Make no mistake about it people, The Russia invasion of Ukraine is all Joe Biden and Brack Hussein Obama's fault.
Why? Because Obama wants it, and Joe Biden is too weak to stop it.
The world standing of the United states of America is now a laughting stock.
China is watching very closley. And they are getting ready to invade Taiwan.
All of this is due to the US showing complete and total weakness.
We will all suffer the consequences or this mess.
A world Democracy falls to Communism.
Is this their "New-World-Order"?
Are we headed to a one-world-Governance?
And don't forget the message Barack Obama sent to Validmere Putin " Tell Validmere I'll have more flexability after my reelection."
Is this what he meant?
Every red-blooded American that cares about their freedom and liberty. Anyone who cares at all about our American sovereignty and independence as a freed Constitutional REPUBLIC had better be ready to stand up and defend this nation, or we will surely loose it all.
Yes - Elections DO have consequences. And the world situation right now is one of them.
But this is only the beginning.
China Could View Russia's Ukraine Invasion as Test for Taiwan Battle
China IS watching what the US and the world does about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
They are increacingly emboldened by Biden's lack of any responce.
It's only a matter of time before they decide to invade Taiwan.
US sanctions against China could have devistating consequences here in America, and elseware around the world.
Trump to CPAC: 'No Idea of the Sleeping Giant They Have Awoken'
Trump to CPAC: 'No Idea of the Sleeping Giant They Have Awoken'
By Eric Mack | Saturday, 26 February 2022 07:19 PM
Using a World War II phrase as Russia is testing NATO in Europe, former President Donald Trump said the "sleeping giant" conservative MAGA movement has awoken.
"A major war in Europe may very well erupt; that's how they start, exactly what's happening today – this is how they start," Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday in Orlando, Florida. "Joe Biden has turned calm into chaos, competence into incompetence, stability into anarchy, and security into catastrophe.
"The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling; it's an outrage and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur, it never would have occurred.
"We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all."
Trump took direct aim at his predecessors for allowing Russia's Vladimir Putin to invade other countries.
"As everyone understands, this horrific disaster would never have happened if our election was not rigged, and if I was the president," Trump continued. "Very simple: It wouldn't have happened. Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine.
Putin's 40 miles of killing machines taunt Ukraine's capital: LIVE UPDATES
Putin says Ukraine belongs to Russia;
I thought Ukraine was a free and independant nation !!.
Vladimir Putin is nothing but a sawed-off bully, a little-man with a little-man syndrom.
The whole world should unit and put this POS down.
How will this invasion of Ukraine impact America and the free world?
Putin's ultimate goal is to take down America. He wants to start a World-War-III. And he thinks China will help him destroy America.
If he, or any other nation attack America, then he will learn a lesson that the world will never forget.
The same goes for China.
I hope but doubt that Joe Biden is up to the task of defending America. I doubt it. But Biden and crazy Kamala can be easily removed and replaced.
I hope these Democrats that stole the 2020 election have gotten what they wanted.