

CBS Evening News

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(CBS News) The strategy for getting U.S. forces out of Afghanistan depends on training Afghan soldiers and police to protect the country themselves, but on Monday the U.S. military suspended most joint field operations with Afghan forces because so many Americans are being killed by the men they are training.

Afghan government troops -- our allies -- have turned their guns on NATO forces 36 times this year, killing 51, most of them Americans. That is more attacks than the last two years combined.

The order effectively suspends "until further notice" most of the operations which U.S. and Afghan troops conduct side by side. At higher headquarters, Afghans and Americans will still work together, but in the field small unit operations putting Afghan soldiers alongside Americans -- the guts of the U.S. strategy to turn the fighting over to Afghans -- will be suspended unless an exception is granted by a commanding general.

The order was issued after a long weekend in which four American and two British troops were killed by so-called "insider attacks" -- Afghans turning their guns on their supposed allies.

After spate of "insider attacks," NATO lessens Afghan partnership
Anti-U.S. protests linger after deadly weekend of "insider attacks" in Afghanistan
4 U.S. troops killed in Afghan "insider attack"

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey called the surge in insider attacks "a very serious threat to the campaign."

In addition, two Marines were killed and eight fighter jets destroyed by enemy fighters who penetrated a heavily fortified base.

A Taliban video shot the morning after the attack on Camp Bastion shows smoke still rising from the most destructive enemy attack of the entire war. Just as disturbing is the fact the enemy was able to film this propaganda video, from just outside the base.

The attack began at 10 p.m. Friday night when a band of 15 enemy fighters somehow eluded detection by security cameras which scan the entire perimeter of Camp Bastion. Dressed in U.S. army uniforms, they cut their way through the outer wire and blew a hole through the base wall. Armed with automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenade launchers and suicide vests, they split into teams -- each going after a separate target. One went for the harrier jet fighters, another for the fueling stations, and a third for the helicopters. Within 30 minutes, the damage was done. A quick reaction force finally arrived and after a two-hour firefight, killed 14 attackers and wounded one who is now in custody.

One U.S. official put it simply: "We have got to do a better job at protecting our troops."

U.S. officials say that somewhere between 10 percent and 25 percent of the insider attacks are the work of enemy infiltrators. The rest are the result of personal insults and just plain cultural misunderstandings.

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  • AMEN! BRING 'EM home!! CUT all foreign aid to any country which tells us what to wear or do and tries to kill us!!!! How hard is this??? only needs finessing by elitists looking to keep their jobs and their bennies!

  • Either kill every muslim in Afghanistan or bring our troops home. These are our only options. These 7th Century barbarians revel in the "glories" of islam,and do not want to know anything else.The British learned this,the Russians learned this and now it's our turn. Let them go back to killing each other,it's what they do best.

    • You might be surprised but what you said, let them go back to killing each other, is exactly what they do best. Look up their history. It is outrageous how they, for centuries, have killed each other.

  • It is time to tell them, we have trained your army. Good luck. Bye. Nobody needs to tell anybody when we are leaving, but within 24 hours, we should be out of there, lock, stock and barrel, with all of our equipment. It can be done.

  • Barack Obama killed our warriors by sending his signals of weakness......withdrawal dates, catering to Muslims, apologizing as if we're the enemy.  Obama should be brought up on charges of malfeasance, abandoning his oath, subjecting our military to unreasonable danger, authorizing "rules of engagement" that gave the enemy the advantage.

    Barack Obama is not worth one single, minor drop of blood he has spilled of our warriors through his betraying behavior. He should be impeached, forthwith, never mind he has only a few months left in office. He is a disgrace, a threat to national security, and an embarassment to the world. Another politician turning victory into surrender in the eyes of the world.

    America at our lowest point was light years better than Barack Obama........our history will judge Barack Obama as an illegal, Muslim, traitor.


    • Harry,

       I am not so sure that was the signal. I think his signal was, I am going to bed, do not bother me for any reason. There is a good possibility that message got leaked to the right people.

  • Gosh...does this mean some of the higher-ups are getting it?  36 hits, 51 deaths this year!!!!!!  Is someone bucking "empty chair"?

  • Get our boys out and give them NO MORE MONEY,

    Carpet bombing to begin immediately and continue FOREVER!

  • A step in the right direction. Now load them and send them home where they belong.


  • Hussain is still going to give billions to Egypt after they stormed our embassy!  What does this tell you about Hussain.  He is a muslim communist and wants this country defeated and the muslims to take control and run this country!  VOTE THIS MUSLIM OUT!!!!!  Hussain also canceled joint military ops with Israel and instead is having them with Egypt!!!!  Ignoring our allies and supporting our enemy!!!!!!  Israel is getting ready to bomb Iran even without the US helping.  Several Americans are sending their families back to the states because they say, something is about to happen. 

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