners from training at American flight schools.



Incredibly, illegal immigrants still get cleared to take flight lessons because the Homeland Security agency (Transportation Security Administration—TSA) that approves candidates doesn’t bother checking the central agency’s immigration database when it screens foreign flight-school applicants. That means flight schools throughout the U.S. could easily be filled with undocumented foreigners that could represent a national security threat.


At a flight school in Stow, a rural community about 25 miles west of Boston, more than 30 illegal aliens were cleared by the TSA to train as pilots. This week three of them said they came to the U.S. from Brazil legally but their visas expired, just like several of the 9/11 hijackers. Each man provided official TSA documents approving pilot lessons through the agency’s alien flight student program. The Brazilians assure the agency never asked them about their immigration status.


Now that they have flown for dozens of hours each, the government plans to deport them only because the media exposed the scandalous story. In a typical response for a government agency with egg on its face, TSA officials said they will “review the process” for clearing foreign nationals to become licensed pilots. In the meantime, the agency assures it performs a “thorough background check on each applicant.”

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  • This does not surprise me at all.
    • This is no surprise at all.Homeland security has two devout Muslims in high positions.Obama is an ilegal himself.Our southern border wil be our greatest point of ifiltration,in fact it already has been.The elections may
      have distracted some but not all.We need help on the border.NOW
  • What he said. The out of control DOJ will not enforce any immigration laws, including background checks.
    • Thanks jack.We have a major problem on our southern border.It AINT MEXICONS AND IT AINT DRUGS.
      • I disagree.The problem is simply more than just messicans and their drugs,
        and their covert theft of jobs here in the US.This article is merely further proof that
        there is more,much more,that janet incompetano and her lesser agencies refuse
        to recognize.
        War along Our southern border is becoming more imminent by the day.I'm packed
        and ready to fight Myself,since I can't find a job because of these cockroaches anyway.

        You obvously haven't made Your career in the Construction industry.30 years
        ago,We had immigrants,sure,but I never imagined My Own Government would let Me down
        so badly as to allow 20-some MILLION of them to come here,in violation of Federal law
        and just take Our jobs with impunity.Think I'm an "Angry American"?

        That would be an understatement.
  • This story is unbelieable "BS" on the part of the U.S Government. The officials involved should be rounded up and charged with gross negligence and or fired on the spot.
    • What do you mean by your comment William?? Are you suggesting PFA members are not awake??
  • In that case and if there is another one maybe it can hit the White House.
This reply was deleted.


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