Have been corresponding with Terry who if you don’t know was imprisoned for trying to convene a common law grand jury to expose corruption in Florida where he lives. The justice system has been anything but fair to Terry. His Faith in G-d is sustaining him and he meets and studies regularly with other Christians. I’ve created an interest amount the inmates there to begging to study the Hebraic roots of their faith. There is even a Messianic Jew who is giving them Hebrew lessons. Like Terry said In His letter, “when the student is ready, the teacher will come “. Anyway, I’m sure Terry won’t mind me bringing us all up to speed so I’m going to type his words verbatim. On Oct. 2, we received the Attorney Generals (a/g) response to our appellate brief. What a mess! The A/G ignored all the rules. Too many pages, font size too small, all kinds of misstatements, type O’s confusing sentence structure, and outright lies. We were denied our request to enlarge our brief. But the DCA allowed the A/G their motion to enlarge theirs. We see this as a good thing; it speeds up the process, and the A/G’s stupid errors just makes ours more impactful.In the meantime, our certiorari (cert) petition is moving through the DCA, with their descision due Nov. 13. All of this has kept us busy reading, writing, analyzing, discussing. I cert (not sure what he meant here)... could overturn my verdict and out of prison. As a result, I am subject to being sent back to county jail (a bad thing), but would be greatly reduced (a good thing) an I could go home (a very good thing!), while state deciedes they will, or will not, retry me. We don’t believe they will. We also have two old issues we could not get the trial court to recognize: my immunity from prosecution, as a grand juror and the fact that I had already been tried for the same offense (double jeopardy). The first time I was tried for these offenses, it was by the chief judge of my circuit. I was found guilty of (annoying the states attorney) the s/a’s complaints, and sentenced to be removed from the grand jury for my crimes.The judge (a different one) refused to recognize my grand jury immunity, after I was arrested for my second trial. When I entered a motion challenging the courts jurisdiction (my immunity and the prior adjudication on the same offenses), the judge refused to hear it, and denied the motion. Our courts are filled with outlaws!! My only hope (other than G-d l, and that’s all that we really need, right?) is, there is a small remnant of integrity left in the appellate court, we shall soon see. Then he goes on to talk with me about some personal things.Terry’s a good man an honest man, a Christian and a Veteran. Keep him in your prayers. He appreciates all our support and all the steadfast friends he’s made through his journey through this de facto legal system that they say is fair and just. If you would like to write him I’m sure he’d love to hear from you. Terry Trussell I15405RMC West H1143sPO Box 628Lake Butler, Florida 32054
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Oh my God Mr. Regan, Thank you for that update on Terry. I am really glad to hear that you are communicating with him. Terry Trussell is one of the finest people I have ever met., One of the truly GOOD people on this earth. I suppose that is what makes him such a threat to these corrupt politicians and crooked judges.
I have also been communicating with him and I did hear about his attempts for legal hearings, I did not hear anything about what the AG said or what their decisions were.
I suppose I should restrain from saying what I would really like to do with that judge and their corruption crap. If anyone ever reads any of this stuff it wouldn't help Terry very much. I have written a few letters to A.G. Sessions about Terry Trussell's case but I guess we see how far that has gotten. If there is anyone left here on this PFA - Please consider writing Terry a short letter. He needs desperately to know that he still has friends out here.
Here is the address again: and please pay attention, the number at his name starts with the letter I - not the number one.
Terry Trussell - I15405 RMC West H1143s PO Box 628 Lake Butler, Fl. 32054
“When I was in prison you visited me...”
“As you’ve done to the least one of these, you done it unto me” Jesus....
Please, those of you who say you know G-d remember these worlds of Jesus when you think of Terry.
Old Rooster your right... Terry had the courage to speak out unfortunately many on the right including the church are silent (like what’s happening on this site). Again, “silence equals consent”. The left is doing all the talking, making all the moves. They don’t want us to speak, to debate. They cry for their freedoms while denying ours, and heaven help you if you not only don’t agree but also while heartily go along with their perversions in all areas. Their in truth their the modern day Nazi party, because they know they can only get you to go along if they transform our government into and oppressive totalitarian form of government.
