We all knew this was gonna happen and will continue to happen. The reckless Media who posted about Prince Harry being sent back to Afghanistan have these Marines blood on their hands!




Two U.S. Marines were killed and other Americans were wounded on Friday during a Taliban attack on a base in southern Afghanistan where Britain's Prince Harry is stationed, U.S. officials told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A spokesman for NATO-led forces in Afghanistan said Harry was on the base at the time of the attack but was unharmed.

"Prince Harry was never in any danger," spokesman Martyn Crighton said, adding that the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) would investigate whether his presence on the base had motivated the attack.

The attack involved rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and small-arms fire, with insurgents breaching the perimeter of Camp Bastion in volatile Helmand province, U.S. officials said.

Crighton declined to offer that level of detail or give the nationalities of the victims. Crighton also did not say precisely how many people were wounded in the attack.

Earlier this week, the Afghan Taliban said they were doing everything in their power to either kill or kidnap Queen Elizabeth's grandson in what they dubbed their "Harry Operations."

Crighton said ISAF would investigate whether his presence on the base had motivated the attack.

A U.S. official told Reuters that an initial report estimated five Americans were wounded but added that the extent of their injuries was unclear. The official said that this was only an initial report and that the number could change.

Crighton said the attack took place between 9 p.m. and midnight on Friday and that NATO-led forces were still securing the area in and around Camp Bastion.

The motivation for the attack will undoubtedly come under scrutiny. Violence is sweeping the Muslim world over a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad, although the Pentagon earlier on Friday said protests in Afghanistan were so far peaceful.

© 2012 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

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  • Go out and kill two thousand rag heads and this stupidity will stop.

  • More violence from the "peace loving Muslims." Hillary had it wrong, it is the Muslims who are offending the world.

  • I believe Harry is a good bloke and certainly would throw a swell party....But!!!!
    He is not worth the life of a US Marine or any other US Trooper. Not now not ever!!!!!
    My comrades died in Vietnam thinking they were at least slowing down the spread of Communism.
    Our troops today are dying for Oil ,a pipeline that will never be secure, and to prop up the gangster Karzai.

  • Change Rules of Engagement to mean we come here to fight to win like Thomas Jefferson-he cut all foreign aid to Barbary Pirates, created the Marines from the ships at seas-to go on land and kill the enemy!

    OR get the hell out of wherever we are-either we go in attacking or we don't go in, we stay home and protect our borders with live ammo NOT bean-bag bullets like Brian Terry was ordered to use.

  • Quit saying the movie incited the violence.  The attacks were planned.

  • It does'nt matter about this stupid movie . The movie is just an excuse by our gov. To shut down free speech. These barbarians would attack for any and no reason at all.

  • "...“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”  -Ghengis Khan

    The last man to conquer all of Afghanistan.......That is what they understand..............that is how they must be addressed...


    Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis 

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