Several people here have told me they are behind Russia in this war.
Others back Ukraine.
So who is right?
Was Russia justified in attacking Ukraine?
I actually really don't know the answer to that question.
We all know that Ukraine was corrupt, about as corrupt as any one nation could get.
Joe and Hunter Biden proved that.
So in that sense I guess - YES Putin and Russia WAS justified in their attack.
But are they still justified in continuing the war against the Ukrainian people?
I'm going to come down on the side of the people.
I would stand with the people against this Russian invasion.
The Ukrainian people were free, at least as free as anyone could expect to be in a place like Ukraine or Russia.
From all I can see the people simply want to be free. Free of all the corruption and dictatorship that people like Vladimire Putin can dish out.
Total control, no freedom to do anything. No freedom to own your own land, your house, Farm, or anything else.
And - YES, FREE from all of the corruption from their own damn government.