If you are frustrated and you wonder what you can do.... look at Terry... he’s a G-d given example... he not only spoke out, he acted on his words. Jesus didn’t just say believe in me, he also said you must “follow me”, that takes commitment, that takes action. If you’ve grown tired of talking among us here, I understand your frustrations, G-d has given you another example :Old Rooster, follow his lead, write letters, start petitions, get active. Look... I’ve been praying for a long time that what’s being done in the dark will be brought into the light. It’s starting to happen in the halls of government, in the courts, in the schools, in Hollywood. Their being brought out into the light for the sick, perverted, deceived people that they are.
Realize this.,. There is no capitulation, not peace treaty that will cause the left to cease trying to destroy America. They are like the Palestinians, they don’t just want the land, they want Israel dead, pushed into the sea. That’s what the left wants from us. We cannot yield one acre of ground. It’s not the ground they desire to own, it’s You they desire to consume, were in their way, were a thorn in their flesh, were an obstacle to the agenda. Their like the earlier settlers in America...the government said the only solution to the Indian problem was their total destruction. If you don’t believe me you don’t know your American history, and I can post a factual documentary if you ask. This Nation has blood on its hands and if we don’t fight to correct it’s wrongs who on earth will! G-d? Don’t count on it, G-d will not help a person, a people OR a nation that has not only turned their back on Him but doesn’t even want Him mentioned.
If your too weak to do anything, please at least write to Terry, he just turned 74, he too is tired, but he’s fighting the good fight of faith. If looking at Terry doesn’t convict our hearts for not trying to do more... then we have no hearts.
“You have a Republic Madam,
If you can keep it”
Benjamin Franklin..
Oh one more thing and then I’ll shut up!
We are not a Christian Nation, we are a nation with some Christians living in it.
If you know anything about how G-d operates, if not read the book... if you do you know it’s not a matter of if G-d is going to judge America, it’s a matter of when. Personally I believe He’s withholding His hand of judgement because many intercessors are standing in the “gap” pleading with G-d to withhold His judgement until we can reap a harvest of souls into the Kingdom. But while we pray for a harvest we must also contend with our unjust government and those who seek to destroy us. We must be active on both fronts.
Many of you believe were in the last days. If that is true, do you think you were born in this time by coincidence? There are no coincidences with G-d. All the Prophets and Apostles, all believers of days past looked to this day. We’re here for a reason, we’ve been selected as the generation who will see the termination of all things as we know it. Better find out what your part to play is....
The sooner the better...
News from Terry Trussell:
Terry says to thank you all and my daily prayer group for praying for him. Terry’s doing well, he continues to study G-d’s Word and he loves the books I suggested he read. He says from what he’s heard in the media “We have slipped further down the road to self-destruction and of course it’s Trumps fault”. But he said what he’s hearing from the outside were taking baby steps toward salvation. He said he’s been a proponent of the “fair tax” since the days of Neil Boortz.
Here’s what he said about our working on national problems that I think we need to hear. He was admonished by his congressman, Ted Young, in D.C. with Col. Riley at the Capital Hill club, clean up your own city, and county first, then maybe we can clean up our states. Until we accomplish that we don’t have a chance to clean up our country. He also said after he heard that he tried and ended up in jail, but he says it was a good thing as he can tell others the mistakes he made.
He says the way things are progressing he’ll be out soon.
Please don’t forget Terry.. he’s one of the few who actually took the bull by the horns and the bull didn’t like it! The bulls not dead yet but neither is Terry and neither are we.
Oh my God Mr. Regan, Thank you for that update on Terry.
I am really glad to hear that you are communicating with him.
Terry Trussell is one of the finest people I have ever met., One of the truly GOOD people on this earth.
I suppose that is what makes him such a threat to these corrupt politicians and crooked judges.
I have also been communicating with him and I did hear about his attempts for legal hearings, I did not hear anything about what the AG said or what their decisions were.
I suppose I should restrain from saying what I would really like to do with that judge and their corruption crap. If anyone ever reads any of this stuff it wouldn't help Terry very much.
I have written a few letters to A.G. Sessions about Terry Trussell's case but I guess we see how far that has gotten.
If there is anyone left here on this PFA - Please consider writing Terry a short letter. He needs desperately to know that he still has friends out here.
Here is the address again: and please pay attention, the number at his name starts with the letter I - not the number one.
