My fellow patriots,
For many years after 9/11 happened I believed, like most everyone else, everything the gov't told us.
As a retired army veteran with almost 23 years active duty- stationed all over the planet I refused to even consider what the gov't told us was a lie.
Anytime those 'truther pukes' showed their faces on my TV I would cuss them and even threw my boots at the dang TV!
But on the 4th of December 2008 I discovered I was absolutely WRONG.
A friend, a former US Marine, retired with over 20 years asked me to investigate the 9/11 story of the pentagon.
This grieves me greatly fellow patriots, but after nearly two months of investigating 9/11 thru 220 hours of video footage and reviewing a large number of gov't documents I have concluded without a shred of doubt that NO BOEING 757 HIT THE PENTAGON.
Years later I still find the absolute ignorance of the American people as a whole on this matter is shocking to say the least.
The media and the gov't working together have completely duped We the People into believing this incredible lie.
First two questions for everyone to mull over in their minds- then some video links for you to investigate on your own.
1. Ever wonder why all the footage of the 9/11 events was removed/blocked from our TVs and cable? They said to keep us from staying angry and to prevent 'persecution' of innocent muslims here in America.
The truth? Even the most precursory investigation of this footage negates the gov't story of events.
2. A very simple physics question destroys the pentagon story in just a minute.
"How do you fit a hollow metal tube, weighing about 80 tons, moving at over 400 mph+, and is 24'10" in diameter into a square hole 16' across?"
Answer? It would be physically impossible. A 757 is 24'10" in diameter and photos taken within a few minutes of the so called plane crash shows a square hole only 16' across in the facade of the pentagon- with no visible aircraft wreckage on the ground. No wings, no engines, no rudder, nothing.
Anyone care to explain this one away clearly and without a smidgen of doubt? I spent my entire military career in aviation and I can absolutely identify a plane wreck. This was not the site of a plane crash!
Here are a few video links to check out on your own. View them with an open mind and question everything boldly and with courage- then spread the word to everyone you know.
USA Retired.