United Nations Agenda 21 programSustainable Development – A Brief AnalysisPublic Policy throughout America is implementing the global political‐economic programreferred to as Sustainable Development.Most Americans do not know or understand the integrated policy and philosophy ofSustainable Development.Sustainable Development is the Action plan being used across America and around the worldto implement the United Nations Agenda 21 program.Although the movement’s roots are much older, the United Nations, at its 1992 Earth Summitheld in Rio de Janeiro, publicly launched the global movement known as Agenda 21.The Secretary General of that ‘Earth Summit Conference,’Maurice Strong addressed the gathering and said the following:“...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class ‐ involving highmeat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburbanhousing are not sustainable.”178 nations were signatories to the 288 page Agenda 21.President George H. W. Bush signed on behalf of the United States.Since Agenda 21 was “soft law” and not a treaty, Congress had no role to perform.Instead, the cabinet agencies of the Executive branch of government were chargedwith implementing this ‘global to local’ program.In 1993, President Bill Clinton established, by executive order,The President’s Council on Sustainable Development.Since Clinton’s order, every cabinet agency has undertaken itsrole in advancing Agenda 21/Sustainable Development policy in the US.In summary, Sustainable Development seeks:• The step by step abolition of private property, primarily through theimplementation of the Wildlands Project and Smart Growth.• Education of youth to prepare them for global citizenship.• Control and ultimate reduction of human population.Sustainable Developers rally around the concepts within their “three E’s” symbol.The three E’s are Equity, Economy and Environment.• Equity means to restructure human nature and to enforce that restructureby shifting our system of justice from one that adheres to the principle ofequal justice and unalienable rights to one that implements the concept of“social justice.”• Economy means shifting from free enterprise to “public‐private partnerships.”It also means establishment of a global economy where goods “freely” crossnational borders in order to redistribute financial, natural and humanresources in order to equalize the income distribution within and between nations.• Environment means giving plants, animals and even inanimate objects statusequal to or even greater than the rights of human beings.To date Sustainable policy can be traced to many current issues including:• Smart Growth development standards in every metropolitan area within the United States;including a concentration of high rise living, “mixed use buildings,”“walkable communities” with mass transit such as light rail, and bicycle trails.• Implementation of the Wildlands Project, including the destruction of dams,the closure of roads, the prohibition of resource extraction including timberand oil, the reintroduction of wild animals, management of forest to allow catastrophic fire,centralized control over water and other mechanisms designed to force people intoSmart Growth communities.• Smart Growth and the Wildlands Project are designed to ultimately abolish private property.• An educational system operated from Washington mandates child assessmentin lieu of child testing. It is designed to lead children toward accepting global citizenship.• The development of technology and the passage of law that allows or mandates themonitoring of individual activity.An example is the use of biometrics, authorized by the federal Real ID Act.• The use of a funny money system where all money is created out of thin air byglobalist bankers. Money is issued to government, business and individuals as debtowing back to the globalist bankers.The concentration of profits from this world wide scam finance the conditions necessaryto advance Sustainable policy and world governance.Under Sustainable Development, the recognition of the Unalienable Rightto one’s life, liberty and property is lost.This war on freedom is a Global to Local one.America’s defense relies on a local response designed to generate national impact.Become Vocal Local!For more information go to:www.FreedomAdvocates.orgAgenda21, NWO, UN
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I don’t doubt anything this man says is “TRUE”. BUT, that does NOT mean that we should feel sorry for ourselves and just give up. “NEVER” ! As long as I can draw a breath of life, I will Fight these EVIL beings and Take as Many of THEM “OUT” as I can. I know “ALOT” of Patriots that feel the same way. “WHY” would we want to make it easier for “THEM” ? They are PURE EVIL and “GOD” wants us to Fight against EVIL in Any way/shape or form ! They may think that the Time for Them to Rule is Very Near … Maybe, but, Maybe NOT ! DEATH comes to us ALL. We are Mortal and death is a part of being Mortal. “THEY” Are also Mortal and will wilt & Die as well. They place themselves on High and Act as if they are “GODS”, but, I Assure you that They are “NOT”. It is NOT “THEY” who will decide what is to become of us, but, it IS for “GOD” to decide that and ONLY “GOD”. Walk with GOD and be on the side of “RIGHTEOUSNESS”, for Only Then will there be a “TRUE” Winner. Surround yourself with GOD & Goodness, because “ONLY” GOD knows the Outcome. NEVER SURRENDER … NEVER !!!!
The Plan, Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty
At the U.N. Summit at Rio in 1992, the Conference Secretary-General, Maurice Strong, said “Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialize…
Cindy says:I don’t doubt anything this man says is “TRUE”. BUT, that does NOT mean that we should feel sorry for ourselves and just give up. “NEVER” ! As long as I can draw a breath of life, I will Fight these EVIL beings and Take as Many of THEM “OUT” as I can. I know “ALOT” of Patriots that feel the same way. “WHY” would we want to make it easier for “THEM” ? They are PURE EVIL and “GOD” wants us to Fight against EVIL in Any way/shape or form ! They may think that the Time for Them to Rule is Very Near … Maybe, but, Maybe NOT ! DEATH comes to us ALL. We are Mortal and death is a part of being Mortal. “THEY” Are also Mortal and will wilt & Die as well. They place themselves on High and Act as if they are “GODS”, but, I Assure you that They are “NOT”. It is NOT “THEY” who will decide what is to become of us, but, it IS for “GOD” to decide that and ONLY “GOD”. Walk with GOD and be on the side of “RIGHTEOUSNESS”, for Only Then will there be a “TRUE” Winner. Surround yourself with GOD & Goodness, because “ONLY” GOD knows the Outcome. NEVER SURRENDER … NEVER !!!!