Terry Trussell - I15405
RMC West H1143s
PO Box 628
Lake Butler, Fl. 32054
Thanks Michael, Much appreciated.
“As you’ve done to the least one of these, you done it unto me” Jesus....
Please, those of you who say you know G-d remember these worlds of Jesus when you think of Terry.
Old Rooster your right... Terry had the courage to speak out unfortunately many on the right including the church are silent (like what’s happening on this site). Again, “silence equals consent”. The left is doing all the talking, making all the moves. They don’t want us to speak, to debate. They cry for their freedoms while denying ours, and heaven help you if you not only don’t agree but also while heartily go along with their perversions in all areas. Their in truth their the modern day Nazi party, because they know they can only get you to go along if they transform our government into and oppressive totalitarian form of government.
If you are frustrated and you wonder what you can do.... look at Terry... he’s a G-d given example... he not only spoke out, he acted on his words. Jesus didn’t just say believe in me, he also said you must “follow me”, that takes commitment, that takes action. If you’ve grown tired of talking among us here, I understand your frustrations, G-d has given you another example :Old Rooster, follow his lead, write letters, start petitions, get active. Look... I’ve been praying for a long time that what’s being done in the dark will be brought into the light. It’s starting to happen in the halls of government, in the courts, in the schools, in Hollywood. Their being brought out into the light for the sick, perverted, deceived people that they are.
Realize this.,. There is no capitulation, not peace treaty that will cause the left to cease trying to destroy America. They are like the Palestinians, they don’t just want the land, they want Israel dead, pushed into the sea. That’s what the left wants from us. We cannot yield one acre of ground. It’s not the ground they desire to own, it’s You they desire to consume, were in their way, were a thorn in their flesh, were an obstacle to the agenda. Their like the earlier settlers in America...the government said the only solution to the Indian problem was their total destruction. If you don’t believe me you don’t know your American history, and I can post a factual documentary if you ask. This Nation has blood on its hands and if we don’t fight to correct it’s wrongs who on earth will! G-d? Don’t count on it, G-d will not help a person, a people OR a nation that has not only turned their back on Him but doesn’t even want Him mentioned.
If your too weak to do anything, please at least write to Terry, he just turned 74, he too is tired, but he’s fighting the good fight of faith. If looking at Terry doesn’t convict our hearts for not trying to do more... then we have no hearts.
“You have a Republic Madam,
If you can keep it”
Benjamin Franklin..
We are not a Christian Nation, we are a nation with some Christians living in it.
If you know anything about how G-d operates, if not read the book... if you do you know it’s not a matter of if G-d is going to judge America, it’s a matter of when. Personally I believe He’s withholding His hand of judgement because many intercessors are standing in the “gap” pleading with G-d to withhold His judgement until we can reap a harvest of souls into the Kingdom. But while we pray for a harvest we must also contend with our unjust government and those who seek to destroy us. We must be active on both fronts.
Many of you believe were in the last days. If that is true, do you think you were born in this time by coincidence? There are no coincidences with G-d. All the Prophets and Apostles, all believers of days past looked to this day. We’re here for a reason, we’ve been selected as the generation who will see the termination of all things as we know it. Better find out what your part to play is....
The sooner the better...
Terry says to thank you all and my daily prayer group for praying for him. Terry’s doing well, he continues to study G-d’s Word and he loves the books I suggested he read. He says from what he’s heard in the media “We have slipped further down the road to self-destruction and of course it’s Trumps fault”. But he said what he’s hearing from the outside were taking baby steps toward salvation. He said he’s been a proponent of the “fair tax” since the days of Neil Boortz.
Here’s what he said about our working on national problems that I think we need to hear. He was admonished by his congressman, Ted Young, in D.C. with Col. Riley at the Capital Hill club, clean up your own city, and county first, then maybe we can clean up our states. Until we accomplish that we don’t have a chance to clean up our country. He also said after he heard that he tried and ended up in jail, but he says it was a good thing as he can tell others the mistakes he made.
He says the way things are progressing he’ll be out soon.
Please don’t forget Terry.. he’s one of the few who actually took the bull by the horns and the bull didn’t like it! The bulls not dead yet but neither is Terry and neither are we.