Fox Nation

The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday.

“They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News.

The network reported that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft observed the final hours of the hours-long siege on Sept. 11 — obtaining information that should have spurred swift action.

But as Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three colleagues were killed by terrorists armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, Defense Department officials were too slow to send in the troops, Berntsen said.

“They made zero adjustments in this. You find a way to make this happen,” he fumed.

“There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments.”

The Pentagon said it moved a team of special operators from Central Europe to Sigonella, Italy — about an hour flight from Libya — but gave no other details.

Fighter jets and Specter AC-130 gunships — which could have been used to help disperse the bloodthirsty mob — were also stationed at three nearby bases, sources told the network.

Read the full story at

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  • Obama and his surrogates and partisan hacks including Biden, Clinton, Clapper, Panetta, Petraeus (why hasn't he resigned to defend the dead), Bill Clinton, Susan Rice, Durbin, Carney allowed these men to live and die in a political hell-May all those in the obama cover-up burn in hell.

    Where was The Warthog??

    There are always contingency plans for anywhere in the world-THAT is what the military practices everyday SAC,MAC,TAC,Navy,Army, etc-unless this president has nullified all normal military activity in his 4 years. Whether in the States or Europe or Asian waters, military is always on the ready!

    • personally, i'd like to see them ALL on the end of a rope for a public hanging.

      • Martha I want a front row seat.


      • It would take a week to build a platform big enough to handle them all, but what a great sight it would be!

  • Just more proof that Obama has lied and lied once again. Hillary Clinton has lied. Ms. Rice has lied.

  • Nothing that this administration does is a surprise.  They care more for the terrorists than their own people.  Obama's hatred toward this country and its people is unreal yet he wants another 4 years to continue the destruction he has started in 2008. About half of the population can't or won't get it.  God bless us all and the United States of America.

    • I know that piece of trash in OUR w/h hates our guts and can't wait to take over OUR country.Martha you are so right. Have any of you heard about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who is still a prisioner of WAR since 6/20/2009?

      I cry so for OUR country and hate this feeling of hate. I can't believe our representatives in Wash. are sitting on their b...s, that is if they have any. How I wish we could get our beloved military to come home before the election.

      God save America.


    • I agree with you, Edie, but just a FYI tip... the American people are not "their own people". Even the sheeple that follow them blindly are not "their own people". Those will be the first to be throw under the bus, or more like, into the FEMA prisons since they will be more docile and manageable, lead by it's 'for their own good'.


      The book, Harbingers, and it's companion dvd, The Isaiah 9:10 Judgement, reveals the curse that was unknowingly declared on a rebellious America, as it was on early Israel. The Bible establishes the manner in which validation of a wrong doing is made: Deut. 19:15 - One witness shall not rise up  against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. This is also in Matt.18:16 and 2Cor. 13:1.

      First witness: Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, now gone from his political power, by his own hand.

      Second witness: Sen. John Edwards, now gone from his political power, by his own hand.

      Third witness: President Obama, his circumstances are pending.

      But THIS is where I pray the hardest, that God will reveal Obama's actions by his own hand to America and that he will bring about his own political demise. It's happening. It may seem slow, but by God's timing it may be moving very fast! Obama even wrote it on a steel beam during the construction at One World Trade Center Look in the photo gallery, photo 10, at the top of the article.


      As to our rebellious situation in America, I look to what happened in Jonah's time. He was sent to a rebellious city, Ninivah, to warn them of their pending destruction. Long story shortened, he told them to repent and they did and they were not destroyed! THIS is also part of my prayer, that we, as individuals and as a nation, can turn back to God and be saved from this judgement. We have a promise in Matt. 18:20. I believe in focused prayer, it works.

      Yes, God bless us all, God bless you and your household, Edie, and may we all make our prayers focused for our nation, established under God!

      Obama signs beam of One World Trade Center
      President Barack Obama visited New York's One World Trade Center Thursday to get an update on its growth and help prepare one of the finishing touche…
  • obummer wanted Stevens dead for some reason.

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